Online Resources
BCLME Online Resources



File type

  • SAP: The BCLME Programme's Strategic Action Program. The signed commitment by Angola, Namibia and South Africa to fully support the BCLME Programme -  November 1999 revised November 2002
English English part 1 (4.80MB)
English part 2 (4.26MB)
Portuguese part 1 (4.85MB)
Portuguese part 2 (4.43MB)
  • TDA: The summary of the environmental issues and problems that straddle the international borders of Angola, Namibia and South Africa - The BCLME Programme's Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA)
English English  part 1 (3.25MB)
English part 2 (3.66MB)
English part 3 (4.56MB)
  • Project document: A detailed description of the BCLME Programme, including budgets and timelines. The Project Document presents baseline and co-financing information, the organisational structure of the Programme and Terms of Reference for the various components of the Programme. A working document.
English (1.26MB)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation about BCLME programme by Dr Mick O'Toole
English (Power point file - 1.18MB)
  • Information brochure about the BCLME programme
English (2.14MB)
Portuguese (2.17MB)