Sum-PCB and sum-DDT (ng/g lw) in Arctic cod liver, 1994-95

Sum-PCB and sum-DDT (ng/g lw) in Arctic cod liver, 1994-95
Sum-PCB and sum-DDT (ng/g lw) in Arctic cod liver, 1994-95

PCB and toxaphene (ng/g ww) in zooplankton from the transpolar cruise of the Arctic Ocean, July-September 1994

PCB and toxaphene (ng/g ww) in zooplankton from the transpolar cruise of the Arctic Ocean, July-September 1994
PCB and toxaphene (ng/g ww) in zooplankton from the transpolar cruise of the Arctic Ocean, July-September 1994

Geographical trends of PCB and DDT in harp seals from Arctic waters Vertical bars represent arithmetic means ± SD of combined results for males and females The SD has been estimated from the range in some cases

Geographical trends of PCB and DDT in harp seals from Arctic waters Vertical bars represent arithmetic means ± SD of combined results for males and females The SD has been estimated from the range in [..]
Geographical trends of PCB and DDT in harp seals from Arctic waters Vertical bars represent arithmetic means ± SD of combined results for males and females The SD has been estimated from the range in some cases

Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in whales from Greenland waters

Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in whales from Greenland waters
Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in whales from Greenland waters

Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of reindeer herders in northern and central Norway, Arctic Finland, and Sweden

Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of reindeer herders in northern and central Norway, Arctic Finland, and Sweden
Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of reindeer herders in northern and central Norway, Arctic Finland, and Sweden

Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in seals from Greenland waters

Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in seals from Greenland waters
Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in seals from Greenland waters

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Finland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Finland
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Finland

Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of Russian reindeer herders

Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of Russian reindeer herders
Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of Russian reindeer herders

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Finland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Finland
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Finland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Greenland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Greenland
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Greenland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Greenland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Greenland
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Greenland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Canada

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Canada
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Canada

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Canada

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Canada
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Canada

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Russia

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Russia
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Russia

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of eastern Arctic Russia

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of eastern Arctic Russia
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of eastern Arctic Russia

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