Flux of HCH and sum-PCB (sum of 10 congeners) in precipitation at Heimaey Island, Iceland

Flux of HCH and sum-PCB (sum of 10 congeners) in precipitation at Heimaey Island, Iceland
Flux of HCH and sum-PCB (sum of 10 congeners) in precipitation at Heimaey Island, Iceland

Comparison of sum-PCB concentrations in seal blubber from various Arctic regions with results from the same species in temperate waters Vertical bars represent means and the horizontal bars the standard deviation, where available

Comparison of sum-PCB concentrations in seal blubber from various Arctic regions with results from the same species in temperate waters Vertical bars represent means and the horizontal bars the [..]
Comparison of sum-PCB concentrations in seal blubber from various Arctic regions with results from the same species in temperate waters Vertical bars represent means and the horizontal bars the standard deviation, where available

Temporal trends in OC levels (ng/g lw) in reindeer from Abisko, Sweden Levels are usually based on a pool of 10 samples

Temporal trends in OC levels (ng/g lw) in reindeer from Abisko, Sweden Levels are usually based on a pool of 10 samples
Temporal trends in OC levels (ng/g lw) in reindeer from Abisko, Sweden Levels are usually based on a pool of 10 samples

Sum-PCB (ng/g ww) in Arctic animals as food items compared to no-effect-concentrations (NOAEC) and environmental quality guidelines for protecting fish-eating/aquatic wildlife (1 Baril et al 1990, 2 USEPA 1995,

Sum-PCB (ng/g ww) in Arctic animals as food items compared to no-effect-concentrations (NOAEC) and environmental quality guidelines for protecting fish-eating/aquatic wildlife (1 Baril et al 1990, 2 [..]
Sum-PCB (ng/g ww) in Arctic animals as food items compared to no-effect-concentrations (NOAEC) and environmental quality guidelines for protecting fish-eating/aquatic wildlife (1 Baril et al 1990, 2 USEPA 1995,

Concentrations of sum-PCB (µg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Barron et al 1995, 2 Giesy et al 1994b, 3 Bosveld and Van den Berg 1994)

Concentrations of sum-PCB (µg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Barron et al 1995, 2 Giesy et al 1994b, 3 Bosveld and Van den Berg 1994)
Concentrations of sum-PCB (µg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Barron et al 1995, 2 Giesy et al 1994b, 3 Bosveld and Van den Berg 1994)

Sum-DDT (ng/g ww) in Arctic animals as food items compared to no-effect-concentrations (NOAEC) and environmental quality guidelines for protecting fish-eating/aquatic wildlife (1 Baril et al 1990, 2 USEPA 1995,

Sum-DDT (ng/g ww) in Arctic animals as food items compared to no-effect-concentrations (NOAEC) and environmental quality guidelines for protecting fish-eating/aquatic wildlife (1 Baril et al 1990, 2 [..]
Sum-DDT (ng/g ww) in Arctic animals as food items compared to no-effect-concentrations (NOAEC) and environmental quality guidelines for protecting fish-eating/aquatic wildlife (1 Baril et al 1990, 2 USEPA 1995,

Age accumulation of Hg in liver of polar bears from different Arctic regions

Age accumulation of Hg in liver of polar bears from different Arctic regions
Age accumulation of Hg in liver of polar bears from different Arctic regions

Concentrations of PCB congeners in cord plasma from Nunavik and southern Quebec newborns

Concentrations of PCB congeners in cord plasma from Nunavik and southern Quebec newborns
Concentrations of PCB congeners in cord plasma from Nunavik and southern Quebec newborns

Organochlorine intake from traditional food consumed by indigenous women in the Canadian Arctic

Organochlorine intake from traditional food consumed by indigenous women in the Canadian Arctic
Organochlorine intake from traditional food consumed by indigenous women in the Canadian Arctic

Exceedance of blood guideline values for mercury, lead and PCBs in mothers and women of child-bearing age in different populations in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia and the United States (Alaska)

Exceedance of blood guideline values for mercury, lead and PCBs in mothers and women of child-bearing age in different populations in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia and the United States (Alaska)
Exceedance of blood guideline values for mercury, lead and PCBs in mothers and women of child-bearing age in different populations in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia and the United States (Alaska)

Surface ocean currents in the Arctic

Surface ocean currents in the Arctic
Surface ocean currents in the Arctic

Conceptual model of the coastal zone and marine environments showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere

Conceptual model of the coastal zone and marine environments showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere
Conceptual model of the coastal zone and marine environments showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere

Basic circulation and salinity distribution in salt wedge, partially-mixed, well-mixed and fjord-type estuaries as defined by Wollast and Duinker (1982) Numbers and shading show salinity values

Basic circulation and salinity distribution in salt wedge, partially-mixed, well-mixed and fjord-type estuaries as defined by Wollast and Duinker (1982) Numbers and shading show salinity values
Basic circulation and salinity distribution in salt wedge, partially-mixed, well-mixed and fjord-type estuaries as defined by Wollast and Duinker (1982) Numbers and shading show salinity values

Sketch of main circulation pattern in a fjord

Sketch of main circulation pattern in a fjord
Sketch of main circulation pattern in a fjord

Illustration of water, sediment and nutrient cycling in estuaries Freshwater flows outward, transporting sediments, plankton and also contaminants Material that sinks into the inflowing seawater may be trapped in the estuary

Illustration of water, sediment and nutrient cycling in estuaries Freshwater flows outward, transporting sediments, plankton and also contaminants Material that sinks into the inflowing seawater may [..]
Illustration of water, sediment and nutrient cycling in estuaries Freshwater flows outward, transporting sediments, plankton and also contaminants Material that sinks into the inflowing seawater may be trapped in the estuary

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