of the JCP
and Strengthening Measures
the JCP Updating Process
List of
Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings
Meeting at Visby, Sweden, in May 1996, Heads of Governments of Baltic Sea States, while stating that the Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme (JCP) will continue to play a major role in international co-operation to protect and enhance the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, emphasized the need to update and strengthen the Programme and to accelerate its implementation.
Responding to this decision the Programme Implementation Task Force of the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM PITF) immediately initiated a project to make a review of Programme implementation and elaborate recommendations for updating and strengthening of the JCP. The Leadership of the Project was entrusted to Poland. Most of the governments and other parties, co-operating within the framework of the HELCOM PITF, have actively participated in the Project.
The Project was successfully concluded in February
this year. The emerging recommendations, after consideration and approval
by the HELCOM PITF, are contained in this report which was submitted to
the Helsinki Commission, meeting at Ministerial level, and endorsed.
Göte Svenson
Chairman of HELCOM PITF |
Mieczyslaw S. Ostojski
Vice-Chairman of HELCOM PITF Project Manager |
Shared Vision
The Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme (JCP)
provides an environmental management framework for the long-term restoration
of the ecological balance of the Baltic Sea, through a series of preventive
and curative actions to be undertaken in a phased manner in the region.
The JCP includes all the countries of the drainage basin and was mandated
by the resolution endorsed at the Baltic Sea Environment Conference held
at Ronneby, Sweden in 1990. At this unprecedented international environmental
conference, the participating Heads of Government, High Political Representatives
from the region, senior representatives of invited international financial
institutions (IFIs) and observers from nongovernmental organisations (NGOs)
joined together to create a "shared vision" for environmental management
of the Baltic Sea through an implementable programme of actions throughout
the entire drainage basin. The Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) was requested
to coordinate the JCP process with the cooperating parties.
Implementing the Helsinki Convention
The JCP, which was approved in 1992, provides a practical basis for
realisation of the objectives of the Helsinki Convention and establishes
a framework for sustained cooperation among the Contracting Parties to
the Convention, other governments within the region, international financial
institutions, and nongovernmental organisations who share a common interest
in environmental protection and natural resources management within this
important and ecologically sensitive region. The fact that the JCP emerged
as the direct result of a meeting of the Prime Ministers has granted it
a particularly high level of political visibility, which has been complemented
by sustained broad based public interest and support for its implementation.
Objective and Elements of the JCP
The objective of the JCP is to support a programme of complementary
"preventive" and "curative" measures within the entire drainage basin on
a long-term basis to restore the ecological balance of the Baltic Sea.
The JCP consists of six complementary elements: (a) policies, laws and
regulations; (b) institutional strengthening and human resource development;
(c) investment activities addressing point and non-point source pollution;
(d) management programmes for coastal lagoons and wetlands; (e) applied
research; and (f) public awareness and environmental education. The JCP
includes a series of priority actions to be undertaken at "hot spots" throughout
the entire drainage basin. These "hot spots" include traditional point
sources of pollution associated with municipal and industrial sources;
"non-point source pollution" from agriculture and rural settlements in
the major drainage basins; and priority areas for special management related
to coastal lagoons and wetlands. It was estimated, on the basis of information
available in 1992, that implementation of the JCP would have an estimated
cost of 18 billion ECU and require a phased implementation period of 20
HELCOM PITF - An Important Partnership
In order to coordinate the implementation of the JCP on a sustained
basis, the HELCOM Programme Implementation Task Force (HELCOM PITF) was
established. The PITF plays a unique role in the work of HELCOM, since
it is the only official body which includes the participation of the European
Union and all the countries in the Baltic Sea drainage basin, provides
an institutional framework for cooperation with IFIs and creates a means
for effective collaboration with a wide range of NGOs on JCP activities.
