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Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of different ages (years) Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15

Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of different ages (years) Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15
Distribution of Hg levels in liver tissue of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) of different ages (years) Plots show selected data (geometric mean values) from Annex Table 7A15

Distribution of Hg levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adults) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Distribution of Hg levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adults) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
Distribution of Hg levels (age adjusted to 69 years, Svalbard adults) in liver tissue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Sum-PCB (ng/g lw) in Arctic mammals compared to thresholds for mammalian effects (1 Leonards et al 1995, 2 Tryphonas 1994, 3 Kihlström et al 1992, 4 Olsson et al 1996a, 5 Boon et al 1987, 6 Ahlborg et al 1992, 7 Helle et al 1976b)

Sum-PCB (ng/g lw) in Arctic mammals compared to thresholds for mammalian effects (1 Leonards et al 1995, 2 Tryphonas 1994, 3 Kihlström et al 1992, 4 Olsson et al 1996a, 5 Boon et al 1987, 6 Ahlborg et [..]
Sum-PCB (ng/g lw) in Arctic mammals compared to thresholds for mammalian effects (1 Leonards et al 1995, 2 Tryphonas 1994, 3 Kihlström et al 1992, 4 Olsson et al 1996a, 5 Boon et al 1987, 6 Ahlborg et al 1992, 7 Helle et al 1976b)

Sum-PCB levels in cetaceans in Norway

Sum-PCB levels in cetaceans in Norway
Sum-PCB levels in cetaceans in Norway

Comparison of sum-PCB concentrations in seal blubber from various Arctic regions with results from the same species in temperate waters Vertical bars represent means and the horizontal bars the standard deviation, where available

Comparison of sum-PCB concentrations in seal blubber from various Arctic regions with results from the same species in temperate waters Vertical bars represent means and the horizontal bars the [..]
Comparison of sum-PCB concentrations in seal blubber from various Arctic regions with results from the same species in temperate waters Vertical bars represent means and the horizontal bars the standard deviation, where available

Sum-PCB and sum-DDT in ringed seal blubber (µg/g) Vertical bars denote standard deviation

Sum-PCB and sum-DDT in ringed seal blubber (µg/g) Vertical bars denote standard deviation
Sum-PCB and sum-DDT in ringed seal blubber (µg/g) Vertical bars denote standard deviation

Sum-PCB levels in pinnipeds in Norway

Sum-PCB levels in pinnipeds in Norway
Sum-PCB levels in pinnipeds in Norway

Simplified Barents Sea food-web

The Barents Sea is moderately productive, but being large, it supports large fish populations. Walrus, bowheads and other large whales were seriously depleted by this previous hunting, and have been [..]
Simplified Barents Sea food-web
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