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Biodiversity. Rare species in danger of extinction
The number of rare and vanishing species from the
Caspian Sea and its coastal zones, as listed in national Red Books Azerbaijan Iran Kazakhstan Russia Turkmenistan Flora 50 12 40 8 Insects 20 Amphibian
2 17 0 0 Reptiles 3 2 8 Birds 41 30 31 45 24 Mammals 14 8 5 18 2 Fish 6 3 5 5 4 Note: The Table is prepared on the basis
of materials from the National reports on the state of biodiversity. Empty cells mean that
there is no available information Plant specie and wetland conservation of the Samur River
considered to be important issues. The increase in economic development along coastal
areas and the Samur-Divichenskoy lowland plain, as well as increasing recreational loads,
has lead to the degradation of unique intra-zonal habitats. Twenty rare species of plants
have been identified, characteristic of zonal dry steppe and desert communities, in
Kalmykia and the low-land territory of Dagestan. These species are spread on marine
terraces of various levels with particular geological characteristics. Anthropogenic
interference, which has greatly increased over the past decade, is the biggest threat to
many plant species. Unlimited cattle grazing, economic development, ploughing of land as
well as land reclamation all contribute to the succession of the steppe and desert
ecosystems, characteristic of zonal communities, to communities of little specie richness
and low productivity. Rare and endemic species are poor competitors and are therefore at
risk of extinction. The change in sea level of the Caspian Sea effects the
population of such plant species as Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Nelumbo caspica,
Diandrochloa diarrhena, Marsilea aegyptiaca, Trapa natans. All of them inhabit the
Volga Delta at the territory of the Astrakhan Nature Preserve. In Kazakshtan, Rubia cretacea has been classified
to be critically endangered specie, Aldrovanda vesiculosa as an endangered specie,
and Linaria cretacea as vulnerable specie. [The National strategy, 1999]. Aldrovanda
is an aquatic plant, which lives in the Ural River. Rubia and linaria can be
found on outcrops of chalky soil, on the banks of the Emba River and along Ust-Yurt. All
these species were considered to be rare even in the 1960s. Most of these species were
discovered between 1990-1996, however species were collected in single samples and little
is known about their natural habitat. In order to learn more about their different
habitats, further field research would be necessary. Other species suggested to be in need
of protection include the Convolvulus persicus, Stipa pseudocapillata, Artemisia
gurganica, Linaria leptoceras [Safronova, 1996]. Insects In Kazakhstan there are close to 100 rare species of
coleoptera, which make up 20% of the local coleoptera populations, however not all of them
are included in the Red Book. Only 20 of these rare insect species are included in the Red
Book of Kazakhstan (1991). These rare species inhabit northern regions of the Caspian Sea
(Kuznyetsov, Martynova 1954). Enthomology data for other coastal areas of the Caspian
Sea are absent. Amphibians The Islamic Republic of Iran is the most amphibian rich
country of the five surrounding countries. Twenty species of amphibians have been found to
live along the Iranian coast, 85% of which are included in the list of endangered species.
In other Caspian countries the variety of amphibians is low. Many amphibians are killed
for consumption as they are considered a good source of protein, in particular the Rona
specie. Human activity has had a negative impact on the habitats
in which amphibians live. Land reclamation and the drainage of wetlands cause the most
damage to these natural habitats. Pesticides and herbicides are also problematic as they
can pollute the environment in which amphibians live thus creating ecological problems.
