Changes with time in activity concentration of 137Cs in reindeer meat in Arctic Norway, Arctic Finland, Greenland, and Arctic Russia

Changes with time in activity concentration of 137Cs in reindeer meat in Arctic Norway, Arctic Finland, Greenland, and Arctic Russia
Changes with time in activity concentration of 137Cs in reindeer meat in Arctic Norway, Arctic Finland, Greenland, and Arctic Russia

Average activity concentrations of 137Cs in reindeer meat after 1990

Average activity concentrations of 137Cs in reindeer meat after 1990
Average activity concentrations of 137Cs in reindeer meat after 1990

Changes with time in activity concentration of 137Cs in Finnish rivers

Changes with time in activity concentration of 137Cs in Finnish rivers
Changes with time in activity concentration of 137Cs in Finnish rivers

Ten-year averages of 90Sr activity concentrations in drinking water and precipitation in Greenland

Ten-year averages of 90Sr activity concentrations in drinking water and precipitation in Greenland
Ten-year averages of 90Sr activity concentrations in drinking water and precipitation in Greenland

Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in marine fish from Greenland waters

Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in marine fish from Greenland waters
Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in marine fish from Greenland waters

Changes with time in activity concentration of 137Cs in freshwater fish in Arctic Finland

Changes with time in activity concentration of 137Cs in freshwater fish in Arctic Finland
Changes with time in activity concentration of 137Cs in freshwater fish in Arctic Finland

Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in whales from Greenland waters

Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in whales from Greenland waters
Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in whales from Greenland waters

Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions

Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions
Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions

Spatial trends in the net flux from reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Spatial trends in the net flux from reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2
Spatial trends in the net flux from reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland

Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland
Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland

Comparison of the predicted flux of 137Cs in milk and reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Comparison of the predicted flux of 137Cs in milk and reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2
Comparison of the predicted flux of 137Cs in milk and reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Norwegian counties considered in the flux vulnerability case study

Norwegian counties considered in the flux vulnerability case study
Norwegian counties considered in the flux vulnerability case study

Relative 137Cs output in foodstuffs from the different Arctic Norwegian counties in the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Relative 137Cs output in foodstuffs from the different Arctic Norwegian counties in the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2
Relative 137Cs output in foodstuffs from the different Arctic Norwegian counties in the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

The comparative importance of different foodstuffs as sources of 137Cs for the three Arctic Norwegian counties over the 1-year and 50-year period following an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

The comparative importance of different foodstuffs as sources of 137Cs for the three Arctic Norwegian counties over the 1-year and 50-year period following an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2
The comparative importance of different foodstuffs as sources of 137Cs for the three Arctic Norwegian counties over the 1-year and 50-year period following an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Concentrations of PCB congeners in cord plasma from Nunavik and southern Quebec newborns

Concentrations of PCB congeners in cord plasma from Nunavik and southern Quebec newborns
Concentrations of PCB congeners in cord plasma from Nunavik and southern Quebec newborns

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