GEF's Small Grants Programme (SGP) |

What is the SGP? SGP is the Small Grants Programme of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). In South Africa, the SGP is implemented through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The SGP provides funding to community-based projects that conserve the environment, while improving the livelihoods of rural communities and alleviating poverty through sustainable activities, including income generating projects.
Who can apply
- Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
- Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Grassroots organisation
What types of applications can be considered for funding? Projects must correspond to one of the following GEF focal areas:
- conservation of biodiversity of national/global importance,
- climate change mitigation,
- protection of international waters,
- combating of land degradation,
- prevention of persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Several different kinds of activities are eligible for funding by SGP:
- Community-based assessment and planning (planning grants): Support to pre-project participatory assessment and planning activities.
- Pilot demonstration activities: Activities that test and demonstrate the viability of innovative community-level approaches to global environmental problems.
- Monitoring and analysis: Available to intermediary NGOs and research centers (including universities) to support programme monitoring; to help identify, assess, and document best practices; and to prepare case studies of SGP-supported projects.
- Dissemination, networking, and policy dialogue: Available to support dissemination of innovations and best practices, networking activities, and policy dialogue efforts aimed at promoting a supportive policy environment for community-level action in the GEF focal areas.
What types of activities cannot be considered for funding?
- Purchases of property or vehicles
- Capital expenses
- Basic NGO operating or personnel expenses (e.g. salaries, office operating costs, etc.)
SGP funds are not substitutes for traditional sources of development funding. SGP financing will only be additional to the funds required for development, and are solely for the purpose of obtaining global environmental benefits.
What is the size of the grants? SGP gives grants of up to US$50,000.
What is the maximum length of projects? Projects can last up to 2 years.
How can I apply? You will need to contact the SGP National Coordinator to receive the project application guidelines and forms. If the concept paper submitted is considered eligible, you will need to prepare a project proposal, which is then submitted for approval. For the general application procedure please click here.
Contact Details Mr Vuyisile Zenani 351 Schoeman Street, P.O. Box 6541 Pretoria, 0001 Phone: +27 (0)12 354 8166 Fax: +27 (0)12 354 8058/9 Email: Web: and