Programme Coordination Unit
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Downloads Library


Search for Hydrometeorological Data Within the Caspian Sea Basin   1998 Eng. hard copy
Review of Hydrometeorological Data Collecting Stations Adjacent to the Caspian Sea Shivareva S. S., Ivkina 06.1998 Eng. on the web-site
Proposal for Improving the Water Balance of Caspian Sea Golubtsov V. V. 12.1998 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Proposal for Setting up a Real-time Flood Surge Warning System for the Caspian Sea Shivareva S. S., Ivkina N., 12.1998 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Relationship between Global Climatic Features and Volga Cold Season Rainfall CRTC WLF 01.1999 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Study of Nonperiodical Sea Water Fluctuations S.Shivareva 02.1999 Rus. on the web-site
Studies Relating to the Up-dating and Extension of the KazNIIMOSK Surge Model Shivareva S. S., Ivkina N., 02.1999 Eng. on the web-site
Progress Report of CRTC CD Frank Schrader, A. Babayev 02.1999 Rus. on the web-site
Weather Systems Related to the Caspian Basin Precipitation and Evaporation from the Caspian Sea Panin G. N. 05.1999 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Work Programme for Water Level Fluctuation Centre CRTC WLF 05.1999 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Analysis of Synoptic Types over the River Volga Basin (1930 - 1995) Meshcherskaya A. 05.1999 Eng. on the web-site
Monthly Synoptic Types (1930-1995) over the Volga River Drainage Basin CRTC WLF 05.1999 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Concept "Sustainable development and Public Health" CRTC SHD & H 08.1999 Eng. on the web-site
Outline of Work Programme Akhmedov S. 09.1999 Eng.-Rus.  
Combating Desertification Concept. Report Stage 1. Draft (04. 1999) Frank Schrader 10.1999 Eng. on the web-site
Problems of the Caspian Sea Level Prediction Abuzyarov Z. K. 10.1999 Eng. on the web-site
Evaporation from the Surface of the Caspian Sea and its Long Term Variability Georgievskiy V. 10.1999 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Review of Past Caspian Sea Flood Protection Studies in Kazakhstan Isentayev K. 11.1999 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
A Review of Atmospheric Circulation over the Caspian Basin and Surface Runoff Wardlaw R. B. 11.1999 Eng.  
Caspian Sea Monthly Water Balance Studies Wardlaw R. B. 12.1999 Eng. on the web-site
Information Catalogues on Water Resource Problems of the Caspian Sea and it's Basin. Gorkunova G. G.,Vetrova 12.1999 Eng.-Rus.  
Influence of Anthropogenic Climate Changes on Caspian Sea Level Golubtsov V., Lee V. 12.1999 Eng.-Rus.  
Grid based Model of Caspian Sea Basin, Phase 1 Report Emma Tate, Jeremy Meigh 12.1999 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Review of Evaporation from the Caspian Sea Clarke D. 12.1999 Eng. on the web-site
Changes of Water Balance Elements and Caspian Sea Level CRTC WLF 12.1999 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Revised Bathymetric Maps of the Caspian Sea including Coastal Areas in Kazakhstan showing penetration of Surges Shivareva S. S., Ivkina N., 1999 Eng.-Rus.  
12-Monthly Caspian Sea Level Forecasts Abouzyarov K. K. 1999 Eng.-Rus.  
Satellite Imagery Analyses of Variations in Sea Temperatures in the Caspian Sea, 1997&1999 Muratova N. 1999 Eng.-Rus.  
Seasonal Variability of the Caspian Sea Circulation Driven by Climatic Wind Stress and River Discharge Rashit A. Ibrayev, Emin 1999 Eng.  
Report on Human Development, Tasks and Problems CRTC SHD & H 2000 Rus. hard copy
National report of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Integrated Coastal Management CRTC ITCAMP 2000 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Main Result of the Study of the CRTC for Combating Desertification, Phase 1 Evaluation and Mapping of Desertification Processes Frank Schrader, Aman Babayev 2000 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Study of Nonperiodical Sea Water Fluctuations (Surge Phenomenon) S.Shivareva 2000 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
The Use of Topological Techniques in the Prediction of Caspian Sea Levels Makarenko N. G. 01.2000 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Outline Document for Proposed Caspian Sea HYCOS Project CRTC WLF 01.2000 Rus.  
