There are various types of higher education institutions that one has the option of applying to. Here we give you a quick breakdown of the type of institutions to enroll at to suit your particular interests, needs and lifestyle:
University – A university degree offers one of the most recognizable forms of higher education development, being credited nationally and globally. A university degree is most suited to dedicated full time study and structured courses. It usually takes one 3 years to complete a general degree in the fields of humanities, commerce or science and somewhat longer for law, engineering and health. This forms the basis of your undergraduate degree, after which you will have a formal qualification. Often people choose to further their qualifications with postgraduate degrees such as honours and masters.
For a list of universities in South Africa click here.
For a list of universities in Namibia click here.
For a list of universities in Angola click here.
University of Technology – A university of technology offers a more practical dimension to learning. It focuses on providing higher quality education that places more emphasis on technology and equipping students with the necessary skills for the workplace. A year of theoretical study is usually alternated with a year of practical exposure and apprenticeship at a relevant institution. After 3 years of study at a technikon one receives a diploma. One can then choose to further his/her studies with a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degree. In South Africa, a universities of technology were previously called technikons.
Colleges – Colleges are institutions that offer less accredited degrees and courses. College degrees or diplomas sometimes hold less weight than those from universities or technikons when job hunting. One has the option of studying full time or part time as well as a choice between long courses and short courses. Colleges are independent and offer more specialized training such as teachers training colleges, nursing colleges, or advertising, computer, or business colleges.
FET college - Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges are a result of the merger of former technical colleges. Two types of FET colleges exist in South Africa, which are the Public and the Private FET colleges. Courses offered by different FET colleges may include tourism, engineering, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), construction, welding, tool making, hair dressing, jewellery design, hospitality studies, and are not limited to these only.
Short Courses – All higher education institutions offer some short courses for those who want less intensive studies or who want to further their knowledge on certain job related issues. They also all offer part time study for those who also have other priorities while at the same time wanting to pursue a further education.