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(a) Trajectories of five satellite-tracked buoys launched in Mackenzie Bay, Canada, and (b) results of 30-day trajectories of oil launched from five hypothetical spill locations in the Beaufort Sea

(a) Trajectories of five satellite-tracked buoys launched in Mackenzie Bay, Canada, and (b) results of 30-day trajectories of oil launched from five hypothetical spill locations in the Beaufort Sea
(a) Trajectories of five satellite-tracked buoys launched in Mackenzie Bay, Canada, and (b) results of 30-day trajectories of oil launched from five hypothetical spill locations in the Beaufort Sea

Sequence of oil-ice interaction including drops under the ice, new ice growth below the oil, oil appearing on the surface in the spring, wind herding of oil on melt pools, and the appearance of emulsified oil on top of the ice

Sequence of oil-ice interaction including drops under the ice, new ice growth below the oil, oil appearing on the surface in the spring, wind herding of oil on melt pools, and the appearance of [..]
Sequence of oil-ice interaction including drops under the ice, new ice growth below the oil, oil appearing on the surface in the spring, wind herding of oil on melt pools, and the appearance of emulsified oil on top of the ice

Model evaluation comparing a five-day model simulation with results of an oil release experiment in the marginal ice zone near Svalbard in April 1993

Model evaluation comparing a five-day model simulation with results of an oil release experiment in the marginal ice zone near Svalbard in April 1993
Model evaluation comparing a five-day model simulation with results of an oil release experiment in the marginal ice zone near Svalbard in April 1993

Mass transport pathways considered in the Coastal Zone Oil Spill Model (COZOIL), developed to simulate dynamic transport and weathering of oil on US Arctic coasts

Mass transport pathways considered in the Coastal Zone Oil Spill Model (COZOIL), developed to simulate dynamic transport and weathering of oil on US Arctic coasts
Mass transport pathways considered in the Coastal Zone Oil Spill Model (COZOIL), developed to simulate dynamic transport and weathering of oil on US Arctic coasts

Simplified Barents Sea food-web

The Barents Sea is moderately productive, but being large, it supports large fish populations. Walrus, bowheads and other large whales were seriously depleted by this previous hunting, and have been [..]
Simplified Barents Sea food-web
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