The Main Results of the CRTC for Water Level Fluctuations T.E. Evans, M. A. Kireev 01.2000 Rus. on the web-site
Transcaucasian Multimodal Oil Transport System Glavinis P., Goulas A 01.2000 Eng.  
National Coastal Profile (Turkmenistan) CRTC ITCAMP 01.2000 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Azerbaijan National Coastal Profile (National Report) Kangarly T.N. 01.01.2000 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Coastal Profile of the Kazakhstan part of the Caspian Sea CRTC ITCAMP 2000 Eng. on the web-site
Azerbaijan Desertification Country Report & Mapping Budagov A., Mikailov A., 02.2000 Rus. on the web-site
Islamic Republic of Iran Desertification Country Report Khalil Pour, F. Sardari 02.2000 Eng. on the web-site
Kazakhstan Desertification Country Report & Mapping Akijanova F., Abieva D., 02.2000 Rus. on the web-site
Russian Federation Desertification Country Report & Mapping Kapustin., Forstman D., 02.2000 Eng. on the web-site
Turkmenistan Desertification Country Report & Mapping Babayev A.G. , Schrader 02.2000 Rus. on the web-site
Modeling of Monthly Sea Levels on Water Balance Equation for 1925-1998 Golubtsov, V.; V. Lee 03.2000 Eng. on the web-site
CEP Water Level Fluctuation Centre, Report to Steering Committee Meeting KazNIIMOSK 03.2000 Rus.  
Further Caspian Sea Evaporation Study Panin G. N. 04.2000 Eng. on the web-site
Methodology for Spatial Planning of the Coastal Zone CRTC ITCAMP 06.2000 Eng.-Rus. hard copy
Results of the Phase I and Tasks for the Phase II A. Babayev 08.2000 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Review of Availability of Flood Management Information in Kazakhstan Kireev M.A. 09.2000 Eng.-Rus.  
Water Balance Report Update R. Wardlaw 11.2000 Eng. on the web-site
Hydrological Studies of the Kara Bogaz Gol Golubtsov, V.V. and Lee,V. 11.2000 Eng. on the web-site
Caspian-HYCOS - Project Identification Report Pieyns S. A. 12.2000 Eng. on the web-site
Development of Information Systems for the Caspian Sea and it's Basin (User manual for meteorological and hydrological data base) Gorkunova, T., Vetrova, E., 12.2000 Eng.-Rus.  
Comparison between a monthly sea balance and the Roshydromet method for forecasting monthly Sea levels Abouzyarov Z. K. 12.2000 Eng. on the web-site
Caspian Sea Water Balance Modeling, Consultants Report, Working Notes on Sea Surface Temperature and Evaporation, Water Balance Update, Miscellaneous Working Notes Wardlaw R.B. 12.2000 Eng. on the web-site
Review of Availability of Flood Management Information in Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkmenistan Mansimov, Lebedeva 12.2000 Eng.-Rus.  
Influence of Wind Induced Surges in the North-Eastern Caspian Region Shivaryova,S., Ivkina, N. 12.2000 Eng.-Rus.  
Pilot Project Lagan CRTC ITCAMP   Eng. electronic version
Pilot Project Gilan CRTC ITCAMP 12.2000 Eng.-Rus. electronic version
Pilot Project Neftchala CRTC ITCAMP   Eng.-Rus. electronic version
Coastal Profile (Islamic Republic of Iran) CRTC ITCAMP 2001 Eng. on the web-site
Description of the Caspian Sea Coastal Zone within the Russian Federation Mikhailichenko 2001 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Draft Guidelines for Integrated Coastal Planning for the Caspian Coast CRTC ITCAMP 2001, 09.2002 Eng. on the web-site
Caspian Regional Coastal Profile- draft CRTC ITCAMP 2001 Eng. hard copy
Work Programme for Operational Storm Surge System Rene Jensen 01.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Climate Changes in the Volga Catchment Timothy Mitchel, M. Hulme 01.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Setting up a real-time surge forecasting system for the Caspian Sea Shivaryova,S., Ivkina, N., 02.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Some Aspects of the Caspian Sea Balance Golubtsov, V.V. and Lee,V 03.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Reviews of the Caspian Sea Monthly Water Balance Models Georgievskiy, V.Y. 04.2001 Eng.-Rus.  
