Publications and Activities. Up-coming Activities

WCMC/IPIECA work on OIL SPILL and Bio-sensitivity April-June 2001
Azerbaijan National ER workshop 18-20 June 2001
Iran National ER workshop 16-18 July 2001
Mutual Aid Seminar Baku June 2001
National Oil Spill Contingency Plans Revisions Aug / Oct 2001
Review of NOSCPs IMO/ UNDP Nov 2001
Regional Mutual Aid Plan June / Sep 2001
Regional Oil Spill Contingency plan workshop Oct / Dec 2001

Meeting Reports

Progress Reports

Technical Publications

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CRTC for Emergency Response
751,Enghelab Ave., 15994 Tehran, I.R. Iran
Tel: +98 21 8809280-9 (2109)
Fax: +98 21 8809555
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