The PITF plays a critical role in opening the work of HELCOM to a larger
range of participants and providing a structure to maintain the critical
"partnership" which has been developed under the JCP. An overview of the
members and observers of the HELCOM PITF is provided in Box 1. The activities
of the JCP are complemented by the Environment for Europe process, which
operates at the pan-European level and includes activities to address policy
and institutional development as well as the important work of the Project
Preparation Committee (PPC). The PPC has proven to be successful in mobilisation
of resources for the preparation and implementation of projects in support
of the JCP.
Updating and Strengthening the JCP
The Heads of Government of the Baltic Sea States, following the precedent
of the Ronneby Conference, met at Visby, Sweden in 1996 to review regional
cooperation with an emphasis on promoting sustainable development. It was
concluded at the Visby Summit that significant progress had been achieved
in implementation of the JCP and that it was appropriate to request the
PITF to prepare a review of progress in JCP implementation and to provide
recommendations for future action to address emerging issues. Consistent
with this decision at the Visby Summit, the HELCOM PITF initiated a cooperative
project for the "Updating and Strengthening of the JCP." The Terms of Reference
for this Project focused on the following issues: assessment of current
environmental conditions in the region; review of progress in implementation
of the JCP; evaluation of emerging trends in the region; identification
of actions for updating and strengthening the JCP; recommendations concerning
financing of future activities; and noting lessons learned to date from
the implementation process.
Transition From Planning to Implementation
The JCP has been highly successful in making the transition from planning
to full scale implementation at the field level over the last five years.
On an international scale it provides an excellent example of a regional
environmental programme that has been able to make this complex transition
and initiate activities in a large number of complementary areas. All cooperating
countries have undertaken both preventive and curative measures to address
priorities identified in the JCP. While the first phase of Programme implementation
has proceeded very well, especially given the complex economic conditions
within the region, there is a critical need for sustained political commitment
and broad based public support over the long term to achieve the principle
objective of the JCP, the restoration of the ecological balance of the
Baltic Sea.
Effective Resource Mobilisation
The JCP process, especially the funding and implementation of projects
and activities, has been based on strong partnerships between a wide variety
of complementary parties who have worked together on a continuous basis
to support the Programme. Currently, of the 132 "hot spots" identified
in the JCP, investment is being undertaken at 56 locations for the whole
or parts of the hot spot and technical assistance activities in support
of project development and resource mobilisation are proceeding at 73 sites.
To date, 15 sites have been deleted from the "hot spot" list, as the result
of investment activities in the pulp and paper sector in Finland and Sweden,
completion of improvements in wastewater treatment facilities in Germany
and the closure of a number of industrial facilities in the countries in
transition. Equally important are the many relationships developed between
the cooperating parties, which will provide the necessary experience and
skills required for meeting the challenges of the second phase of the Programme.
Map 1 provides an overview of the locations at which actions related to
implementation are currently being undertaken within the Baltic Sea region.
Results on the Ground
Throughout the region, activities to implement the JCP are beginning
to have results on the ground, leading to a range of regional, national
and local benefits. Programme activities to support strengthening of water
and wastewater utilities have focused on rehabilitation, upgrading and/or
expansion of infrastructure in municipalities in the countries in transition.
These interventions have included actions in municipalities beyond those
included on the JCP-list of "hot spots." Representative projects include:
Haapsalu, Pärnu, Tallinn and Tartu in Estonia; Daugavpils, Liepaja
and Riga in Latvia; Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai and Vilnius in Lithuania;
and Gdansk, Gdynia-Debogorze, Torun and other cities in Poland. Project
preparation is being undertaken in Kaliningrad and implementation of selected
activities has started in St. Petersburg in the Russian Federation. A project
is also under preparation for Lviv in Ukraine. In addition, in the Russian
Federation, a national water and wastewater programme that will address
issues in 15-20 cities throughout the country is being developed. Mechanisms
have also been established and funded for interventions to support medium
and small municipal systems in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. The
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) supported Small
Municipalities Environment Project in Estonia provides an example of a
project to address a number of smaller cities.
