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Comparison of precision and accuracy

Comparison of precision and accuracy
Comparison of precision and accuracy

Trend in participation in the AMAP Ring-tests

Trend in participation in the AMAP Ring-tests
Trend in participation in the AMAP Ring-tests

Performance trends for individual analytes: CB28

Performance trends for individual analytes: CB28. Data from all participants are plotted
Performance trends for individual analytes: CB28

Performance trends for individual analytes: CB138

Performance trends for individual analytes: CB138. Data from all participants are plotted
Performance trends for individual analytes: CB138

An individual participant’s performance using RSZs

An individual participant’s performance using RSZs
An individual participant’s performance using RSZs

Individual PCB congener performance over time

Individual PCB congener performance over time.
Individual PCB congener performance over time

Lipid analysis performance over time

Lipid analysis performance over time. Data from all participants are plotted
Lipid analysis performance over time

A comparison of lipid results for two laboratories

A comparison of lipid results for two laboratories
A comparison of lipid results for two laboratories

Comparison of total lipid results obtained from gravimetric and enzymatic methods

Comparison of total lipid results obtained from gravimetric and enzymatic methods
Comparison of total lipid results obtained from gravimetric and enzymatic methods

Calculation of total lipids in serum from enzymatic data

Calculation of total lipids in serum from enzymatic data
Calculation of total lipids in serum from enzymatic data

Performance trends for POPs 2002 to 2006

Performance trends for POPs 2002 to 2006
Performance trends for POPs 2002 to 2006

Temporal trends of POPs and metals in maternal blood samples from Nunavik, Canada

Temporal trends of POPs and metals in maternal blood samples from Nunavik, Canada
Temporal trends of POPs and metals in maternal blood samples from Nunavik, Canada

Temporal trends of POPs and metals in maternal blood samples from Nuuk and Disko Bay, Greenland

Temporal trends of POPs and metals in maternal blood samples from Nuuk and Disko Bay, Greenland
Temporal trends of POPs and metals in maternal blood samples from Nuuk and Disko Bay, Greenland

Oxychlordane concentrations in breast milk from various regions of Finland and northern Russia

Oxychlordane concentrations in breast milk from various regions of Finland and northern Russia
Oxychlordane concentrations in breast milk from various regions of Finland and northern Russia

DDE concentrations in breast milk from various regions of Finland and northern Russia

DDE concentrations in breast milk from various regions of Finland and northern Russia
DDE concentrations in breast milk from various regions of Finland and northern Russia
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