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  • Since 1991 the Central Asian countries have faced with the changes in political and economic situation.
  • Each state of the region has commenced to define its own national interests of socio-economic development through the changing of its attitude to the environment problems as well as taking into consideration the necessity to observe international water law principles. In the conditions of the growing ecological and social tension and in order to avoid the conflicts in the sphere of water management as well as to solve the issues in water sharing, limitation and water assessment, the leaders of the water management bodies of Central Asian States on October 1991 have adopted the Statement that is based on historical community of Central Asia people, their equal rights and responsibilities for the providing rational water resource usage in the region and recognizes that only united and joint actions in the coordination and management will stimulate efficient solving of water management problems in the region. This Statement was assumed as a principle to sign the Agreement “On cooperation in the sphere of joint management, usage and preservation of water resources of interstates sources” by the ministers of water managements of the Central Asian states on February 1992. According to this Agreement the Interstate Coordination Water Commission (ISWC) was established and presented by five water management ministers. ICWC is a body of five Central Asian States and it provides direct functions on management and development of water resources and on sustainability supporting of natural and hydro-ecological processes in transboundary waters as well as development of perspective strategy of water resource management. The present Agreement was approved by the Heads of the Central Asian States in Kzyl-Orda city on March 26, 1993 by signing the Agreement on joint actions on the solving Aral Sea and its surrounding territories problems, environmental recovery and socio-economic development of the Aral Sea region. International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) was established by the Decision of the Heads of the Central Asian States: Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Republic of Uzbekistan. One of the priority objectives of IFAS activity is the intention of five Central Asian States to develop the cooperation in the sphere of regional water management of the Aral Sea Basin.
  • Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (EC-IFAS) has commenced to function since February 28, 1997. Upon the recommendations of the governments of states-founders the IFAS President approves IFAS Board consisting of 5 members (one member from each state), Revision Commission of IFAS consisting of 5 members (one member from each state) and EC-IFAS Chairman. EC-IFAS consists of 10 members (2 members from each state).
  • On October 1997 under the World Bank support EC-IFAS conducted the International Workshop of the representatives of countries-donors. The IFAS Board provided the target work and its members were presented by Prime-Minister deputies as well as efficient cooperation with international organizations was achieved that enabled the beginning of the implementation of international project “Water Environment Management in the Aral Sea Basin”. Since 1999 up to 2002 EC-IFAS was located in Turkmenistan and acted in Ashgabat city. Since 2002 up to 2008 the EC-IFAS office was located in Dushanbe city and the President of IFAS was the President of the Republic of Tajikistan E.Rakhmon. Since 2008 the permanent address of EC-IFAS is the Republic of Kazakhstan and its office is located in Almaty city. The President of IFAS is the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev.
  • According to mass media information during the informal meeting which took place on September 1, 2006 in Astana city, Republic of Kazakhstan the President of Kazakhstan - N. Nazarbayev, the President of Tajikistan - E. Rakhmon, the President of Kyrgyzstan - К. Bakiyev, the President of Uzbekistan - I. Karimov have discussed the cooperation perspectives between the countries. On the high level it was decided to provide the activation of IFAS work as well as to organize the Information Center under its frameworks.
  • The IFAS national organization and its branches function in each state-founder since 1997. There are GEF Agency and Nukus branch of EC-IFAS in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • Agency of International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea for implementation of the Aral Sea Basin and GEF projects has been formed by EC-IFAS on May 12, 1998 on the initiative of the Republic of Uzbekistan and was approved by the Decision of IFAS President, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A.Karimov.
  • The Agency provides both management and implementation of the Aral Sea Basin and GEF projects on the Aral Sea Basin problems as well as it cooperates with republic bodies on agreement, assessment and approval of ASBP projects and their funding, coordinated the implementation of the projects by Nukus Branch of EC-IFAS. The Agency is called upon to attract the attention of international organizations, countries-donors, public society to the Aral Sea Basin problems solving.
  • GEF Agency in 1998-2003 has implemented a regional international GEF project “Water Environment Management in the Aral Sea Basin”. There is a detailed archive and data bank on regional and national water resources of the Central Asian States both at national and regional levels. Besides this, the Agency specialists implement a range of projects at republic level.
  • There is a constant work with national IFAS structures in the Central Asian States on managerial procedures and information gathering on ASBP.
  • A definite experience including cooperation and joint work with international organizations on the basis of international standards on analysis, procurement, implementation and monitoring were accumulated for the above-mentioned period. A mutual trust was achieved as well as the principles on reaching consensus on the Aral Sea Basin problems solving were preserved.
  • Taking into account that during last fifteen years a lot of efforts have been made at national and international levels in order to solve the Aral Sea region problems, UNDP Representative Office and Agency of International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea on the implementation of Aral Sea Basin projects under the support of European Society provided the implementation of the project called “National and International Assessment in the Aral Sea Region”. The objective of this project is creation of data bank and preparation of information – success and failure of the previous projects as well as definition of the priority directions and future initiatives in the region.