Some species are highly sensitive to contamination and are sometimes used as indicator
species in order to guarantee the cleanliness of the water. Reptiles The Red books of Russia and Kazakhstan include 8 (21 %)
reptile species living in the region; of these eight, four are also included in the
Appendixes II and III of the Bern convention. The majority of the rare species (7) live in
Dagestan. The rarest taxons, which are at the brink of extinction,
are the East-Caucasian sub-specie of the Mediterranean tortoise (Testudo graeca ibera)
and western python (Eryx jaculus). The Mediterranean tortoise lives in the dry
steppes and in semi-deserts of Dagestan and they may even live in mountains up to an
altitude of 1100 meters. The western python can be found only at the south of Dagestan, in
the steppe or in mountains up to the elevation of 1500 1700 meters. The Coluber caspius is a snake that lives in river
bank cliffs composed of stones and clay as well as in ravines located in steppe, desert or
on banks of water bodies. In Kazakhstan they can be found only between the Volga and Ural
rivers. The Elaphe quatuerlineata is a rare snake, the
populations of which are rapidly diminishing. This snake can inhabit various landscapes
(dense fixed and semi-fixed sands, clay or even stone deserts). Sometimes, they can be
found in urbanized areas and even inside houses. This specie is sometimes trapped by
poachers and sold as pets. Mammals Very few mammals live along the coast of the Caspian Sea;
howevr, of them more than 35 species are included in the national Red Books as rare
species and or in danger of extinction, requiring special protection. In the Republic of
Kazakhstan species in these categories include the marbled polecate (Vormela peregusna),
stot (Gasella subgutturosa) and the saigak (Saiga tatarika).In Azerbaijan,
they include the small horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros), porcupine (Hystrix
indica), marbled polecate (Vormela peregusna), otter (Lutra lutra),
steppe cat (Felis libyca), lynx (Felis lynx), seal (Phoca caspica)
and chamois (Gasella subgutturosa). In Turkmenistan, the chamois (Gasella
subgutturosa) and otter. In Russia there are 18 species categorized as endangered,
including the musk-rat (Ondatra zibethicus), European mink (Mustela lutreola)
and Caucasian otter (Lutra lutra meridionalis ognev). Out of 19 species of mammals
living at the Iranian coast 8 species are registered as endangered. The wolf (Canis
lupus), hyena (Hyaena hyaena) and Caspian seal (Phoca caspica) are
classified as rare species. These animals are threatened due to the deterioration of their
natural habitats. The main factors, which effect habitats and lead to their
distruction, are deforestation and hydrological disturbances which affect rivers in
particular. An indirect result of these factors is an imbalance within the trophic
pyramids, due to the reduced number of certain species. Population sizes of rare species may vary for different
reasons. The marbled polecate (Vormela peregusna) population size varies according
to food availability, in particular rodent and sand mouse population sizes. Population
sizes of chamois has been effected by hunting as well as the destruction of their habitat
for cattle grazing. Until the 1930s, there were 200 thousand chamois in Kazakhstan alone,
today they there are 50 thousand left, half of which live in the Mangistauskaya region. In
the Buzuchi peninsula, numbers are thought to range between 16-20 thousand (Red Book of
Kazakhstan, 1996). Others have been spotted in the sandy dunes in the Djarda peninsula in
Turkmenistan as well as in Azerbaijan, where the chamois is also included in the Red Book. The number of weasels living in the Volga Delta, has been
negatively affected by fluctuations of water levels. Anthropogenic interference has also
been a reason for the population decline. Hunting of weasels was prohibited back in 1920. The European mink (Mustela lutreola) is a very rare
specie which is in danger of extinction. It can be found living in the Volga delta.