Challenges in the Industrial Sector
Progress under the JCP in addressing environmental issues in the industrial
sector has proceeded at a slower rate than work at the municipal level.
While actions have been taken at many locations in all portions of the
region, implementation activities in the countries in transition should
be expanded in the next phase of the Programme. Priority should be given
to resolving issues related to ownership and liability; restrictions on
restructuring production lines and staffing levels; development of effective
investment funding mechanisms; and development of legal and regulatory
frameworks that allow active participation of the private sector in various
ways. In Poland, national and local environment funds have supported selected
investments in industrial pollution control, and Russia has established
a National Pollution Abatement Facility to provide financial support for
qualified industrial facilities. Major activities have been undertaken
with support of IFIs and bilateral donors to develop skills in environmental
audits, clean production, waste minimisation, energy efficiency and improved
health and safety standards in industry. The wider use of certification
programmes, such as the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) and the
ISO 14001 of the International Standards Organisation, are having a positive
impact in this sector within the region.
Development of Frameworks for Interventions
The JCP implementation process has supported the development of frameworks
for interventions in a number of Programme areas. Interventions related
to control of non-point source pollution from agriculture and rural settlements
have focused on establishment of a sound financial, social and technical
basis for activities, by supporting demonstration programmes at the field
level in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. The demonstration phase
of these programmes has successfully been completed and the second phase
of the Programme will feature development of full-scale operational projects.
The JCP has also supported the efforts of the Working Group on Coastal
Lagoons and Wetlands which has participated in cooperative development
of management plans for key sites of international, regional and local
significance. These plans, with appropriate adjustments to fully comply
with national and local planning and administration in the cooperating
countries, will provide a framework for management and small scale investment
activities required to protect and rehabilitate these critical ecosystems.
Economic Benefits and Transfer of Technology
In countries in transition, JCP related projects have provided important
opportunities for local consulting firms, individual experts, construction
companies and equipment suppliers to participate in these activities. This
has stimulated employment generation, economic growth, and effective use
of local skills. Internationally funded projects that included the participation
of international consultants and contractors have supported transfer of
experience in project planning and design; facilitated institutional strengthening
and human resources development; introduced new construction methods and
technologies; and developed new systems for project/construction supervision
and quality assurance.
Programme Funding and Management
Importance of Integration of Programme Priorities into Investment
Development and financing of JCP related "free standing" environmental
projects and projects which have major environmental components has demonstrated
the critical importance of integration of environmental priorities into
national investment plans. It is clear that the countries with the highest
rates of investment under the JCP are those which have built these priorities
into their formal investment strategy. Where this has been done both domestic
and international sources of funding, including loans, soft loans and grants,
have been more readily available and project development has proceeded
in a much more efficient and timely manner. Integration of priorities into
investment plans has had the added advantage of bringing parties responsible
for planning, finance, environment, and cooperating sectoral ministries
and municipalities together to reach a consensus on priorities in a formally
structured manner.
International Funding Accelerates JCP Implementation
International funding in the form of loans, soft loans, grants and
other types of assistance has been instrumental in accelerating the rate
of JCP implementation in the countries in transition. This process has
included several major sources of support:
· European Union Programmes. The European Commission has used four large external programmes of grant based financial support to assist countries in transition in preparation and implementation of the JCP. These external programmes include EU (Phare), EU (Tacis), EU (Interreg) and EU (Life). The decision to restructure EU (Phare) as an instrument to support the accession process and to fund priority investment actions will increase the role of this mechanism in the next phase of the JCP.
· Bilateral Donors. The provision of grants for a wide range of studies, training programmes and investments by a number of bilateral donors, especially Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway and Sweden, has been critical for preparation and implementation of the Programme and individual projects. The use of bilateral investment funds has been concentrated to date on cofinanced investment projects in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Russia. This support has been complemented by additional assistance provided by nearly all European Union member countries, Canada, Japan, Norway, Switzerland and the United States.