Analysis of Global Features and Teleconnections to Caspian Sea Meshcherskaya A. 04.2001 Eng.-Rus.  
Review of WLF 26L on Hydrology and Evaporation Estimates of Kara Bogaz Gol (Golubtsov, V.V., and Lee,V., Nov 2000) Georgievskiy, V.Y. 04.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Training Course in Groundwater Resources and Sanitation - A risk based monitoring approach to improved groundwater quality; Background Training Materials WHO 04.2001 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Data for input to Caspian Sea Basin Grid model Ivkina, N. 05.2001    
Real-time surge forecasting system (data –model interface and first results) Shivaryova,S., Ivkina, N., 06.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Kara Bogaz Gol operated as regulator of Caspian Sea Levels Wardlaw R.B. 09.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Progress Reports for June - August 2001 Parvin Farshchi 10.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Recommendations for Development of Legal Instrument for Combating Desertification in Caspian Littoral States CRTC CD 10.2001 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
A Review and critical analysis of the methods and results of the Caspian Sea level predictions developed for 5 to 10 years and 20 to 100 years time horizons Georgievskiy, V.Y. 11.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Flow Losses in Lower Volga Golubtsov, V.V. and Lee 11.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Quarterly Progress Reports CRTC SHD & H 11.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Socio-Economic Situation Related to Desertification Anders, Climm, Schrader 11.2001 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Completion Report CRTC CD 11.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Completion Report CRTC WLF 11.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Predictions of Future Caspian Sea Levels Evans T. E. 11.2001 Eng.-Rus.  
Draft List and Abstracts of Reports and Papers Published within the CEP Water level Fluctuation Centre during Stage 1&2 Evans T. E. 12.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Operational Storm Surge Centre, Final Report Jensen H. R. 12.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Desertification in the Caspian Sea Region A.Babayev, Schrader 12.2001 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Review of the Roshydromet Annual, 12-monthly Caspian Sea level forecasts Evans T. E. 12.2001 Eng.-Rus.  
Super Long-Range Forecasts of the Caspian Sea Super Long-Range   12.2001 Eng.-Rus.  
Upper Volga Daily Rainfall Corrections (Golubev Procedure) Meshcherskaya A. 12.2001 Eng.  
Grid based Model of Caspian Sea Basin, Phase 2 Report Tate E. 12.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Caspian Sea Potential Inundation and Impacts on Human and Natural Environment Frank Schrader 12.2001 Eng. on the web-site
Caspian Demographic Profile CRTC SHD&H 02.2002 Eng. on the web-site
Caspian Health Profile CRTC SHD&H 08.2002 Eng.-Rus. on the web-site
Brief Report of CRTC Combating Desertification for SCM in Ashgabat CRTC CD 09.2002 Eng.-Rus. electronic version
Brief Report of CRTC Sustainable Human Development and Health for SCM in Ashgabat CRTC SHD&H 09.2002 Eng.-Rus. electronic version
Brief Report of CRTC Water Level Fluctuation for SCM in Ashgabat CRTC WLF 09.2002 Eng.-Rus. electronic version
Brief Report of CRTC ITCAMP for SCM in Ashgabat CRTC ITCAMP 09.20002 Eng.-Rus. electronic version
Long Term Level and Cost Line Changes Prognosis of the Caspian Sea on the Basis of Geodynamic Model Scientific Project within the framework of "Caspian Sea Level Fluctuation Studies" programme 1998 Rus. hard copy
Seasonal Variability of the Caspian Sea Circulation Driven by Climate Wind Stress and River Discharge Institute of Numeral Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Turkey   Eng hard copy
UN Convention on Combating Desertification in Countries, especially in Africa with Severe Draught and/or Desertification   1997 Aze hard copy
The Guidelines of Populated Areas Sustainable Development Planning   1996 Rus. hard copy
The Climate Changes Consequancies in the Caspian Sea Region UNEP 1995 Rus. hard copy
New Opportunities for Development The World Bank 11.1998 Eng hard copy
Report on creation of information catalogues on Water Resources problems of the Caspian Sea and its basin CRTC for Water Level Fluctuations   Eng; Rus hard copy
Updating and Extension of Surge Model CEP 1999 Eng hard copy
Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Sector Europe and Central Asia Regional Office The World Bank 09.1999 Eng hard copy
Water Balance of the Caspian Sea CEP 12.1998 Eng hard copy
Review of Studies on Circulation Types CRTC for Water Level Fluctuation 01.2000 Eng hard copy
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan for the Apsheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan, Caspian Sea ICZM Apsheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan Project Outline   Eng hard copy
Review of Hydrometeorological Studies of the Caspian Sea CRTC for Water Level Fluctuation 1999 Rus. hard copy
Report on Monitoring of Marine Streams carried out in Sangachal Terminal Areas of the Caspian Sea Institute of Geography, Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan 11.1999 Rus. hard copy
Forecasting of long-term Caspian Sea Level Fluctuations CRTC for Water Level Fluctuations 10.1999 Rus. hard copy
Grid-based Model of the Caspian Sea Basin; Intermediate Phase Report (Appendix to Phase I Report) Emma Tate, CEH Wallington (formerly Institute of Hydrology), State Hydrological Institute 04.2000 Eng hard copy
Evaporation from the Caspian Sea. Meteorological Monitoring Assessment Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan 1986 Rus. hard copy
Report of the Workshop on Tourism Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean UNEP 17-19.09.1998 Eng hard copy
Design of a Decision Support System for the Caspian Sea CEP 07.2000 Eng hard copy
Deep Water Gunashli, Chirag, Azeri Full Field Development, Environmental and Socio Economic overview     Rus. hard copy
Exordial document; National Files of ITCAMP, Baltic Sea Region UNEP, Martin Onderstal 06.2000 Rus. hard copy
Exordial document; National Files of ITCAMP, Adriatic Sea UNEP, Martin Onderstal 06.2000 Rus. hard copy
Exordial document; National Files of ITCAMP, Caspian Sea Region UNEP, Martin Onderstal 06.2000 Rus. hard copy
Exordial document; National Files of ITCAMP, Black Sea Region UNEP, Martin Onderstal 06.2000 Rus. hard copy
Workshop Report, "Towards a Demonstration Programme for ICM in Central & Eastern Europe and Newly Independent States", ICMCEENIS Workshop UNEP 15-17.06.2000 Eng hard copy
Elements of a Regional Dane Programme for Water Resources Management in Caucasus and Central Asia. Background Report (Final) DHI Water and Environment 11.2000 Eng hard copy
National Environmental action plan for sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources 1998 Eng hard copy
State of Environment of Aterau Area Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources of Kazakhstan Republic 09.1999 Rus. hard copy
Predictability Problems of Global Change as seen through Natural Systems Complexity Description CRTC for Water Level Fluctuations 02.06.1997 Eng hard copy
Integrated Transboundary Coastal Area Management Planning (ITCAMP) UNDP-GEF 11.2000 Eng hard copy
Monitoring Recreational Waters Robens Centre for Public and Environmental Health   Eng; Rus hard copy
Guidelines for Safe Recreational - water Environments: Coastal and Fresh waters World Health Organization 10.1998 Eng hard copy
Framework for Cooperation on Sustainable Development for 2000-2004 UNDP   Eng hard copy
Black Sea Integrated Coastal and Shelf Zone Monitoring and Modeling (INCOM) Program Science Plan NATO, CCMS 12.2000 Eng hard copy
Inception Report, Component "Water Quality and Water Resources Management", Subcomponent "Upper Volga Basin Integrated Regional Environmental and Water Resources Management Policies and Strategies" Environmental Management Project, Russian Federation 08.1996 Eng hard copy
The Master Plan Study on Integrated Environmental Management in Baku city in Azerbaijan Republic Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), State Committee on Ecology and Nature Utilization Control 07.2000 Eng hard copy
Integrated Programme on Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of Environment in the Caspian Sea Region (CASPAS) WMO, CASPCOM, European Union   Eng hard copy
Analytitical Report, Water Quantity and Quality in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia Development Alternatives, Inc., UNEP 02.2002 Eng hard copy
Report of CRTC-ITCAMP, Training Course on "Integrated Coastal Area Management & Planning) International Ocean Institute Operational Centre of Caspian Sea 2002 Eng hard copy
Regional Health Profile; Additional Information on Iran CEP 12.2002 Eng hard copy
Statistical analysis and interpretation of marine community data UNEP, IOC, IAEA, WHO 06.1995 Eng hard copy