BCLME Publications

Detailed information about the Benguela Region and the BCLME Programme may be obtained from the following publications:

  • O'Toole, M and Shannon, V: Sustainability of the Benguela: ex Africa semper aliquid novi. Published in Large Marine Ecosystems of the World: Trends in Exploitation, Protection and Research, G. Hempel and K. Sherman, eds. 2003. Elsevier B.V. 227-253. (pdf - 502KB)

  • O’Toole, Shannon, de Barros Neto and Malan. Integrated Management of the Benguela Current Region – A Framework for Future Development. 2001. Published in Science and Integrated Coastal Management. Dahlem University Press. (pdf - 1.95MB)

  • The Benguela and Comparable Ecosystems (ed: Payne,AIL, J.A Gulland and KH Brink), South African Journal of Marine Science, Vol.5, 1987: 957pp

  • Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME): First Regional Workshop (UNDP), 22-24 July 1998, Cape Town, South Africa: 62 pp. (P.Croll-moderator)

  • Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME). Second Regional Workshop (UNDP), 12-16 April 1999, Okhandja, Namibia: 72 pp. (P.Croll and J.T. Njuguna –moderators)

  • Benguela Trophic Functioning (ed: Payne, AIL, K.H. Brink, K.H.Mann and R. Hilbourne), South African Journal of Marine Science, Vol: 12, 1992: 1108pp

  • Benguela Dynamics (ed: ) South African Journal of Marine Science, Vol: 19, 1999: 512 pp.

  • Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME): The Coastal Environment between the Congo River Mouth and Cape Aghulas: Thematic Report No: 5: Synthesis and Assessment of Information of BCLME: UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia, 184pp.

  • Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem Programme (BCLME) – A regional commitment to the sustainable integrated management of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem by Angola, Namibia and South Africa: Draft Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA): May, 1999, UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia: 29 pp and 3 sets of tables)

  • Alheit, J and M O’Toole 1999 International Workshp on zoo-ichthyoplankton monitoring in the Benguela Current Ecosystem off Namibia: Swakopmund, 17-19 February 1999. Proceedings, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources,Namibia, the World Bank and BENEFIT.

  • Anon 1997 IOC, IUCN, NOAA, ad hoc Consultative Meeting on Large Marine Ecosystems (LME’s): Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; Paris, France, 23-24 January 1997, 49pp.

  • Bodungen, v. B. 1998 The Baltic Sea: Monitoring, Governance and LME. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 5pp.

  • Cape Town, 13pp. Hempel, G. 1998 The LME Concept Revisited. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 11pp.

  • Carter, R, S. Lane and P. Wickens 1998 Towards responsible Environmental Management for Marine Diamond Mining in South Africa. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 10pp.

  • Clark,B, W.F. Meyer, C. Ewart-Smith, A. Pulfrich and J. Hughes 1998 Integrated Overview of Diamond Mining in the Benguela Current Region: Thematic Report No:3. Synthesis and Assessment of Information on BCLME: November 1998, UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia, 60pp.

  • CSIR 1999 Integrated Overview of the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry in the Benguela Current Region: Thematic Report No: 4: Synthesis and Assessment of Information on BCLME: UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia, 104 pp. CSIR 1998

  • Cooney, B. 1998 Sustainable Management of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town; PDF Document: 23pp.

  • Currie, B. 1998 Coastal Zone Development in Namibia: Overview, problems and Issues. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 19pp.

  • Dehrmann. A 1998 Benguela Current Large Marine Esosystem-Oil Pollution and the Marine Environment. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 9pp.

  • Delgado, F and P .A. Kingombo 1998 Coastal Development and Marine Environment on Artisanal Fisheries in Angola. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 11pp.

  • De Lourdes Sardinha, M 1998 Fisheries and the Marine Environment in Angola. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 12pp.

  • Gibbons. M 1999 An introduction to Zooplankton of the Benguela Current: Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, the World Bank and De Beers Marine.

