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Monthly snow cover anomalies over northern hemispheric lands (including Greenland) between January 1972 and August 1995 Also shown are the 12-month running anomalies of hemispheric snow extent, plotted on the seventh month of a given interval

Monthly snow cover anomalies over northern hemispheric lands (including Greenland) between January 1972 and August 1995 Also shown are the 12-month running anomalies of hemispheric snow extent, [..]
Monthly snow cover anomalies over northern hemispheric lands (including Greenland) between January 1972 and August 1995 Also shown are the 12-month running anomalies of hemispheric snow extent, plotted on the seventh month of a given interval

Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery

Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery
Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery

Ultraviolet albedo and transmittance values for (A) thin (03 m) bare sea; (B) cold 16 m thick ice with a 01 m deep snow cover in April; (C) bare 17 m thick ice in May; and, (D) ponded ice with 01 m of water over 15 m thick ice

Ultraviolet albedo and transmittance values for (A) thin (03 m) bare sea; (B) cold 16 m thick ice with a 01 m deep snow cover in April; (C) bare 17 m thick ice in May; and, (D) ponded ice with 01 m of [..]
Ultraviolet albedo and transmittance values for (A) thin (03 m) bare sea; (B) cold 16 m thick ice with a 01 m deep snow cover in April; (C) bare 17 m thick ice in May; and, (D) ponded ice with 01 m of water over 15 m thick ice
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