Programme Coordination Unit
Room 108, 3rd entrance
Government Building
40 Uzeir Hadjibeyov St.
Baku 370016, Azerbaijan
Tel.: (994 12) 97 17 85, 93 80 03
Fax: (994 12) 97 17 86

Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

This is the draft Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. It has taken nearly a year to develop and has been derived from input received via a series of participatory workshops and a wider consultation effort. This is a draft version distributed now for review and feedback by a wide set of stakeholders, with completion of the document planned by the end of August 2002.

This draft document consists of 6 chapters one of which (Chapter 4) contains the detailed Action Plan itself.

Please download it, review and provide feedback directly to We would appreciate your comments on the document as a whole, but especially on the Action Plan itself (what is missing, are the actions correct or feasible, who should lead on each activity, etc?). We need to receive comments back by 12th August, otherwise we cannot guarantee they can be incorporated into the continuing development of the BSAP within the timeframe available.

This is your opportunity to contribute to and influence what will become the regional action planning framework for the biodiversity of the Caspian region. We thank you for taking the time to contribute to the process. (135 KB)