Concentrations of sum-PCB (µg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Barron et al 1995, 2 Giesy et al 1994b, 3 Bosveld and Van den Berg 1994)

Concentrations of sum-PCB (µg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Barron et al 1995, 2 Giesy et al 1994b, 3 Bosveld and Van den Berg 1994)
Concentrations of sum-PCB (µg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Barron et al 1995, 2 Giesy et al 1994b, 3 Bosveld and Van den Berg 1994)

Concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Giesy et al 1994b, 2 Nosek et al 1992, 3 Verrett 1976,

Concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Giesy et al 1994b, 2 Nosek et al 1992, 3 [..]
Concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g ww) in Arctic bird eggs compared to thresholds for avian effects (1 Giesy et al 1994b, 2 Nosek et al 1992, 3 Verrett 1976,

Temporal trends in PCB and DDE levels in Arctic seabird eggs from Prince Leopold Island, Canada (1975-1993)

Temporal trends in PCB and DDE levels in Arctic seabird eggs from Prince Leopold Island, Canada (1975-1993)
Temporal trends in PCB and DDE levels in Arctic seabird eggs from Prince Leopold Island, Canada (1975-1993)

Levels of PCBs in seabird eggs (µg/g lw) Values written above bars are actual mean concentrations Wet weight means are given in Annex Table 6A16

Levels of PCBs in seabird eggs (µg/g lw) Values written above bars are actual mean concentrations Wet weight means are given in Annex Table 6A16
Levels of PCBs in seabird eggs (µg/g lw) Values written above bars are actual mean concentrations Wet weight means are given in Annex Table 6A16

Migration patterns of four main stocks of eider ducks from the Canadian Arctic Organochlorines in the same four stocks

Migration patterns of four main stocks of eider ducks from the Canadian Arctic Organochlorines in the same four stocks
Migration patterns of four main stocks of eider ducks from the Canadian Arctic Organochlorines in the same four stocks

Sum-PCB and sum-DDT in ringed seal blubber (µg/g) Vertical bars denote standard deviation

Sum-PCB and sum-DDT in ringed seal blubber (µg/g) Vertical bars denote standard deviation
Sum-PCB and sum-DDT in ringed seal blubber (µg/g) Vertical bars denote standard deviation

Sum-PCB levels in pinnipeds in Norway

Sum-PCB levels in pinnipeds in Norway
Sum-PCB levels in pinnipeds in Norway

Comparison of sum-PCB concentrations in seal blubber from various Arctic regions with results from the same species in temperate waters Vertical bars represent means and the horizontal bars the standard deviation, where available

Comparison of sum-PCB concentrations in seal blubber from various Arctic regions with results from the same species in temperate waters Vertical bars represent means and the horizontal bars the [..]
Comparison of sum-PCB concentrations in seal blubber from various Arctic regions with results from the same species in temperate waters Vertical bars represent means and the horizontal bars the standard deviation, where available

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood selenium concentrations in East and North Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood selenium concentrations in East and North Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark
Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood selenium concentrations in East and North Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

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