Distribution of the population of the three Arctic Norwegian counties

Distribution of the population of the three Arctic Norwegian counties
Distribution of the population of the three Arctic Norwegian counties

Norwegian counties considered in the flux vulnerability case study

Norwegian counties considered in the flux vulnerability case study
Norwegian counties considered in the flux vulnerability case study

Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland

Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland
Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland

Transport of 90Sr, originating from Sellafield, along the coast of Norway The highest values are found in the Norwegian Coastal Current and decrease northward

Transport of 90Sr, originating from Sellafield, along the coast of Norway The highest values are found in the Norwegian Coastal Current and decrease northward
Transport of 90Sr, originating from Sellafield, along the coast of Norway The highest values are found in the Norwegian Coastal Current and decrease northward

Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions

Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions
Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions

Predicted release rates of different radionuclide groups from the submarine reactor dumped in the Novaya Zemlya Trough (best estimate scenario)

Predicted release rates of different radionuclide groups from the submarine reactor dumped in the Novaya Zemlya Trough (best estimate scenario)
Predicted release rates of different radionuclide groups from the submarine reactor dumped in the Novaya Zemlya Trough (best estimate scenario)

Locations of sea dumping of radioactive waste in the Russian Arctic

Locations of sea dumping of radioactive waste in the Russian Arctic
Locations of sea dumping of radioactive waste in the Russian Arctic

Major Russian naval bases along the Kola Peninsula and White Sea

Major Russian naval bases along the Kola Peninsula and White Sea
Major Russian naval bases along the Kola Peninsula and White Sea

Dose estimates based on wholebody measurements (see Figure 836) for two groups (northern Saami and southern Saami) of Norwegian reindeer-breeding Saami

Dose estimates based on wholebody measurements (see Figure 836) for two groups (northern Saami and southern Saami) of Norwegian reindeer-breeding Saami
Dose estimates based on wholebody measurements (see Figure 836) for two groups (northern Saami and southern Saami) of Norwegian reindeer-breeding Saami

Yearly and depth-averaged concentrations (Bq/m3) of 137Cs after 6 years from Harms' model The sources are instantaneous releases of 1 PBq from the dump sites in Abrosimov Bay, Stepovogo Bay, Tsivolky Bay, and Novaya Zemlya Trough

Yearly and depth-averaged concentrations (Bq/m3) of 137Cs after 6 years from Harms' model The sources are instantaneous releases of 1 PBq from the dump sites in Abrosimov Bay, Stepovogo Bay, Tsivolky [..]
Yearly and depth-averaged concentrations (Bq/m3) of 137Cs after 6 years from Harms model The sources are instantaneous releases of 1 PBq from the dump sites in Abrosimov Bay, Stepovogo Bay, Tsivolky Bay, and Novaya Zemlya Trough

Compartment model used to assess doses from releases of radioactive materials to the atmosphere from nuclear testing

Compartment model used to assess doses from releases of radioactive materials to the atmosphere from nuclear testing
Compartment model used to assess doses from releases of radioactive materials to the atmosphere from nuclear testing

Nuclear weapons test sites on Novaya Zemlya

Nuclear weapons test sites on Novaya Zemlya
Nuclear weapons test sites on Novaya Zemlya

Concentrations of 239,240Pu in seawater around Greenland, 1968

Concentrations of 239,240Pu in seawater around Greenland, 1968
Concentrations of 239,240Pu in seawater around Greenland, 1968

Local radionuclide contamination on Novaya Zemlya

Local radionuclide contamination on Novaya Zemlya
Local radionuclide contamination on Novaya Zemlya

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