SMART model results for selected soil and lake output variables at Christmas lakes for the past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70% and 95% reduction of the present sulfur deposition levels

SMART model results for selected soil and lake output variables at Christmas lakes for the past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70% and 95% reduction of the present sulfur [..]
SMART model results for selected soil and lake output variables at Christmas lakes for the past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70% and 95% reduction of the present sulfur deposition levels

MAGIC model results for the streamwater at Dalelva for the past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70%, and 95% reduction of the present sulfur deposition levels

MAGIC model results for the streamwater at Dalelva for the past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70%, and 95% reduction of the present sulfur deposition levels
MAGIC model results for the streamwater at Dalelva for the past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70%, and 95% reduction of the present sulfur deposition levels

Monthly snow cover anomalies over northern hemispheric lands (including Greenland) between January 1972 and August 1995 Also shown are the 12-month running anomalies of hemispheric snow extent, plotted on the seventh month of a given interval

Monthly snow cover anomalies over northern hemispheric lands (including Greenland) between January 1972 and August 1995 Also shown are the 12-month running anomalies of hemispheric snow extent, [..]
Monthly snow cover anomalies over northern hemispheric lands (including Greenland) between January 1972 and August 1995 Also shown are the 12-month running anomalies of hemispheric snow extent, plotted on the seventh month of a given interval

Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery

Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery
Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery

History of temperature changes in central Greenland over the last 40 000 years, from the GISP2 core, showing very large and probably abrupt changes

History of temperature changes in central Greenland over the last 40 000 years, from the GISP2 core, showing very large and probably abrupt changes
History of temperature changes in central Greenland over the last 40 000 years, from the GISP2 core, showing very large and probably abrupt changes

History of snow accumulation in central Greenland during the most recent glaciation, as measured in the GISP2 core The 25-year running mean, represented in all panels, shows very large and rapid climate changes

History of snow accumulation in central Greenland during the most recent glaciation, as measured in the GISP2 core The 25-year running mean, represented in all panels, shows very large and rapid [..]
History of snow accumulation in central Greenland during the most recent glaciation, as measured in the GISP2 core The 25-year running mean, represented in all panels, shows very large and rapid climate changes

Trends in (annual average) ozone mixing ratio over Canada from 1980 to 1993

Trends in (annual average) ozone mixing ratio over Canada from 1980 to 1993
Trends in (annual average) ozone mixing ratio over Canada from 1980 to 1993

Body burdens of radiocaesium (yearly averages) across the Canadian Arctic

Body burdens of radiocaesium (yearly averages) across the Canadian Arctic
Body burdens of radiocaesium (yearly averages) across the Canadian Arctic

Concentration (pg/g dw) profiles for octachlorodioxin (OCDD) and total PCDD/Fs in dated sediment cores from Arctic Canada and Finland Sum-PCDD/Fs = sum of 2,3,7,8-substituted tetra- to octachloro D/Fs plus non-2,3,7,8-substituted congeners

Concentration (pg/g dw) profiles for octachlorodioxin (OCDD) and total PCDD/Fs in dated sediment cores from Arctic Canada and Finland Sum-PCDD/Fs = sum of 2,3,7,8-substituted tetra- to octachloro D/Fs [..]
Concentration (pg/g dw) profiles for octachlorodioxin (OCDD) and total PCDD/Fs in dated sediment cores from Arctic Canada and Finland Sum-PCDD/Fs = sum of 2,3,7,8-substituted tetra- to octachloro D/Fs plus non-2,3,7,8-substituted congeners

Comparison of the predicted flux of 137Cs in milk and reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Comparison of the predicted flux of 137Cs in milk and reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2
Comparison of the predicted flux of 137Cs in milk and reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Relative 137Cs output in foodstuffs from the different Arctic Norwegian counties in the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Relative 137Cs output in foodstuffs from the different Arctic Norwegian counties in the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2
Relative 137Cs output in foodstuffs from the different Arctic Norwegian counties in the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

The comparative importance of different foodstuffs as sources of 137Cs for the three Arctic Norwegian counties over the 1-year and 50-year period following an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

The comparative importance of different foodstuffs as sources of 137Cs for the three Arctic Norwegian counties over the 1-year and 50-year period following an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2
The comparative importance of different foodstuffs as sources of 137Cs for the three Arctic Norwegian counties over the 1-year and 50-year period following an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Spatial trends in the net flux from reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Spatial trends in the net flux from reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2
Spatial trends in the net flux from reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

The relative contribution to the 137Cs content of the diet of the ‘selected’ population of various Arctic areas for the period 1990 to 1994

The relative contribution to the 137Cs content of the diet of the ‘selected’ population of various Arctic areas for the period 1990 to 1994
The relative contribution to the 137Cs content of the diet of the ‘selected’ population of various Arctic areas for the period 1990 to 1994

Estimated source of dietary intake of 137Cs by various indigenous population groups in different regions of Arctic Russia in 1993, and the AMAP region as a whole

Estimated source of dietary intake of 137Cs by various indigenous population groups in different regions of Arctic Russia in 1993, and the AMAP region as a whole
Estimated source of dietary intake of 137Cs by various indigenous population groups in different regions of Arctic Russia in 1993, and the AMAP region as a whole

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