Detailed information about the Benguela Region and
the BCLME Programme may
be obtained from the following publications:
O'Toole, M and Shannon, V: Sustainability of the Benguela: ex Africa
semper aliquid novi. Published in Large Marine Ecosystems of the World:
Trends in Exploitation, Protection and Research, G. Hempel and K. Sherman,
eds. 2003. Elsevier B.V. 227-253. (pdf
- 502KB)
O’Toole, Shannon, de Barros Neto and Malan. Integrated Management of
the Benguela Current Region – A Framework for Future Development.
2001. Published in Science and Integrated Coastal Management.
Dahlem University Press. (pdf
- 1.95MB)
The Benguela and Comparable Ecosystems (ed: Payne,AIL, J.A
Gulland and KH Brink), South African Journal of Marine Science, Vol.5, 1987: 957pp
Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME): First
Regional Workshop (UNDP), 22-24 July 1998, Cape Town, South Africa: 62 pp. (P.Croll-moderator)
Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME). Second
Regional Workshop (UNDP), 12-16 April 1999, Okhandja, Namibia: 72 pp. (P.Croll and
Njuguna moderators)
Benguela Trophic Functioning (ed: Payne, AIL, K.H. Brink,
K.H.Mann and R. Hilbourne), South African Journal of Marine Science, Vol: 12, 1992: 1108pp
Benguela Dynamics (ed: ) South African Journal of Marine
Science, Vol: 19, 1999: 512 pp.
Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME): The Coastal
Environment between the Congo River Mouth and Cape Aghulas: Thematic Report No: 5:
Synthesis and Assessment of Information of BCLME: UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia, 184pp.
Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem Programme (BCLME)
A regional commitment to the sustainable integrated management of the Benguela
Current Large Marine Ecosystem by Angola, Namibia and South Africa: Draft Transboundary
Diagnostic Analysis (TDA): May, 1999, UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia: 29 pp and 3 sets of tables)
Alheit, J and M OToole 1999 International Workshp on zoo-ichthyoplankton monitoring in the Benguela Current Ecosystem off
17-19 February 1999. Proceedings, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources,Namibia, the
World Bank and BENEFIT.
Anon 1997 IOC, IUCN, NOAA, ad hoc Consultative Meeting on
Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs): Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; Paris,
France, 23-24 January 1997, 49pp.
Bodungen, v. B. 1998 The Baltic Sea: Monitoring, Governance
and LME. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 5pp.
Cape Town, 13pp. Hempel, G. 1998 The LME Concept
First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 11pp.
Carter, R, S. Lane and P. Wickens 1998 Towards responsible
Environmental Management for Marine Diamond Mining in South Africa. First Regional
Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 10pp.
Clark,B, W.F. Meyer, C. Ewart-Smith, A. Pulfrich and J. Hughes
1998 Integrated Overview of Diamond Mining in the Benguela Current Region: Thematic Report
No:3. Synthesis and Assessment of Information on BCLME: November 1998, UNDP, Windhoek,
Namibia, 60pp.
CSIR 1999 Integrated Overview of the Offshore Oil and Gas
Industry in the Benguela Current Region: Thematic Report No: 4: Synthesis and Assessment
of Information on BCLME: UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia, 104 pp. CSIR 1998
Cooney, B. 1998 Sustainable Management of the Bay of Bengal
Large Marine Ecosystem. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town; PDF
Document: 23pp.
Currie, B. 1998 Coastal Zone Development in Namibia: Overview,
problems and Issues. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 19pp.
Dehrmann. A 1998 Benguela Current Large Marine Esosystem-Oil
Pollution and the Marine Environment. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape
Town, 9pp.
Delgado, F and P .A. Kingombo 1998 Coastal Development and
Marine Environment on Artisanal Fisheries in Angola. First Regional Workshop on
22-24 July, Cape Town, 11pp.
De Lourdes Sardinha, M 1998 Fisheries and the Marine
Environment in Angola. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 12pp.
Gibbons. M 1999 An introduction to Zooplankton of the Benguela
Current: Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, the World Bank and De Beers
Grigalunas, T.A. 1998 Practicval Uses of Environmental
Economics in Large Scale Marine Ecosystems. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July,
Hampton, I, D.C. Boyer, A.J. Penney, A.F. Pereira and M.
