Estimates of emissions of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg and Pb to the atmosphere from major source categories in Canada in 1982 Numbers under the columns are emissions in tonnes per year

Estimates of emissions of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg and Pb to the atmosphere from major source categories in Canada in 1982 Numbers under the columns are emissions in tonnes per year
Estimates of emissions of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg and Pb to the atmosphere from major source categories in Canada in 1982 Numbers under the columns are emissions in tonnes per year

Emissions of As, Cd, Ni and Zn to the atmosphere from major sources in the former Soviet Union in 1979/80

Emissions of As, Cd, Ni and Zn to the atmosphere from major sources in the former Soviet Union in 1979/80
Emissions of As, Cd, Ni and Zn to the atmosphere from major sources in the former Soviet Union in 1979/80

Major point sources (non-ferrous metal smelters) of Pb to the atmosphere in the Urals and the Asian part of the former Soviet Union

Major point sources (non-ferrous metal smelters) of Pb to the atmosphere in the Urals and the Asian part of the former Soviet Union
Major point sources (non-ferrous metal smelters) of Pb to the atmosphere in the Urals and the Asian part of the former Soviet Union

The relative importance of different branches of industry in discharges of Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn to the aquatic environment from major point sources in the European Community (EC)

The relative importance of different branches of industry in discharges of Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn to the aquatic environment from major point sources in the European Community (EC)
The relative importance of different branches of industry in discharges of Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn to the aquatic environment from major point sources in the European Community (EC)

(a) Critical loads of acidity expressed as sulfur (5th percentile presented for each grid) for lakes in northern Fennoscandia and surface waters on Svalbard, and (b) their exceedance (95th percentile)

(a) Critical loads of acidity expressed as sulfur (5th percentile presented for each grid) for lakes in northern Fennoscandia and surface waters on Svalbard, and (b) their exceedance (95th percentile)
(a) Critical loads of acidity expressed as sulfur (5th percentile presented for each grid) for lakes in northern Fennoscandia and surface waters on Svalbard, and (b) their exceedance (95th percentile)

Distribution of radioactivity (PCi/L) in the surface layer of the ocean after ten years of simulation of Preller's model Source locations are the Ob, Yenisey and Pechora Rivers, as well as Sellafield

Distribution of radioactivity (PCi/L) in the surface layer of the ocean after ten years of simulation of Preller's model Source locations are the Ob, Yenisey and Pechora Rivers, as well as Sellafield
Distribution of radioactivity (PCi/L) in the surface layer of the ocean after ten years of simulation of Prellers model Source locations are the Ob, Yenisey and Pechora Rivers, as well as Sellafield

Yearly and depth-averaged concentrations (Bq/m3) of 137Cs after 6 years from Harms' model The sources are instantaneous releases of 1 PBq from the dump sites in Abrosimov Bay, Stepovogo Bay, Tsivolky Bay, and Novaya Zemlya Trough

Yearly and depth-averaged concentrations (Bq/m3) of 137Cs after 6 years from Harms' model The sources are instantaneous releases of 1 PBq from the dump sites in Abrosimov Bay, Stepovogo Bay, Tsivolky [..]
Yearly and depth-averaged concentrations (Bq/m3) of 137Cs after 6 years from Harms model The sources are instantaneous releases of 1 PBq from the dump sites in Abrosimov Bay, Stepovogo Bay, Tsivolky Bay, and Novaya Zemlya Trough

Vertically integrated tracer burden shown after 15 years Units are burden per unit surface area, normalized by cumulative release Bottom topography is in meters; a) no neptune, centered difference, and b) neptune, flux-corrected transport

Vertically integrated tracer burden shown after 15 years Units are burden per unit surface area, normalized by cumulative release Bottom topography is in meters; a) no neptune, centered difference, [..]
Vertically integrated tracer burden shown after 15 years Units are burden per unit surface area, normalized by cumulative release Bottom topography is in meters; a) no neptune, centered difference, and b) neptune, flux-corrected transport

Conceptual model of the terrestrial/freshwater compartment showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere and oceans

Conceptual model of the terrestrial/freshwater compartment showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere and oceans
Conceptual model of the terrestrial/freshwater compartment showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere and oceans

Conceptual model of the coastal zone and marine environments showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere

Conceptual model of the coastal zone and marine environments showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere
Conceptual model of the coastal zone and marine environments showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere

Schematic representation of shelf processes involving transport of contaminants and sea ice

Schematic representation of shelf processes involving transport of contaminants and sea ice
Schematic representation of shelf processes involving transport of contaminants and sea ice

Transport of 90Sr, originating from Sellafield, along the coast of Norway The highest values are found in the Norwegian Coastal Current and decrease northward

Transport of 90Sr, originating from Sellafield, along the coast of Norway The highest values are found in the Norwegian Coastal Current and decrease northward
Transport of 90Sr, originating from Sellafield, along the coast of Norway The highest values are found in the Norwegian Coastal Current and decrease northward

Schematic diagram of the Combined Model Ten climatic zones, each containing well-mixed compartments, are connected by meridional atmospheric and oceanic exchange

Schematic diagram of the Combined Model Ten climatic zones, each containing well-mixed compartments, are connected by meridional atmospheric and oceanic exchange
Schematic diagram of the Combined Model Ten climatic zones, each containing well-mixed compartments, are connected by meridional atmospheric and oceanic exchange

Global emissions of trace metals to the atmosphere from natural sources Numbers under the columns are the range of estimates of the emissions in thousands of tonnes per year

Global emissions of trace metals to the atmosphere from natural sources Numbers under the columns are the range of estimates of the emissions in thousands of tonnes per year
Global emissions of trace metals to the atmosphere from natural sources Numbers under the columns are the range of estimates of the emissions in thousands of tonnes per year

Migration patterns of four main stocks of eider ducks from the Canadian Arctic Organochlorines in the same four stocks

Migration patterns of four main stocks of eider ducks from the Canadian Arctic Organochlorines in the same four stocks
Migration patterns of four main stocks of eider ducks from the Canadian Arctic Organochlorines in the same four stocks

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