CEPF - Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund |

What is CEPF? CEPF is a joint initiative of Conservation International, the Global Environment Facility, the Government of Japan, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the World Bank. CEPF’s grants target hotspots in developing countries and transitional countries. In South Africa, CEPF has grants available for the Cape Floristic Region and the Succulent Karoo hotspots.
What types of applications can be considered for funding? Each project must be linked to one of the strategic directions in the ecosystem profile.
In the Cape Floristic Region there are four strategic directions guiding CEPF's approach:
- support civil society involvement in the establishment of protected areas and management plans in Cape Floristic Region biodiversity corridors
- promote innovative private sector and community involvement in conservation in landscapes surrounding Cape Floristic Region biodiversity corridors
- support civil society efforts to create an institutional environment that enables effective conservation action
- establish a small grants fund to build capacity among institutions and individuals working on conservation in the Cape Floristic Region
See the CEPF investment strategy for the Cape Floristic Region here.
In the Succulent Karoo there are six strategic directions guiding CEPF's approach:
- expand protected area corridors through public-private-communal partnerships in the priority areas of Bushmanland Inselbergs, Central Namaqualand Coast, Namaqualand Uplands, Knersvlakte, Hantam-Roggeveld, Central Little Karoo, and Sperrgebiet
- engage key industrial sectors in meeting conservation objectives identified by SKEP
- retain and restore critical biodiversity in areas under greatest land-use pressure
- mainstream conservation priorities into land-use planning and policymaking
- increase awareness of the Succulent Karoo Hotspot
- create the capacity to catalyze the SKEP program
See the CEPF investment strategy for the Succulent Karoo here.
What types of activities cannot be considered for funding? Grants may not be used to directly fund government activities, purchase land, involuntarily resettle people, capitalize a trust fund or alter physical cultural property.
What is the size of the grants? There is no specific limit to the level of funding an applicant can request. What is the maximum length of projects? CEPF project funding may be provided for a maximum duration of five years.
How can I apply? The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) has a two-part application process. Applicants must first submit a letter of inquiry. If invited, applicants then complete a more detailed proposal.
Read the Letter of Inquiry Guidelines and download the Letter of Inquiry Application.
There are no specific deadlines for applications, however, CEPF will stop accepting proposals for a particular area or strategic direction once the designated funds are fully committed. If this occurs, information will be posted on the CEPF Web site.
Contact Details If you have questions or concerns, send an e-mail to cepfgrants@conservation.org
Cape Floristic Region Trevor Sandwith C.A.P.E. Coordination Unit, South African National Biodiversity Institute Tel: (27 21) 799 8790 Fax: (27 21) 797 3475 info@capeaction.org.za Mailing address: P/Bag X7, Claremont, 7735, Western Cape, South Africa Web: http://www.cepf.net/
Succulent Karoo Marion Johnson Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Program, South African National Biodiversity Institute Tel: (27 21) 799 8797 Fax: +(27 21) 797 1940 johnsonm@sanbi.org Mailing address: Private Bag X7, Claremont, 7735, South Africa Web: http://www.cepf.net/