· Special Mechanisms. In the region, special mechanisms have been established to support environmental investments. These include "Eco-Conversion Funds" and "Debt for Nature" swaps. The Eco-Fund in Poland provides a good example of such a mechanism.
Project Planning and Management
Implementation of the JCP has demonstrated the need to give special
attention to improvement of project planning and management skills required
to make many municipalities, utilities and industries creditworthy and
able to effectively use loan and grant funding from domestic and international
sources. A priority area is the development, in both traditional market
economies and countries in transition, of improved skills in strategic
planning, financial management and accounting. Often, complex and contradictory
institutional relationships, sometimes including political interference
in the day-to-day management of municipal utility companies, hamper the
sound development and implementation of projects. For projects to be sustainable,
it is important that the institutions responsible for their planning, implementation
and operation have sufficient managerial skills and a solid financial situation.
Improvement of skills in contract management; competitively based procurement;
and disbursement continue to be consistently identified as a major area
for institutional strengthening in the countries in transition. Development
of these skills frequently requires the use of qualified international
expertise and is often not possible without external grant financing for
these services and related training activities.
Updating and Strengthening Measures
Adjustments to the JCP
The review process reconfirmed the soundness of the basic approach
adopted in the original design of the JCP, which focused on implementation
of a series of complementary "preventive" and "curative" measures in a
phased manner throughout the Baltic Sea drainage basin. The JCP should
therefore largely be maintained in its original form as the framework for
this regional environmental programme and only limited adjustments to the
structure and content should be made. The scope and priority of various
Programme Elements have changed during the course of implementation and
minor modifications in the Programme should be made to reflect these developments.
In addition, the scope of the JCP should be adjusted to address selected
emerging environmental problems in the region.
A Proactive Role
Reconsideration of the organisational structure and working methods
of the HELCOM PITF will be part of the overall HELCOM revision process.
The forthcoming review of the organisational structure of HELCOM should
take into account the special needs of the PITF in the JCP implementation
process. Experience thus far indicates the clear need to continue the mandate
of the HELCOM PITF as a coordination and reporting mechanism to support
the JCP. It is recommended, however, that a more proactive role should
be taken by HELCOM and the PITF in implementation of the JCP. The resource
mobilisation activities of the PITF should continue to be coordinated with
the PPC to facilitate the effective and timely matching of domestic resources,
loans and grants to support the preparation and implementation of projects
on an accelerated basis.
Strengthening the PITF Implementation Support
Strengthening the role of the HELCOM PITF can be supported by adoption
of innovations during the next phase of the JCP, including greater emphasis
on the use of the PITF as a forum for collective discussions of environmental
management challenges, emerging trends, and other complex issues. Greater
emphasis might also be given in the work of the PITF to the identification
of lessons learned and the dissemination of experience gained from Programme
implementation. It is recommended that a performance review system be developed
for the PITF, including a system for reporting on implementation progress
of the various elements of the JCP. Priority should be given to preparation
of a comprehensive annual report that includes an activity inventory to
be updated on a regular basis and the use of performance indicators; this
would provide an overview of progress in all elements of the Programme.
External and Internal Coordination
The work of the PITF should give greater emphasis to both external
and internal coordination to broaden support for the JCP. The priority
for external coordination should be active work with decision makers, cooperating
parties and the public concerning implementation of the JCP. Measures should
also be taken to increase coordination with the Environment for Europe
process, the series of environmental conventions developed by the United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE), as well as with complementary
activities in the region such as Baltic 21 and VASAB 2010. Internally,
HELCOM management should take measures to more fully integrate the work
programmes of the well established Environment and Technological Committees
with the activities of the PITF. This would facilitate use of their specific
competence in the JCP process to improve environmental management; it would
also sharpen the applied focus of Committee work. This should be complemented
by a more active role in management by the Working Groups and Task Teams
and by development of guidelines for the activities of Lead Parties.
Greater Focus on Specific Tasks
It is recommended, consistent with the approved revision of HELCOM
activities, that the work of the PITF become more task oriented to increase
effectiveness and to use limited financial resources more efficiently.