Anthropogenic interference has lead to a decrease in the population size of the European
mink as has the introduction of its close relative, the American mink (Mustela vison),
which occupies the same ecological niche and has been found to be a stronger competitor
than the European mink. The otter (Lutra lutra) is another specie included
in the Red Book of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. However, otter hunting is allowed both in
the Astrakhan region as well as the Volga delta, although certain quotas have been
imposed. The Caucasian otter (Lutra lutra meridionalis ognev) is a rare sub-specie
and lives in Dagestan in the Terek and Sulak rivers. The Dziggetai (Asinus hemionus) from Turkmenistan
is a rare animal, which belongs to the horse family and lives in on east coast of the
Caspian Sea. It became extinct in Kazakhstan during the 1930s, and was re-introduced to
the Barsakelmes island in the Aral Sea in 1953. In 1991, it was re-introduced into the
Aktay-Buzachynsky Natural Reserve located on the Tub-Karagan peninsula. Birds In Kazakhstan, 31 species of birds living along the coast
or coastal areas of the Caspian Sea are included into the Red Book of Kazakhstan. The
majority of them live in aquatic and coastal ecosystems, examples of which include the
pink pelican (Pelecanus rufescens) (up to 2 thousand) and Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus
crispus), yellow heron (Nyctanassa violacea), Greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus
ruber) (up to 35 thousand), and white-tail eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla). There
are 13 bird species of rare birds found in desert landscape, examples of which include the
great bustard (Otis tarda), snake bird (Plotus Anhinga), steppe eagle (Aquila
rapax), and eagle-owl (Bubo bubo). Other rare and coastal dwelling birds to be found in
Kazakhstan include the little egret (Egretta garsetta) (up to 1,5 thousand), glossy
ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) (up to 600), and during winter months the white-tail
eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla). Forty-five species of birds living along the Russian coast
of the Caspian Sea have been included into the list of rare and vanishing birds. Of these
forty-five species, twelve are included in the Red book of Europe in a category
"endangered" (E), "rare " (R) and "vulnerable" (V); 14
species are included in the Red book IUPN (category E, R, V); 28 species are included in
the Appendix II of the Bern Convention. The richest bird fauna is found in Dagestan and
Astrakhan. Among 45 classified bird species, 24 are closely bound to the coast and use it
as a place for feeding and/or nestling. Another bird to be included in the red Book of IUPN within
the category E is the curly pelican (Pelecanus crispus), the numbers of
which do not exceed 300. These birds can be found living in the Volga delta (mainly
between the Kirov and Gandurin canals), the Terek river valley (Kizliar and Astrakhan
bays) and in Kazakhstan, in particular Zhilava kosa. More common is the pink pelican (Pelicanus onocrotalus)
of which there are over 2 thousand individuals. This specie can be found in Russia, the
Manych-Gudili lake as well as, although less frequently, in the Volga delta. In
Kazakhstan, this specie is even more common and can be found between the mouth of the Ural
River, the Zhilaya spit and at the pre-delta area of the Volga River. Other rare birds living along the Russian coastline of the
Caspian sea include the baklan (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus) (category "K" in
the Red Book of IUPN), flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus), Egyptian heron (Bubalcus
ibis), kolpitsa (Platalea leucorodia), karavayka (Plegadis falcinellus),
sultanka (Porphyrio porphirio), sterkh (Grus leucogeranus) (category
"V" of the Red Book of IUPN), krechetka (Chettusia gregaria) (category
"R" of the Red Book of IUPN), European tuyvik (Accipiter brevipes) ,
European snake bird (Circaetus gallicus gallicus), long-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus
leucoryphus), white-tail eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) and great bustard (Otis
tarda). 289 species of birds live in Turkmenistan, 43 of which are
rare and in danger of extinction. 24 of these are included in the Red Book of
Turkmenistan, however, the remaining 19 species also require strict protection in order to
prevent them from becoming extinctinct. In Gilan, Iran, there are 30 species of birds to be
registered as endangered. These birds make up 50% of the total bird population in this
area. It is estimated that 40% of the endangered species are subject to hunting, of which
those from the Anatidae family make up 23%. The 30 endangered birds are considered
to be highly sensitive and are included in the list of rare species, although they used to
be common, the population numbers have decreased due to increased anthropogenic pressure
on their natural habitats. This has had certain side effects, for example, the Marmoronetta
ongustirostris has had to change its migration route. Fish Many factors effect the distribution of fish species
within the Caspian Sea. Species considered to be rare in some areas may be relatively
common in others. All Caspian countries have included the minoga, a
migrating fish, into their Red Books, of which the minogous is the sole
representative in the Caspian sea. It is registered under the 2nd category
which entails species whose population is rapidly declining in numbers within a specified
region. The minoga may travel up to a few hundred kilometers upstream in order to
reach spawning grounds. In recent years, hydro-engineering constructions have greatly
reduced their reproduction as they can no longer move upstream. Salmon species, used to be heavily fished for commercial
purposes. Two sub-species of salmon exist in the Caspian Sea: caspian salmon (Salmo
trutta caspius) and the white fish (Stenodus leucichthys leucichthys). Both of
which live in the Caspian Sea but spawn in the rivers feeding into the sea. The Caspian
salmon (Salmotrutla c.) has been included into the Red Book of Russia, Kazakhstan
and Turkmenistan. The Caspian salmon (Salmotrutla c.) has been
included under the 1st category status as it is under threat of extinction.
