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- Drin Coordinated Action
- The Drin Dialogue Process and the Drin Memorandum of Understanding
(Libert) The Drin Memorandum of Understanding; Coordinated action for the sustainable management of the Drin Basin
- A presentation by Bo Libert (UNECE) during the Inception Meeting of the Preparation Phase of the GEF project
Expert Working Group on Monitoring and Information Exchange of the Drin Core Group
- 1st Meeting 31 October 2012 Tirana, Albania - Draft Agenda
Expert Working Group on Implementation of the Water Framework Directive, of the Drin Core Group within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding for the Management of the Drin Basin
- 1st Meeting 30 October 2012 Tirana, Albania - Draft Agenda
1st Meeting of the Expert Working Group on Biodiversity and Ecosystems
- 1 November 2012, Tirana, Albania - Draft Agenda
- Building Drin Riparians’ Capacities on Transboundary Water Cooperation and International Water Law
- The GEF Drin Project ‘Enabling Τransboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the extended Drin River Basin’ organized its 1st capacity ...
Final Agenda
- The 4th Drin Stakeholders Conference was held in Pristina, on 14-15 December 2016.
- Project Intent
Information Note - Second Drin Basin Multi-Stakeholders Conference
- Tirana, Albania, 10 -11 December 2013
Drin CORDA - GEF Drin Project Brochure
- A brochure describing the characteristics of the Drin Basin, the challenges that stakeholders face in the Basin, and the response that is being offered via the ...
1st Drin Day Celebration
- The 1st Drin Day will be celebrated on 17th of May 2014, in numerous locations across the Drin Basin, from Lake Ohrid till the outlet of the Buna/Bojana River ...