In this context, it is proposed that the PITF identify specific tasks which
should be undertaken, develop terms of reference and budgets for these
activities and enter into formal agreements and/or contracts for their
performance. This type of approach has already been tested for the Project
on Agriculture and the JCP updating and strengthening process. It could
be applied to a range of proposed activities provided it is possible to
reach agreements concerning the role of the Lead Party, personnel responsible
for undertaking the activity, and the necessity of following HELCOM guidelines.
Strengthening JCP Related Monitoring and Data Collection
Preparation of the "Third Periodic Assessment on the State of the Marine
Environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-1993" and the "Third Pollution Load
Compilation (PLC-3)," demonstrated the need for actions to strengthen monitoring
and data collection to support better analysis of regional, national and
local trends in the region. An important area for support is the upgrading
and standardisation of HELCOM environmental laboratories and training for
their staff in the eastern and southern portions of the region. This would
permit greater comparability of data for assessment of transboundary environmental
issues, improved environmental strategies, and evaluation of the effectiveness
of measures taken under the JCP. In order to strengthen coordination on
environmental data collection, reporting activities and assessment of impacts
to the Baltic Sea, the activities supported by the JCP in this area should
be coordinated with the European Union, European Environmental Agency,
and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), to
maximise the utility of the information gathered and to coordinate the
reporting needs of these bodies.
Programme Coordination and Special Support
Strengthened Coordination with the European Union
Measures should be taken to fully utilise the increased support of
the European Union in the HELCOM process. This is especially so given the
increased importance of European Union environmental legislation in the
region; the accession process; the evolving role of the EU as a major source
of support of investment activities; and the broad implications of European
Union policies, directives and programmes for agriculture, energy and transport.
In coordination with the European Commission, the HELCOM Contracting Parties
that are EU members should support effective dialogue on the implications
and implementation of European Union directives in an expanded number of
countries. The European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Union's financing
institution, already has a large and diversified environmental programme
in the cooperating EU member countries and is anticipated to continue to
be a major source of investment finance there as well as in the accession
Support for Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine
It is especially important that HELCOM address the specific needs of
Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine in harmonisation of activities,
recommendations and guidelines with other cooperating countries. HELCOM
should facilitate a well balanced process, consistent with the "common
goals" approach adopted in the Environment for Europe process, that supports
development and application of common principles and approaches to address
regional and national needs. Following the traditional HELCOM approach
of promoting effective regional cooperation, special attention should be
given to addressing the strengthened participation of Belarus, Russian
Federation and Ukraine in the work of the PITF and implementation of the
Programme. Emphasis should also be given to the mobilisation of loan and
grant resources to support accelerated implementation of Programme activities
in these countries. The plan to increase the focus of PPC work in the countries
of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) should assist in expanding
the availability of international resources to support JCP implementation
in Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine. The EU (Tacis) programme would
be an important element of this support.
Support for Decentralisation
The strong trend towards decentralisation in the region has given local
governments operating at all levels significantly greater authority in
decision making; however, it has also mandated greater self-reliance in
the generation and use of funds for investments and their operational costs.
The financial participation of local governments in projects for municipal
and rural investment activities is important to establish the local ownership
that is critical for long-term success of these activities. The greater
use of revenue sharing, including increased local retention of taxes, environmental
fees and fines, authority to introduce special taxes and raise investment
funding from commercial sources, will be increasingly important factors
for implementation of the JCP. Priority should be given under the next
phase of the JCP to provide support throughout the region for strengthening
the planning, administrative, financial and technical capacity of local
governments and environmental organisations in urban and rural areas.
Major Actions in Programme Elements
Programme Strategy - Integration of Environment
At the strategic level, increased support should be given to preventive
measures to integrate environment into policy, planning and management
systems to avoid creation of new environmental problems associated with
current and future economic development in all parts of the region. Priority
should be given to integrating environmental concerns into activities in
all sectors and at all levels of administration within the region. Support
for preventive actions would minimise future demands on limited budget
resources to undertake curative actions resulting from new investments.
