Aquaculture: Further links and resources |
This Burning Issue has relied on the discussions on DLIST around the topic, contributions from DLIST users and a literature review. In this section you will find the sources used for preparing this Burning Issue, as well as additional documents, web links and points of contact for more information. You will find relevant legal and policy documents in the “Institutional and legal arrangements” section.
Documents and web links
Analysis of Marine Aquaculture Developments in Namibia: Environmental, Economic and Legislative considerations: This document presents a multidisciplinary analysis of Namibian aquaculture developments. Click here Aquaculture and Drought: When access to water is limited during times of drought, water-based agri-businesses need to develop and implement systems that minimise the impact on production. Farmers need to consider strategies to save and conserve water and protect their most valuable stock. In the event that water supply or water quality is severely impacted, emergency management measures are needed. Click here
Aquaculture gets a second chance in SA: Aquaculture, also known as fish farming, has been tried many times in South Africa, and failed many times too. Today, with food security being a priority, there is a move to start it up again. Can it work this time? Click here
Challenging the Aquaculture Industry: This report examines some of the serious environmental and social impacts that have resulted from the development and practice of aquaculture across the global industry. Click here
Development of small-scale aquaculture farming systems: Western Cape: An initiative to establish sustainable small scale fish farming units in rural areas of the Western Cape was launched during 2004/05 by the division of Aquaculture, Stellenbosch University with the assistance from the Department of Science and Technology and the Public Sector. Click here
FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries Aquaculture Development: It is essential for current efforts aiming at the future success of aquaculture in both developing and developed countries, to duly address the potential social and environmental problems in order to ensure that aquaculture develops sustainably. http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/w4493e/w4493e00.htm
FAO Corporate Repository, Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture: A Primer, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 407: Chicken raising for meat (broilers) or eggs (layers) can be integrated with fish culture to reduce costs on fertilizers and feeds in fish culture and maximize benefits. Chicken can be raised over or adjacent to the ponds and the poultry excreta recycled to fertilize the fishponds. http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/y1187e/y1187e15.htm
Implementation Plan for BCLME Regional Aquaculture Policy Options: This report presents an “implementation plan for regional aquaculture policy options”. This follows an assessment of the aquaculture policies and institutional capacity for aquaculture development in Angola, Namibia and South Africa, from which regional aquaculture policy options were identified. Click here
Mariculture in South Africa: South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT)’s page on mariculture contains legal documents, guidelines, requirements and plans. http://www.mcm-deat.gov.za/mariculture/
Regional review on aquaculture development - Sub-Saharan Africa 2005: Review of aquaculture development status and trends conducted by FAO’s Fisheries Department during 2005 and 2006. Read the document here. Click here
Solutions for Sustainable Mariculture: Solutions for sustainable mariculture - avoiding the diverse effects of mariculture on biological diversity by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Biodiversity is a programme of work on marine and coastal biodiversity aims to assist the implementation of the Jakarta Mandate. Click here
State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA): a comprehensive, objective and global view of capture fisheries and aquaculture, including associated policy issues http://www.fao.org/sof/sofia/index_en.htm
The ABUJA Declaration on Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa: This Declaration endorses an Action Plan completed during technical meetings, involving 100 experts from across the African continent at the Fish for All Summit, held in 2005. The Action Plan is based on a five point strategy that focuses on supporting capture fisheries, developing aquaculture, improving fish market chains, increasing benefits from fish trade and supporting decision makers with information. Click here The Southern African Marine Aquarium Breeders Handbook: The Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa after identifying the growing demand for fish funded a four year research programme at the Rhodes University, to test the feasibility of rearing marine aquarium fish in a commercially sustainable manner in Southern Africa. Click here
The production of poultry in integrated aquaculture-agriculture systems: The incorporation of laying hens in an integrated aquaculture-agriculture family-based food production unit was investigated in this research Click here
Useful contacts
Aquaculture Association of Southern Africa: AASA was established in the late 1980s in order to represent the interest of the then fledgling aquaculture industry in Southern Africa. The objective of the association is to contribute towards the development of aquaculture in Southern Africa through effective representation and distribution of information. http://www.aasa-aqua.co.za
Email: info@aasa-aqua.co.za Telephone: +27 (0) 807 6720 Fax Number: +27 (0) 12 807 4946
Postal: AASA P O Box 71894 The Willows Pretoria 0041, South Africa
Aquaculture Training Course: AquaAfrica offers a 2-day Aquaculture Training Course which is aimed at the people who have an interest in the Industry, but require more information prior to investing. The course specifically addresses the common questions new entrants into the industry have. Contact by email: info@aquafrica.co.za
Telephone: +27 (0) 46 622 3690 Facsimile: +27 (0) 46 622 4868
Postal: Aquaculture Innovations Postnet Suite 97 Private Bag X1672 Grahamstown 6140, South Africa http://www.aquaafrica.co.za
Institute for Development of Artisanal Fishing and Aquaculture (IPA), Ministry of Fisheries (Angola) Telephone: (+244 ) 222 334112 Fax: (+244) 222 393039 Email: ipartesanal@snet.co.ao http://www.angola-minpesca.com
Instituto Nacional de Investigação Pesqueira (Angola) Rua Mortala Mohamed Ilha de Luanda Caixa postal 2601 Luanda – Angola Telephone: +244-228-741465 Fax: +244-222-309330 Email: iim-secretaria@angola-minpescas.com
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (South Africa) 315 Pretorius street cnr Pretorius & van der Walt Streets Fedsure Forum Building North Tower 2nd Floor (Departmental reception) OR 1st Floor (Departmental information center) Pretoria, 0001 Telephone: + 27 (0)12 310 – 3911 Call Center telephone: 086 111 2468 Call Center Email: callcentre@deat.gov.za
Department of Agriculture, Veterinary Services (South Africa) Physical Address: Delpen Building Cnr Annie Botha and Union Street Riviera, Pretoria 0084 Tel:+27 12 319 6000 http://www.nda.agric.za/
Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources (Namibia) Head Office, Private Bag 13355, Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, Corner of Uhland & Goethe Streets, Windhoek, Namibia. Tel: +264 61 2059 (switch) Fax: +264 61 233 286 http://www.mfmr.gov.na
Ministry of Trade and Industry (Namibia) Block B, Brendan Simbwaye Square, Goethe Street Private Bag 13340, Windhoek, Namibia Telephone: +264-61-283-7111 Fax: +264-61-220227