Other sub-species of salmonids inhabit the basins of the Baltic, Black, White, Azov and
Aral Seas. They can be found mainly in the south-west part of the Caspian Sea as well as
in the rivers entering the sea (mainly coming down from the Caucasian mountain range).
During the 1940s, the salmon catch was as high as 410 620 tons a year, but by the
1960s it was only 5 tons per year. The Caspian White fish is in the Coregonidae
family. It included in the Red Book under the 4th category status. It has also been
included into the Red Book of IUPN (International Union for the Protection of Nature). The
white fish is a sub-specie of white salmon which has a very limited habitat area. It can
be found only in the Caspian Sea, mainly in its northern and middle part and in the rivers
entering the Caspian Sea (Volga, Ural). In summer it remains in deep areas of the sea
(depth up to 50 m), but in autumn and spring it concentrates at shallow sections of the
north part of the sea. During the 1930s, the catch of white fish in the Northern
Caspian was in the range of 1,400 tons a year, but by the end of the 1950s it had
decreased to 0.4 tons a year. Catastrophic decrease in the catch was attributed to
regulation of the Volga River flow due to the construction of dams, which led to nearly
complete termination of the natural reproduction of this specie. Later on, due to
artificial reproduction, stocks were partially restored but today they remain below
commercial level. In the past the spawning grounds of the white fish were located at the
tributary to the Volga River the Kama River. Currently, a number of white fish have
been found to use sites downstream from the Volgograd hydropower station, but efficiency
of these spawning grounds is very low. The multi-staminal herring has been included into the Red
Books of Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan under the 2nd category status. It
moves to the Volga, Ural, and Terek Rivers only to spawn. During the 1930s, it was the
most commonly fished specie of herring (up to 70 thousand tons a year). However, due to
the fishing industry and difficulties in reproduction this specie is becoming quite rare. The kutum specie (Rutilus frissi kutum) has been
included into the Red Books of both Kazakhstan and Russia under the 3rd
category status. This specie is a member of the carp family and is a rare specie whose
population is declining. The kutum is a sub-specie with limited geographical spread. It is
most commonly found in the southern, south-western and middle regions of the Caspian sea.
It is very rarely found in the northern regions. In the southern regions, the kutum is of
commercial value. The Red Book of Azerbaijan includes fish species such as
the South-Caspian white-eyed bream (Abramis sapa bergi), pike (Esox lucius),
perch (Perca fluviatilis), and ship sturgeon (Acipenser nudiventris).
Reduction in the size of the marine pike-perch populations has been noticed in countries
of the southern Caspian, in particular Iran and Turkmenistan. Presently, the marine
pike-perch (Zusciopera marina) has nearly completely disappeared in the region
south of the Turkmen-Bashi gulf. Its population is limited to the rocky sections of the
sea in the Kara-Bogaz-Gol area. Extinction of the marine pike-perch from the wetlands of
the Turkmen coast (as well as in other areas of the sea) has started to speed up after
intensification of oil and gas abstraction which is the cause of much pollution. During the 1990s, fish poaching radically increased. This
had a negative impact on the most valuable commercial fishes sturgeon and salmon.
As a result, their numbers have radically decreased, bringing about the issue of their
conservation. Near the Azeri coast, the fish stocks of species such as the barbel (Barbus
mursa), Danubian bleak (Chacalburnus chalcoides), have radically decreased and
are under threat of extinction. These species as well as sturgeon and salmon are
recommended by the Azeri experts to be included into the National Red Book. In Kazakhstan, the sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) (of
the Ural River population) barbel (Barbus mursa), spiny loach (Gobitis aurata)
and others have been put forth for additions to the Red Book species.