Trends in sum-PCB, sum-DDT, sum-CHL, and toxaphene over a ten year period (20 years for DDT in the Mackenzie Delta) for male narwhal and beluga blubber samples from the Canadian Arctic (N=8-26)

Trends in sum-PCB, sum-DDT, sum-CHL, and toxaphene over a ten year period (20 years for DDT in the Mackenzie Delta) for male narwhal and beluga blubber samples from the Canadian Arctic (N=8-26)
Trends in sum-PCB, sum-DDT, sum-CHL, and toxaphene over a ten year period (20 years for DDT in the Mackenzie Delta) for male narwhal and beluga blubber samples from the Canadian Arctic (N=8-26)

Vegetation damage zones around Norilsk

Vegetation damage zones around Norilsk
Vegetation damage zones around Norilsk

Diversity indices (Shannon-Weaver means) for phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos in lakes and streams in the Murmansk region

Diversity indices (Shannon-Weaver means) for phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos in lakes and streams in the Murmansk region
Diversity indices (Shannon-Weaver means) for phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos in lakes and streams in the Murmansk region

Approximate forest damage zones in the vicinity of Monchegorsk and Nikel and the visible-damage and non-visible-damage zones on the Kola Peninsula and Finnish Lapland The inset shows coverage (%) of lichens (Hypogymnia physodes and Parmelia olivacea) on

Approximate forest damage zones in the vicinity of Monchegorsk and Nikel and the visible-damage and non-visible-damage zones on the Kola Peninsula and Finnish Lapland The inset shows coverage (%) of [..]
Approximate forest damage zones in the vicinity of Monchegorsk and Nikel and the visible-damage and non-visible-damage zones on the Kola Peninsula and Finnish Lapland The inset shows coverage (%) of lichens (Hypogymnia physodes and Parmelia olivacea) on

Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in whales from Greenland waters

Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in whales from Greenland waters
Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in whales from Greenland waters

Age accumulation of Hg in liver of polar bears from different Arctic regions

Age accumulation of Hg in liver of polar bears from different Arctic regions
Age accumulation of Hg in liver of polar bears from different Arctic regions

Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of different ages (years) Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15

Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of different ages (years) Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15
Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of different ages (years) Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15

Generalized marine food web

Generalized marine food web
Generalized marine food web

Distribution of Cd levels in liver tissue of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of different ages Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15

Distribution of Cd levels in liver tissue of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of different ages Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15
Distribution of Cd levels in liver tissue of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of different ages Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15

Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) of different ages Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15

Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) of different ages Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15
Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) of different ages Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15

Organic mercury versus total mercury in muscle, liver and kidney tissue of Greenlandic marine animals The lines indicates 100% organic mercury

Organic mercury versus total mercury in muscle, liver and kidney tissue of Greenlandic marine animals The lines indicates 100% organic mercury
Organic mercury versus total mercury in muscle, liver and kidney tissue of Greenlandic marine animals The lines indicates 100% organic mercury

Age accumulation and temporal comparison of mean concentrations of Hg in liver tissue of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) and beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) fron the Canadian Arctic

Age accumulation and temporal comparison of mean concentrations of Hg in liver tissue of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) and beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) fron the Canadian Arctic
Age accumulation and temporal comparison of mean concentrations of Hg in liver tissue of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) and beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) fron the Canadian Arctic

Summary of ranges of Cd levels (mean values) in Arctic marine organisms Solid parts of the lines indicate ranges for Greenlandic data

Summary of ranges of Cd levels (mean values) in Arctic marine organisms Solid parts of the lines indicate ranges for Greenlandic data
Summary of ranges of Cd levels (mean values) in Arctic marine organisms Solid parts of the lines indicate ranges for Greenlandic data

Summary of ranges of Pb levels (mean values) in Arctic marine organisms Solid parts of the lines indicate ranges for Greenlandic data

Summary of ranges of Pb levels (mean values) in Arctic marine organisms Solid parts of the lines indicate ranges for Greenlandic data
Summary of ranges of Pb levels (mean values) in Arctic marine organisms Solid parts of the lines indicate ranges for Greenlandic data

Summary of ranges of Hg levels (mean values) in Arctic marine organisms Solid parts of the lines indicate ranges for Greenlandic data

Summary of ranges of Hg levels (mean values) in Arctic marine organisms Solid parts of the lines indicate ranges for Greenlandic data
Summary of ranges of Hg levels (mean values) in Arctic marine organisms Solid parts of the lines indicate ranges for Greenlandic data

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