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22 de marzo, Día Mundial del Agua
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Título: Course on Low Cost Soil and Water Conservation Techniques and Watershed Management Activities
Descripción: Low Cost Watershed Management Training Back to the Previous Page Description: ICIMOD’s Second International Training Course on Low Cost Soil and Water Conservation Techniques and Watershed Management Activities The training course will enhance the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of participants in low-cost soil and water conservation techniques and watershed management activities. In addition, participants will learn how to identify conditions of land degradation and identify the appropriate soil and water conservation techniques to address them; and will learn to analyse and design conservation measures within their own work context. The course is aimed at field-level technicians and extension workers working with the government or with international and local non-government organisations (INGOs and NGOs) in the area of natural resource management, especially soil conservation and watershed management. The fee is US$ 2,200 per person including tuition, all course materials, food and lodging (shared double occupancy). Single room accommodation is available for an additional fee of US$10 per day. The cost excludes international travel from place of origin to Kathmandu, medical/travel insurance and other personal expenses. We suggest that participants budget for an additional $20 per day to cover incidental expenses. Applicants are encouraged to secure financial support from their organisations or from donor agencies. Interested persons can register as individual participants although preference will be given to those sponsored by their employer or by a donor organisation. Applicants sponsored by an organisation should provide a letter of endorsement/sponsorship from their organisation. Deadline for registration: 7 March 2008 Deadline for payment: 15 March 2008
Tipo: Cursos
Topical: Graduados
Fecha: 01/02/2008
Fecha de inicio: 31/03/2008
Fecha de finalización: 22/04/2008
Usos del agua: Sanidad, Doméstico y Urbano, Ambiental
Palabras clave:
Lenguaje/s: Ingles
Contacto Principal: Keshar Man Sthapit,
Ubicación: Hotel View Bhrikuti, Godavari, Nepal
Tipo: URL:

Documentos Finales del Proyecto
Sea miembro de la RIRH!
Protección Ambiental del Río de la Plata y su Frente Marítimo
Información Institucional
Proyecto para la Protección Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible del Sistema Acuífero Guaraní
Programa Estratégico de Acción para la cuenca Binacional del Río Bermejo
Proyecto Implementación de GIRH para el Pantanal y Rio Paraguay
Programa Marco para la Gestión Sostenible de los Recusos Hídricos de la Cuenca del Plata
Proyecto de Gestión Integrada y Plan Maestro Cuenca del Pilcomayo
Manejo y Conservación de la biodiversidad de los Esteros del Iberá
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