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esta inflormaçao em Portuguese)
Contact individuals within the BCLME Programme
Please note that the email addresses for the
have changed.
Current LME Programme Co-ordinating Unit (PCU)

Dr Michael OToole
Chief Technical Advisor
Hidas Centre
Corner of Sam Nujoma and Nelson Mandela Avenues
Klein Windhoek
Tel: +264 61 246948
Fax: +264 61 246803
E-mail: otoole@bclmenamibia.org
Catherine Kuske
Administrative Officer
PO Box 40728
Tel: +264 61 246806
Fax: +264 61 246803
E-mail: cathy@bclmenamibia.org
PCU - pcu@bclmenamibia.org
BCLME Programme has the following coordinating units and committees. The contacts
details of the members appear below.
Activity Centre:
Marine Resources Activity Centre
- Swakopmund, Namibia |
Mr Frikkie Botes
BCLME Activity Centre for Living Marine Resources
P.O. Box 525
Tel: +264 64 4101106/7
Fax: +264 64 4101188
E-mail: fwbotes@benguela.org
Ms Ayn Thea Garises
Administrative Assistant
Tel: +264 64 4101106/7
Fax: +264 64 4101188
Activity Centre:
Ecosystem Health & Pollution Activity Centre
- Luanda, Angola |
Ms Maria de Lourdes Sardinha
BCLME Activity Centre for Biodiversity,
Ecosystem Health & Pollution
C/O Instituto Nacional de Investigação Pesqueira (INIP)
Rua Mortala Mohamed
Ilha de Luanda
Caixa postal 2601
Tel: +244 228 741465
Fax: +244 222 309330
E-mail: bclme.behp@nexus.ao
Marcelina Rebelo
Administrative assistant
C/O Instituto Nacional de Investigação Pesqueira (INIP)
Rua Mortala Mohamed
Ilha de Luanda
Caixa postal 2601
Tel: +244 228 741465
Fax: +244 222 309330
E-mail: bclme.behp@nexus.ao
Activity Centre:
Variability Activity Centre
- Cape Town, South Africa
Ms Lesley Staegemann
BCLME Activity Centre for Environmental
Room 507
Foretrust Building
Private Bag X2
South Africa
Tel: +27 21 402 3418
Fax: +27 21 402 3351
E-mail: bclmeevg@deat.gov.za

Current LME Program Steering Committee (PSC) |
Francisca Delgado
Director INIP
E-mail: iim-directora-geral@angola-
minpescas.com |
Nikhil Sekhran
Global Environment Facility (GEF) South Africa
Tel: +27 12 3201183
Fax: +27 12 3202413
E-mail: nik.sekhran@undp.org |
Nkosi Luyeye (Angola)
Instituto de Investigacao Marinha (IIM)
Tel: +244 2 309077
Fax: +244 2 330973
Tamba Baldeh
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Namibia
Tel: +264 61 2046111
Fax: +264 61 2046203
E-mail: tamba.baldeh@undp.org
Dr Helena Andre (Angola)
Ministry of Petroleum
Tel: +244 2 396277
Fax: +244 2 396277
Dr Neville Sweijd
Tel: +264 64 4101162
Fax: +264 64 405912
E-mail: nsweijd@iway.na
Adv. Nangula Mbako (Namibia)
Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources
Tel: +264 61 2053007
Fax: +264 61 246319
E-mail: nmbako@mfmr.gov.na
Margareth Chi
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) New York
Tel: +1 212 4571895
Fax: +1 212 4574044
E-mail: margaretc@unops.org
Theofilus Nghitila
Ministry of Environmental Affairs & Tourism
Tel: +264 61 249015
Fax: +264 61 240339
E-mail: nghitila@dea.met.gov.na
Ms. Sandy Davies
SADC Fisheries Adviser
Gaborone, Botswana
Tel: +267 3611824
Fax: + 267 3972848
E-mail: sdavies@sadc.int
Dr Gabi Schneider (Namibia)
Ministry of Mines & Energy
Tel: +264 61 2848111
Fax: +264 61 249144
e-mail: gabi@mme.gov.na
Dr. Monde Mayekiso
(South Africa)
Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism
Tel: +27 21 402 3401
Fax: 27 21 4196942
e-mail: mmayekiso@deat.gov.za
Dr Johann Augustyn
(South Africa)
Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism
Tel: +27 21 4023102
Fax: +27 21 4296977
E-mail: augustyn@deat.gov.za
Dr Larry Hutchings
(South Africa)
Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism
Tel: +27 21 4023109
Fax: +27 21 4217406
E-mail: lhutchin@deat.gov.za
LeBeau LaBuschagne (PrLArch)
Assistant Dir.: Environment
Directorate: Mine Environmental Management
Dept. of Minerals and Energy
Private Bag x 59
Pretoria, 0001
South Africa
Tel: +27 12 317 8300
Fax: +27 12 320 6786
Cel: +27 82 45 36 760
E-mail: lebeau.labuschagne@dme.
Web: www.dme.gov.za

Current LME National Co-ordinators
Nkosi Luyeye (Angola)
Instituto de Investigacao Marinha (IMM)
Tel: +244 2 309077
Fax: +244 2 330973
Dr Larry Hutchings
(South Africa)
Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism
Tel: +27 21 4023109
Fax: +27 21 4217406
e-mail: lhutchin@deat.gov.za |
Dr Ben van Zyl
Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources
Tel: +264 614 4101000
Fax: +264 64 404385
e-mail: bvanzyl@mfmr.gov.na |
