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Título:  Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual Series
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Tipo:  Presentación
Descripción:  Get practical, comprehensive information on watershed restoration techniques with the Center’s Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual series. Together, the USRM manuals introduce an integrated framework for urban watershed restoration, outline effective techniques for assessing urban watersheds, and provide a comprehensive review of watershed restoration techniques. Manuals Available to Date Include: Manual 1: An Integrated Framework to Restore Small Urban Watersheds The first manual introduces the basic concepts and techniques of urban watershed restoration, and sets forth the overall framework we use to evaluate subwatershed restoration potential. The manual emphasizes how past subwatershed alterations must be understood in order to set realistic expectations for future restoration. Toward this end, the manual presents a simple subwatershed classification system to define expected stream impacts and restoration potential. Next, the manual defines seven broad groups of restoration practices, and describes where to look in the subwatershed to implement them. The manual concludes by presenting a condensed summary of a planning approach to craft effective subwatershed restoration plans. Approx. 116 pages. Version 2.0 Published February 2005. Manual 2: Methods to Develop Restoration Plans for Small Urban Watersheds Manual 2 contains detailed guidance on how to put together an effective plan to restore urban subwatersheds. The manual outlines a practical, step-by-step approach to develop, adopt and implement a subwatershed plan in your community. Within each step, the manual describes 32 different desktop analysis, field assessment, and stakeholder involvement methods used to make critical restoration management decisions. Published August 2006 Manual 3: Urban Stormwater Retrofit Practices Until now, no definitive guidance has been available on the art and science of urban retrofitting. This manual reflects over two decades of Center experience in retrofitting more than 25 urban watersheds across the country. This manual outlines the basics of retrofits, describes the 13 unique locations where they can be found, and presents rapid methods to find, design and deliver retrofits to meet a wide range of subwatershed objectives. The concepts of retrofitting are illustrated in more than 75 figures, 150 photos, 60 tables and nine appendices. The manual contains: updated costs for retrofit practices, updated pollutant removal data for stormwater treatment options, a design point method to estimate individual retrofit removal rates, and practical tips to support the design, permitting and construction of retrofit projects. In short, the manual provides all the resources needed to develop an effective local retrofit program. Approx. 400 pages. Published August 2007. Manual 4: Urban Stream Repair Practices This stream repair manual concentrates on practices used to enhance the appearance, stability, structure, or function of urban streams. The manual offers guidance on three broad approaches to urban stream repair - stream cleanups, simple repairs, and more sophisticated comprehensive repair applications. The manual emphasizes the powerful and relentless forces at work in urban streams, which must always be carefully evaluated in design. The manual also presents guidance on how to set appropriate restoration goals for your stream, and how to choose the best combination of stream repair practices to meet them. It also outlines methods to assess stream repair potential at the subwatershed level, including basic stream reach analysis, more detailed project investigations, and priority screenings. Finally, the manual offers practical advice to help design, permit, construct and maintain stream repair practices in a series of more than 30 profile sheets Manual 8: Pollution Prevention Practices This manual presents several methods to assess subwatershed pollution sources in order to develop and target education and/or enforcement efforts that can prevent or reduce polluting behaviors and operations. The manual outlines more than 100 different "carrot" and "stick" options that can be used for this purpose. The manual also presents profile sheets that describe 21 specific stewardship practices for residential neighborhoods, and 15 pollution prevention techniques for control of storm water hotspots. Approx. 190 pages. Version 2.0 Published February 2005. Manual 10: Unified Stream Assessment: A User's Manual The Unified Stream Assessment, or USA, is a rapid technique to locate and evaluate problems and restoration opportunities within the urban stream corridor. The tenth manual is a users guide that describes how to perform the USA, and interpret the data collected to determine the stream corridor restoration potential for your subwatershed. Approx. 142 pages. Version 2.0 Published February 2005. Manual 11: Unified Subwatershed and Site Reconnaissance: A User's Manual The last manual examines pollution sources and restoration potential within upland areas of urban subwatersheds. The manual provides detailed guidance on how to perform each of its four components: the Neighborhood Source Assessment, Hotspot Site Investigation, Pervious Area Assessment and the analysis of Streets and Storm Drains. Together, these rapid surveys help identify upland restoration projects and source control to consider when devising subwatershed restoration plans. Approx. 116 pages. Version 2.0 Published February 2005. Manuals 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 available for free download!
Usos del agua:  Sanidad, Doméstico y Urbano, Ambiental
Palabras clave:  
Autor/es:  CWP,
Editor/es:  CWP
Lugar de publicación:  
Fecha de publicación: 27/04/2008
Lenguaje/s:  Ingles
Formato:  HTML (htm, html)
Medio:  ON-LINE
Tipo: URL:
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