The work of HELCOM in promoting the integration of environment into the
planning process will be complemented by the Baltic 21 initiative.
Element 1 - Supporting Harmonisation of Frameworks
The work of the "Policy, Legal and Regulatory Measures Element" should
support the cooperating parties involved in the JCP to promote adjustment
of national policies, legal and regulatory systems to facilitate implementation
of Programme. In the second phase of the JCP, activities should focus on
the complex issues related to the harmonisation of European Union directives,
HELCOM recommendations and national legislation of all the countries participating
in the JCP process. This should include selected activities, developed
in coordination with HELCOM Committees and the European Union, to address
issues related to application of HELCOM recommendations in the context
of the accession process. A special issue to be reviewed is the implication
of having selected environmental regulations in use within the region that
are more strict than those of the European Union. Actions should also be
taken to address harmonisation of approaches to implementation of the relevant
HELCOM recommendations and national legislation in Belarus, Russian Federation
and Ukraine. In addition, the Lead Party for Element 1 should coordinate
assistance on policy, legal and regulatory issues with Lead Parties responsible
for coordination of other elements. This should include measures for the
dissemination of knowledge concerning laws and regulations on the application
of Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Environmental Practice (BEP).
Element 2 - Strengthened Implementation and Management Capacity
Measures to support "Institutional Strengthening and Human Resources
Development" should focus on improving planning, administrative, financial
and technical skills of public sector, private sector and nongovernmental
organisations participating in implementation of the JCP. Special emphasis
should be placed on supporting the ongoing decentralisation process throughout
the basin in both urban and rural areas. Actions should be developed cooperatively
with specific counterpart groups and have a very practical emphasis. Support
should be provided to improve local abilities to use environmental planning
and management techniques such as enforcement and compliance measures,
environmental impact assessment, urban environmental audits, and integrated
coastal zone management. The application of economic instruments should
be demonstrated at locations where their application may be possible under
local conditions. The Lead Party should identify areas where further efforts
are warranted and take actions to develop strong links with other elements
of JCP. The Union of the Baltic Cities and the International Council for
Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) can be expected to continue to
play an innovative role in this process through cooperation on a "city
to city" basis by promoting the local Agenda 21 process and by supporting
the expanding cooperative preparation of "urban environmental audits" as
a tool for better management.
Element 3 A - Continued Emphasis on Point Source Pollution
Although significant progress has been made under the Programme in
addressing point source pollution, especially from municipal sources throughout
the region and in the pulp and paper industry in Sweden and Finland, continued
substantial support will be required to reach Programme objectives in this
area. Activities during the next phase should include major efforts to
address issues in large and complex urban/industrial areas, additional
primary and secondary cities not addressed to date, and at increasing numbers
of financially viable industrial sources of pollution. Work at the municipal
level will continue to emphasise the strengthening of utilities to provide
improved water and wastewater services. During the next phase of the JCP,
greater emphasis should be placed on addressing the management of hazardous
and solid waste at a number of locations. It should be anticipated that
in the countries in transition work on point source pollution will continue
to be based on cofinanced projects and credit lines combining loans, grants
and domestic resources to support institutional strengthening and investment
activities. It is anticipated that the private sector will participate
in a number of projects in this area under various arrangements. Cooperating
parties from the private sector, such as the International Chamber of Commerce
(ICC) and the International Network for Environmental Management (INEM),
can make significant contributions by promoting the use of good environmental
practices, sharing experience and providing opportunities for practical
Element 3 B - Increased Emphasis on Non-Point Source Pollution1
The second phase of the JCP will have an increased emphasis on the
control of non-point source pollution from agriculture and rural settlements
and from transportation. This would include:
· Pollution from Land Transport. Current trends indicate a clear shift from rail to road transport and a massive increase in registration of private vehicles in the eastern and southern countries of the region. Given the important role played by the transport sector in the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea through mobile sources of air pollution, the PITF is currently establishing a policy and technology oriented Project on Transportation. This will build upon HELCOM recommendations for integration of environmental considerations into transportation planning and policy, implementation of the Polluter Pays Principle, and introduction of BAT for vehicles and fuels. Many countries are developing legislation in compliance with these recommendations and other regional initiatives advocating similar actions. In addition, many countries that have not already done so are now phasing out lead. The HELCOM Project on Transportation should provide a multifaceted approach by promoting integration of environmental concerns into transportation sector policies, strategies, and planning, through the use of environmental guidelines and strategic environmental assessment. This will include evaluation of the possible increased future role of public transportation. This activity should be closely coordinated with the work of Baltic 21. It is not anticipated that the JCP will support investment activities to address the issues related to pollution from transportation.