  • Grigalunas, T.A. 1998 Practicval Uses of Environmental Economics in Large Scale Marine Ecosystems. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July,

  • Hampton, I, D.C. Boyer, A.J. Penney, A.F. Pereira and M. Sardinha 1999 Integrated Overview of Fisheries of the Benguela Current Region: Thematic Report No:1 Synthesis and Assessment of Information on BCLME: March 1999, UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia, 87 pp.

  • Hudson, A. 1998 International Waters and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF): Potential Applications in the Benguela Current. First Regional  Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 11pp(overheads).

  • Hutchings. L. 1998 Fisheries and the Environment in South Africa. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 25pp.

  • Junior, F.M 1998 Offshore Oil Exploration and Production Activities and the Marine Environment in Angola. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 10pp.

  • Mc Glade, J 1998 Integrated Environmental and Living Resource Management in the Gulf of Guinea: the LME Approach. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, (overheads only).

  • Moller, L. 1998 Offshore Oil/Gas Exploration and Production Activities and the Marine Environment in Namibia. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 12pp.

  •  Orren, M, G. Bailey and M O’Toole 1999 International Workshop on Monitoring of Anaerobic Processes in the Benguela Current Ecosystem off Namibia; Swakopmund, 8-9 March 1999: Proceedings, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, the World Bank and BENEFIT.

  • O’Toole, M.J. and D. Boyer 1998 An Overview of Fisheries and some Environmental Issues in Namibian waters. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 32pp.

  • O’Toole, M and L.V. Shannon 1997 The Changing State of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Seattle, Washington, USA. 134-18 February, 43pp.

  • Pereira, A and V. Filipe 1998 Summary of some recent Oceanographic and Environmental Variability Information from Angolan Waters. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 30pp.

  • Pitcher, G 1998 Harmful Algal Blooms of the Benguela Current. Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, the World Bank and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), 20pp.

  • Pitcher, G. 1999 Proposals for a Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Monitoring Programme for Namibia. Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia and the World Bank, 37pp.

  • Pitcher, G and M O’Toole 1998 International Symposium and Workshop on Harmful Algal Blooms in the Benguela Current and other Upwelling Ecosystems; Swakopmund, Namibia 5-6 November 1998. Proceedings, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the World Bank

  • Shannon. L.V. and M.J. O’Toole 1998 An Overview of the Benguela Ecosystem. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 30pp.

  • Shannon, V and M O’Toole 1998 International Symposium on Environmental Variability in the South-East Atlantic: Proceedings, Swakopmund, Namibia, 30 March-1 April 1998: Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia, the World Bank, GTZ, NORAD, SCOR and BENEFIT,

  • Shannon, V and M O’Toole 1998 Proceedings of the Workshops on Environmental Variability, Environmental Monitoring and Environmental Strategic Planning: Swakopmund, Namibia, 2-4 April 1998: Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, the World Bank, GTZ, NORAD, SCOR and BENEFIT 

  •  Shannon, L.V. and M.J. O’Toole 1998 Integrated Overview of the Oceanography and Environmental Variability of the Benguela Current Region: Thematic Report No:2, Synthesis and Assessment of Information on BCLME: October 1998, UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia, 58pp.

  • Sherman, K. 1998 Global Assessments and Sustainability of Large Marine Ecosystems. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 35pp.

  • Schneier, S.M. 1998 South African Legislation relevant to the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 10pp.

  • Schneider, G 1998 Diamond Mining off the Coast of Namibia and the Marine Environment. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, 8pp.

  • Strategic Action Plan for the Integrated Management, Sustainable Development and Protection of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (Draft SAP): UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia, 27 pp.

  • Tang, Q and N. Cyr 1998 Changing States of the Yellow Sea Ecosystem and YSLME Project. First Regional Workshop on BCLME, 22-24 July, Cape Town, (overheads only)

  • Tapscott, C. 1999 An Overview of the Scoio-Economics of some Key Maritime Industries in the Benguela Current Region (Draft): Thematic Report No: 6: Synthesis and Assessment of Information on BCLME: UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia, 17pp.

  • Tarras-Wahlberg, H 1999 Review of the Environmental Impacts associated with Marine Diamond Mining and Critique of Environmental Assessments undertaken by Diamond Mining Companies operating in Namibian waters: Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia and the World Bank. 23pp.