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Age structure of Alaska indigenous, Alaska total, and United States total populations, 1980

Age structure of Alaska indigenous, Alaska total, and United States total populations, 1980
Age structure of Alaska indigenous, Alaska total, and United States total populations, 1980

Age structure of the indigenous population of Arctic Canada, by ethnicity

Age structure of the indigenous population of Arctic Canada, by ethnicity
Age structure of the indigenous population of Arctic Canada, by ethnicity

Age structure of the Arctic population of the Russian Federation, % of the total population, by region, 1993

Age structure of the Arctic population of the Russian Federation, % of the total population, by region, 1993
Age structure of the Arctic population of the Russian Federation, % of the total population, by region, 1993

Populations by place of residence in Arctic Russia, according to the 1989 Census Populations by place of residence in Arctic Russia, according to the 1989 Census

Populations by place of residence in Arctic Russia, according to the 1989 Census Populations by place of residence in Arctic Russia, according to the 1989 Census
Populations by place of residence in Arctic Russia, according to the 1989 Census
Populations by place of residence in Arctic Russia, according to the 1989 Census

Total and indigenous populations of Greenland, by municipality, 1994

Total and indigenous populations of Greenland, by municipality, 1994
Total and indigenous populations of Greenland, by municipality, 1994

Total and indigenous populations of Arctic Canada

Total and indigenous populations of Arctic Canada
Total and indigenous populations of Arctic Canada

Total and indigenous populations of the Arctic, by Arctic area of each country (the data from Russia are for the indigenous minority population)

Total and indigenous populations of the Arctic, by Arctic area of each country (the data from Russia are for the indigenous minority population)
Total and indigenous populations of the Arctic, by Arctic area of each country (the data from Russia are for the indigenous minority population)

Total and indigenous populations of Arctic Alaska, by Native Regional Corporation region

Total and indigenous populations of Arctic Alaska, by Native Regional Corporation region
Total and indigenous populations of Arctic Alaska, by Native Regional Corporation region

Total and Saami populations of Arctic areas of Fennoscandia (based on national census data)

Total and Saami populations of Arctic areas of Fennoscandia (based on national census data)
Total and Saami populations of Arctic areas of Fennoscandia (based on national census data)

Total and indigenous minority populations in the Arctic area of the Russian Federation, by region, according to the 1989 Census

Total and indigenous minority populations in the Arctic area of the Russian Federation, by region, according to the 1989 Census
Total and indigenous minority populations in the Arctic area of the Russian Federation, by region, according to the 1989 Census

Locations and ethnicity of populations included in AMAP human health studies

Locations and ethnicity of populations included in AMAP human health studies
Locations and ethnicity of populations included in AMAP human health studies

Comparison of concentrations of sum of PBDEs in two Quebec populations

Comparison of concentrations of sum of PBDEs in two Quebec populations
Comparison of concentrations of sum of PBDEs in two Quebec populations

Common causes of death in some Arctic populations, 2000 – 2004

Common causes of death in some Arctic populations, 2000 – 2004
Common causes of death in some Arctic populations, 2000 – 2004

Locations and ethnicity of populations included in AMAP human health studies

Locations and ethnicity of populations included in AMAP human health studies
Locations and ethnicity of populations included in AMAP human health studies

Exceedance of blood guideline values for mercury, lead and PCBs in mothers and women of child-bearing age in different populations in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia and the United States (Alaska)

Exceedance of blood guideline values for mercury, lead and PCBs in mothers and women of child-bearing age in different populations in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia and the United States (Alaska)
Exceedance of blood guideline values for mercury, lead and PCBs in mothers and women of child-bearing age in different populations in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia and the United States (Alaska)
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