Nickel levels in urine from pregnant and delivering women in different areas of Russia and Norway

Nickel levels in urine from pregnant and delivering women in different areas of Russia and Norway
Nickel levels in urine from pregnant and delivering women in different areas of Russia and Norway

Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of reindeer herders in northern and central Norway, Arctic Finland, and Sweden

Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of reindeer herders in northern and central Norway, Arctic Finland, and Sweden
Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of reindeer herders in northern and central Norway, Arctic Finland, and Sweden

The relative contribution to the 137Cs content of the diet of the ‘average’ population of various Arctic areas for the period 1990 to 1994

The relative contribution to the 137Cs content of the diet of the ‘average’ population of various Arctic areas for the period 1990 to 1994
The relative contribution to the 137Cs content of the diet of the ‘average’ population of various Arctic areas for the period 1990 to 1994

The relative contribution to the 137Cs content of the diet of the ‘selected’ population of various Arctic areas for the period 1990 to 1994

The relative contribution to the 137Cs content of the diet of the ‘selected’ population of various Arctic areas for the period 1990 to 1994
The relative contribution to the 137Cs content of the diet of the ‘selected’ population of various Arctic areas for the period 1990 to 1994

Concentrations of PCB congeners in cord plasma from Nunavik and southern Quebec newborns

Concentrations of PCB congeners in cord plasma from Nunavik and southern Quebec newborns
Concentrations of PCB congeners in cord plasma from Nunavik and southern Quebec newborns

Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of Russian reindeer herders

Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of Russian reindeer herders
Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of Russian reindeer herders

Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH, nmol/mg microsomal protein/min) activities in liver microsomes of beluga taken from the Eskimo Lakes area of the Mackenzie Delta, as a function of PCB congener concentrations in blubber

Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH, nmol/mg microsomal protein/min) activities in liver microsomes of beluga taken from the Eskimo Lakes area of the Mackenzie Delta, as a function of PCB congener [..]
Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH, nmol/mg microsomal protein/min) activities in liver microsomes of beluga taken from the Eskimo Lakes area of the Mackenzie Delta, as a function of PCB congener concentrations in blubber

Ranges and average values of 137Cs activity concentrations in food products, from data in the AMAP radioactivity database

Ranges and average values of 137Cs activity concentrations in food products, from data in the AMAP radioactivity database
Ranges and average values of 137Cs activity concentrations in food products, from data in the AMAP radioactivity database

Sum-PCB and sum-DDT in ringed seal blubber (µg/g) Vertical bars denote standard deviation

Sum-PCB and sum-DDT in ringed seal blubber (µg/g) Vertical bars denote standard deviation
Sum-PCB and sum-DDT in ringed seal blubber (µg/g) Vertical bars denote standard deviation

Sum-PCB levels in pinnipeds in Norway

Sum-PCB levels in pinnipeds in Norway
Sum-PCB levels in pinnipeds in Norway

Variation of PCB with age in blubber of ringed seals (western Hudson Bay, Canada) A total of 24 females and 30 males were analyzed

Variation of PCB with age in blubber of ringed seals (western Hudson Bay, Canada) A total of 24 females and 30 males were analyzed
Variation of PCB with age in blubber of ringed seals (western Hudson Bay, Canada) A total of 24 females and 30 males were analyzed

Sum-PCB levels in cetaceans in Norway

Sum-PCB levels in cetaceans in Norway
Sum-PCB levels in cetaceans in Norway

Correlations between concentrations (lw) of major persistent OCs and trophic level in the marine food web for Svalbard and Lancaster Sound Trophic level data were assigned based on Hobson and Welch (1992)

Correlations between concentrations (lw) of major persistent OCs and trophic level in the marine food web for Svalbard and Lancaster Sound Trophic level data were assigned based on Hobson and Welch [..]
Correlations between concentrations (lw) of major persistent OCs and trophic level in the marine food web for Svalbard and Lancaster Sound Trophic level data were assigned based on Hobson and Welch (1992)

Total and composition of subsistence production for small and mid-sized communities in selected areas of Alaska

Total and composition of subsistence production for small and mid-sized communities in selected areas of Alaska
Total and composition of subsistence production for small and mid-sized communities in selected areas of Alaska

Annual indigenous subsistence production in Arctic Canada, by category, in total kg and percent of harvest

Annual indigenous subsistence production in Arctic Canada, by category, in total kg and percent of harvest
Annual indigenous subsistence production in Arctic Canada, by category, in total kg and percent of harvest

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