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Título:  New Handbook and Policy Brief supports governments' efforts to tackle water and economic development..
Título alt:  
Tipo:  Libro
Descripción:  A Handbook and a Policy Brief for governments on the practical steps for making national water management strategies needed to support their efforts towards the sustainable economic development required to reach the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), was released in Tokyo today. The Handbook and Policy Brief, written by the Global Water Partnership (GWP), an Intergovernmental Water Agency headquartered in Sweden, were launched at the international conference on water hosted by the Japan Water Forum, a Japanese water organization dedicated to helping people solve water problems around the world. "Water lies at the heart of sustainable development," says Roberto Lenton the Chair of the GWP technical team that oversaw production of the Handbook, "and an essential component in poverty reduction strategies." Without progress on Water the Millennium Development Goals will be extremely difficult to reach. Water is intimately linked to health, energy, and the environment, and is a key ingredient in generating rural livelihoods. "Countries need to be able to ensure reliable and readily accessible supplies of clean water to improve health conditions, reduce childhood mortality, and advance the status of women," adds Lenton. The Handbook stresses the importance of high-level support, stakeholder participation, and the need to involve water-related sectors, such as health, energy, finance, tourism, industry, agriculture, and environment. While it is aimed at developing countries, the information and tools described are equally useful for developed countries. Norway's Ministry of Foreign Affairs funded the production of the handbook.
Usos del agua:  Otros, Ambiental
Palabras clave:  GIRH hídricos sustentables políticas agua
Autor/es:  GWP,
Editor/es:  GWP
Lugar de publicación:  
Fecha de publicación: 05/12/2004
Lenguaje/s:  Ingles
Formato:  HTML (htm, html)
Medio:  ON-LINE
Tipo: URL:
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