Sardinha 1999 Integrated Overview of Fisheries of the Benguela Current
Region: Thematic
Report No:1 Synthesis and Assessment of Information on BCLME: March 1999,
UNDP, Windhoek,
Namibia, 87 pp.
Hudson, A. 1998 International Waters and the Global
Environmental Facility (GEF): Potential Applications in the Benguela Current. First
Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 11pp(overheads).
Hutchings. L. 1998 Fisheries and the Environment in South
Africa. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 25pp.
Junior, F.M 1998 Offshore Oil Exploration and Production
Activities and the Marine Environment in Angola. First Regional Workshop on
BCLME, 22-24
July, Cape Town, 10pp.
Mc Glade, J 1998 Integrated Environmental and Living Resource
Management in the Gulf of Guinea: the LME Approach. First Regional Workshop on
22-24 July, Cape Town, (overheads only).
Moller, L. 1998 Offshore Oil/Gas Exploration and Production
Activities and the Marine Environment in Namibia. First Regional Workshop on
BCLME, 22-24
July, Cape Town, 12pp.
Orren, M, G. Bailey and M OToole 1999 International Workshop on Monitoring of Anaerobic Processes in the Benguela Current
Ecosystem off Namibia; Swakopmund, 8-9 March 1999: Proceedings, Ministry of Fisheries and
Marine Resources, Namibia, the World Bank and BENEFIT.
OToole, M.J. and D. Boyer 1998 An Overview of Fisheries
and some Environmental Issues in Namibian waters. First Regional Workshop on
BCLME, 22-24
July, Cape Town, 32pp.
OToole, M and L.V. Shannon 1997 The Changing State of
the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS), Seattle, Washington, USA. 134-18 February, 43pp.
Pereira, A and V. Filipe 1998 Summary of some recent
Oceanographic and Environmental Variability Information from Angolan Waters. First
Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 30pp.
Pitcher, G 1998 Harmful Algal Blooms of the Benguela
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, the World Bank and the
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), 20pp.
Pitcher, G. 1999 Proposals for a Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB)
Monitoring Programme for Namibia. Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia and
the World Bank, 37pp.
Pitcher, G and M OToole 1998 International Symposium and
Workshop on Harmful Algal Blooms in the Benguela Current and other Upwelling Ecosystems;
Swakopmund, Namibia 5-6 November 1998. Proceedings, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources, Namibia, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the World Bank
Shannon. L.V. and M.J. OToole 1998 An Overview of the
Benguela Ecosystem. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 30pp.
Shannon, V and M OToole 1998 International Symposium on
Environmental Variability in the South-East Atlantic: Proceedings,
Swakopmund, Namibia, 30
March-1 April 1998: Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, the World Bank,
Shannon, V and M OToole 1998 Proceedings of the
Workshops on Environmental Variability, Environmental Monitoring and Environmental
Strategic Planning: Swakopmund, Namibia, 2-4 April 1998: Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources, the World Bank, GTZ, NORAD, SCOR and BENEFIT
Shannon, L.V. and M.J. OToole 1998 Integrated Overview
of the Oceanography and Environmental Variability of the Benguela Current
Region: Thematic
Report No:2, Synthesis and Assessment of Information on BCLME: October 1998,
Windhoek, Namibia, 58pp.
Sherman, K. 1998 Global Assessments and Sustainability of
Large Marine Ecosystems. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 35pp.
Schneier, S.M. 1998 South African Legislation relevant to the
Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July,
Cape Town, 10pp.
Schneider, G 1998 Diamond Mining off the Coast of Namibia and
the Marine Environment. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 8pp.
Strategic Action Plan for the Integrated Management,
Sustainable Development and Protection of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem
(Draft SAP): UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia, 27 pp.
Tang, Q and N. Cyr 1998 Changing States of the Yellow Sea
Ecosystem and YSLME Project. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town,
(overheads only)
Tapscott, C. 1999 An Overview of the Scoio-Economics of some
Key Maritime Industries in the Benguela Current Region (Draft): Thematic Report No: 6:
Synthesis and Assessment of Information on BCLME: UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia, 17pp.
Tarras-Wahlberg, H 1999 Review of the Environmental Impacts
associated with Marine Diamond Mining and Critique of Environmental Assessments undertaken
by Diamond Mining Companies operating in Namibian waters: Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources, Namibia and the World Bank. 23pp.