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Changes with time in (weight adjusted, geometric mean) concentrations of Hg in muscle tissue of pike (Esox lucius) in Sweden

Changes with time in (weight adjusted, geometric mean) concentrations of Hg in muscle tissue of pike (Esox lucius) in Sweden
Changes with time in (weight adjusted, geometric mean) concentrations of Hg in muscle tissue of pike (Esox lucius) in Sweden

Changes with time in activity concentration of 137Cs in Finnish rivers

Changes with time in activity concentration of 137Cs in Finnish rivers
Changes with time in activity concentration of 137Cs in Finnish rivers

Changes with time in activity concentration of 90Sr in Russian and Finnish rivers

Changes with time in activity concentration of 90Sr in Russian and Finnish rivers
Changes with time in activity concentration of 90Sr in Russian and Finnish rivers

Concentration (pg/g dw) profiles for octachlorodioxin (OCDD) and total PCDD/Fs in dated sediment cores from Arctic Canada and Finland Sum-PCDD/Fs = sum of 2,3,7,8-substituted tetra- to octachloro D/Fs plus non-2,3,7,8-substituted congeners

Concentration (pg/g dw) profiles for octachlorodioxin (OCDD) and total PCDD/Fs in dated sediment cores from Arctic Canada and Finland Sum-PCDD/Fs = sum of 2,3,7,8-substituted tetra- to octachloro D/Fs [..]
Concentration (pg/g dw) profiles for octachlorodioxin (OCDD) and total PCDD/Fs in dated sediment cores from Arctic Canada and Finland Sum-PCDD/Fs = sum of 2,3,7,8-substituted tetra- to octachloro D/Fs plus non-2,3,7,8-substituted congeners
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