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FileDay 6.2 - Communications
Tender RFQ_GPSO_2014_066 (IWC-78317) “Shoreline and ice cleanup campaigns for Lake Baikal and Selenga River”, application period: 05 Apr 2014 - 25 Apr 2014
FileTender RFQ_GPSO_2015_086 (IWC-78317) “The Baikal Project results video production”, application period: 26 Mar 2015 - 15 Apr 2015
File036 - Delta monitoring (technical report, Q4-2014)
FileRecommendations for tenderers
New tenders announcement
«Shoreline and ice cleanup campaigns for Lake Baikal and Selenga River»
XIVth Baikal International Festival of Documentary and Popular-Science Films "PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT"
29 September 2014 Irkutsk, Russia
Annual workshop (Dundee, Scotland)
3rd Annual workshop on International legislation and transboundary freshwater.
New tender announcement
RFQ_EMO_2012-033 “Pilot construction of cattle mortuary in Barguzinsky district, Buryatia, The Russian Federation”, application period: 2012 September 21 - ...