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22 de marzo, Día Mundial del Agua
Subsecretaria de Recursos Hidricos
Limnología en Conosur
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Informaciones útiles {(UV) - Pronóstico - Mareas - Calculadora}
Título: VII IAHS Scientific Assembly
Descripción: In recent years, the problems of providing freshwater for domestic and agricultural use and of protecting life and property from flood and drought have at last been recognized at a high level within the international community of Nations. Despite threats of international terrorism, the scourge of AIDS and concern at the impact of globalization, freshwater now holds a high position on the international agenda. It is therefore important that the hydrological community focuses its attention on those aspects of the science that will truly contribute to solving the World's many water problems. Of particular concern are the sustainability of existing water supplies in the face of increasing demands, and the need to account for uncertainty and change in the environment in which we live. The programme for this, the Seventh Scientific Assembly of IAHS, covers a very wide range of topics reflecting the diversity of interests of the Association's members, Commissions and Working Groups. Nevertheless, these two topics - sustainability and uncertainty - bind the programme together in the common goal of advancing the science of hydrology in the service of mankind. All people have a natural aversion to uncertainty and a desire for sustainability, but risk and change cannot be avoided and the challenge for this Assembly is to improve our understanding of both and to refine our ability to transmit this understanding to those who manage the World's limited resources of freshwater.
Tipo: Eventos
Topical: Evento Mayor
Fecha: 11/11/2004
Fecha de inicio: 03/04/2005
Fecha de finalización: 09/04/2005
Usos del agua: Sanidad, Otros, Industria, Energia, Ambiental
Palabras clave: sedimentos hidrología modelos cuencas estimación
Lenguaje/s: Ingles, Portugues
Contacto Principal: Pierre, Hubert
Ubicación: Raphain Palace Hotel in the city of Foz do Iguaçu – Brazil.
Tipo: URL:

Documentos Finales del Proyecto
Sea miembro de la RIRH!
Protección Ambiental del Río de la Plata y su Frente Marítimo
Información Institucional
Proyecto para la Protección Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible del Sistema Acuífero Guaraní
Programa Estratégico de Acción para la cuenca Binacional del Río Bermejo
Proyecto Implementación de GIRH para el Pantanal y Rio Paraguay
Programa Marco para la Gestión Sostenible de los Recusos Hídricos de la Cuenca del Plata
Proyecto de Gestión Integrada y Plan Maestro Cuenca del Pilcomayo
Manejo y Conservación de la biodiversidad de los Esteros del Iberá
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