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22 de marzo, Día Mundial del Agua
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Alias: PI08
Descripción: Performance assessment has been one of the hottest topics in the water industry in the past decade. In that period, the International Water Association has played a key role, and the performance indicators systems developed for drinking water and wastewater utilities have become a reference worldwide. PI08 will be the first international conference supported by IWA on performance indicators and benchmarking, and will be held in Valencia, Spain, in March 2008. The conference will also represent the final stage of Action COST C18, a network of relevant European experts on the topic, funded by the EU. Pi08 will be an opportunity to present the result of four years of fruitful cooperation, discussion and research. Benchmarking and performance indicators are already a reality in many places in the world. That is why I would like to invite you to participate in PI08, whether you are presenting the results of your research, your experience in the field of performance assessment, or simply meeting some of the foremost international experts while discussing and sharing their views on the topic. Valencia will be awaiting you next March. The city will be at its best after hosting the America's Cup in 2007, and just a few days before one of the largest festivals in Spain, the "Fallas". I truly hope that you will be able to join us for what, I am positive, will be a fruitful and enjoyable experience. Instituto Tecnológico del Agua
Tipo: Eventos
Topical: Evento Mayor
Fecha: 24/11/2007
Fecha de inicio: 12/03/2008
Fecha de finalización: 14/03/2008
Usos del agua: Sanidad, Doméstico y Urbano, Ambiental
Palabras clave:
Lenguaje/s: Español, Ingles
Contacto Principal: Enrique Cabrera Jr.,
Ubicación: Universidad Politécnica of Valencia (campus sites) - Valencia, España
Tipo: URL:
Teléfonos 963 879 898

Documentos Finales del Proyecto
Sea miembro de la RIRH!
Protección Ambiental del Río de la Plata y su Frente Marítimo
Información Institucional
Proyecto para la Protección Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible del Sistema Acuífero Guaraní
Programa Estratégico de Acción para la cuenca Binacional del Río Bermejo
Proyecto Implementación de GIRH para el Pantanal y Rio Paraguay
Programa Marco para la Gestión Sostenible de los Recusos Hídricos de la Cuenca del Plata
Proyecto de Gestión Integrada y Plan Maestro Cuenca del Pilcomayo
Manejo y Conservación de la biodiversidad de los Esteros del Iberá
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