EAF Launch

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EAF Launch 1:Dr Michael O'Toole, head of the BCLME Programme, describes the importance of the Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries for the Benguela region.

EAF Launch 2:

EAF Launch 3: Dr Michael O'Toole and André Share, Chief Director of Resource Management at Marine and Coastal Management

EAF Launch 4: Rob Tarr, Assistant Director at Marine and Coastal Management and Pavs Pillay, Training and Capacity Building Manager for BENEFIT and the BCLME Programme

EAF Launch 5: Nangulo Mbako, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Namibia and Martha Mwandingi, Head of the UNDP Environment Unit in Namibia

EAF Launch 6: Dr Michael O'Toole, Chief Technical Advisor to the BCLME Programme, Frederick Botes, Director of the BCLME Programme's Activity Centre in Swakopmund, Dr Ben van Zyl, Deputy Dirfector in the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and Japhet Iitenge, Deputy Director in the Namibian Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication