Concentrations of sum-PCB (µg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Barron et al 1995, 2 Giesy et al 1994b, 3 Bosveld and Van den Berg 1994)

Concentrations of sum-PCB (µg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Barron et al 1995, 2 Giesy et al 1994b, 3 Bosveld and Van den Berg 1994)
Concentrations of sum-PCB (µg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Barron et al 1995, 2 Giesy et al 1994b, 3 Bosveld and Van den Berg 1994)

Sum-DDT (ng/g ww) in Arctic animals as food items compared to no-effect-concentrations (NOAEC) and environmental quality guidelines for protecting fish-eating/aquatic wildlife (1 Baril et al 1990, 2 USEPA 1995,

Sum-DDT (ng/g ww) in Arctic animals as food items compared to no-effect-concentrations (NOAEC) and environmental quality guidelines for protecting fish-eating/aquatic wildlife (1 Baril et al 1990, 2 [..]
Sum-DDT (ng/g ww) in Arctic animals as food items compared to no-effect-concentrations (NOAEC) and environmental quality guidelines for protecting fish-eating/aquatic wildlife (1 Baril et al 1990, 2 USEPA 1995,

Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time

Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time
Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time

Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH, nmol/mg microsomal protein/min) activities in liver microsomes of beluga taken from the Eskimo Lakes area of the Mackenzie Delta, as a function of PCB congener concentrations in blubber

Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH, nmol/mg microsomal protein/min) activities in liver microsomes of beluga taken from the Eskimo Lakes area of the Mackenzie Delta, as a function of PCB congener [..]
Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH, nmol/mg microsomal protein/min) activities in liver microsomes of beluga taken from the Eskimo Lakes area of the Mackenzie Delta, as a function of PCB congener concentrations in blubber

Monthly snow cover anomalies over northern hemispheric lands (including Greenland) between January 1972 and August 1995 Also shown are the 12-month running anomalies of hemispheric snow extent, plotted on the seventh month of a given interval

Monthly snow cover anomalies over northern hemispheric lands (including Greenland) between January 1972 and August 1995 Also shown are the 12-month running anomalies of hemispheric snow extent, [..]
Monthly snow cover anomalies over northern hemispheric lands (including Greenland) between January 1972 and August 1995 Also shown are the 12-month running anomalies of hemispheric snow extent, plotted on the seventh month of a given interval

Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery

Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery
Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery

History of temperature changes in central Greenland over the last 40 000 years, from the GISP2 core, showing very large and probably abrupt changes

History of temperature changes in central Greenland over the last 40 000 years, from the GISP2 core, showing very large and probably abrupt changes
History of temperature changes in central Greenland over the last 40 000 years, from the GISP2 core, showing very large and probably abrupt changes

History of snow accumulation in central Greenland during the most recent glaciation, as measured in the GISP2 core The 25-year running mean, represented in all panels, shows very large and rapid climate changes

History of snow accumulation in central Greenland during the most recent glaciation, as measured in the GISP2 core The 25-year running mean, represented in all panels, shows very large and rapid [..]
History of snow accumulation in central Greenland during the most recent glaciation, as measured in the GISP2 core The 25-year running mean, represented in all panels, shows very large and rapid climate changes

Trends in (annual average) ozone mixing ratio over Canada from 1980 to 1993

Trends in (annual average) ozone mixing ratio over Canada from 1980 to 1993
Trends in (annual average) ozone mixing ratio over Canada from 1980 to 1993

Theoretical clear day UV dose to horizontal and vertical surfaces, for Arctic Finland

Theoretical clear day UV dose to horizontal and vertical surfaces, for Arctic Finland
Theoretical clear day UV dose to horizontal and vertical surfaces, for Arctic Finland

Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland

Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland
Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland

Concentrations of PCB congeners in cord plasma from Nunavik and southern Quebec newborns

Concentrations of PCB congeners in cord plasma from Nunavik and southern Quebec newborns
Concentrations of PCB congeners in cord plasma from Nunavik and southern Quebec newborns

Body burdens of radiocaesium (yearly averages) across the Canadian Arctic

Body burdens of radiocaesium (yearly averages) across the Canadian Arctic
Body burdens of radiocaesium (yearly averages) across the Canadian Arctic

Seawater concentrations of 137Cs in the Barents and East Greenland Seas compared to the yearly releases from Sellafield

Seawater concentrations of 137Cs in the Barents and East Greenland Seas compared to the yearly releases from Sellafield
Seawater concentrations of 137Cs in the Barents and East Greenland Seas compared to the yearly releases from Sellafield

Changes with time in 131I activity concentration in Finnish air samples

Changes with time in 131I activity concentration in Finnish air samples
Changes with time in 131I activity concentration in Finnish air samples

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