Element 5 - Support for Key Applied Research Activities
In the next phase of the JCP, efforts should be made to fully operationalise
this important element of the Programme. There are several proposals related
to this element which are still valid but have not been addressed within
the Programme to date. It is recommended that the issue of Lead Party responsibility
for this element be resolved and that support be provided to increase use
of research programmes and their findings in the practical solution of
immediate problems. Recommended actions include:
· Biological Effects Monitoring. One area which has been identified as a priority by the HELCOM Environment Committee is the further development of environmental indicators, including the identification of indicator species, which, due to their responsiveness to environmental conditions, can indicate ecological stresses. The development of biological effect monitoring for gauging the health of the Baltic Sea is an important long-term task for the Environment Committee. The set of environmental indicators currently being developed under the ICC-led Baltic Sea 2008 initiative should be reviewed for possible use by the PITF. In addition, special efforts should be made to evaluate and propose practical measures that can be taken to monitor and control the introduction of alien species into the region.
· Strengthening the Monitoring System. Developing procedures and criteria for identifying and assessing pollution sites, preparing guidelines for remedial actions at these locations, and providing a systematic means to monitor improvement, remain important applied research efforts for the HELCOM Technological Committee. The standardisation of monitoring methodologies, equipment and data sets, including support for training laboratory personnel, is of major importance in assessment of trends in the Baltic Sea and its drainage basin. The incompatibility of monitoring data among countries of the region hampers the compilation of an aggregate assessment of environmental conditions. Activities in this area should be specifically designed to support the Pollution Load Compilation process through upgrading of monitoring information available from point and non-point sources.
· Dissemination of Information. The application of research is also an issue of information dissemination. Using the HELCOM Internet site and other information channels, the existing HELCOM Committees and the PITF should strive to make information available to key user groups.
Special Issue - Procedures for Addition and Deletion of Hot Spots
Implementation of the Programme has highlighted a need to develop principles
and procedures for the deletion and addition of hot spots. In order to
achieve this objective, the PITF, working with the Technological Committee,
PITF/TC Project on Agriculture, and Coastal Lagoons and Wetlands Working
Group, plans to establish during 1998 a set of general and sectoral procedures
for the inclusion and deletion of hot spots. It is recommended that these
procedures establish a replicable mechanism for hot spot deletions and
additions, and provide a mechanism for setting target goals for the planning
and implementation of investment activities at the hot spots. General criteria
should be developed for the inclusion of new hot spots that provides a
step by step analysis of the pollution problems a site or region exhibits,
the extent to which the site is in conformity with relevant HELCOM recommendations,
and the steps proposed to remedy the situation. Based upon the establishment
of such general procedures, sector specific procedures should then be further
considered. General procedures should also be developed for deleting existing
hot spots following the completion of investment actions, or implementation
of management programmes. It is recommended that countries be encouraged
to require environmental audits of municipal treatment systems and industrial
sites that are being considered for deletion from the hot spot list. It
is further recommended that general HELCOM guidelines include a recommendation
of continued periodic monitoring of sites removed to assure their continued
Actions to Address Emerging Issues
Emerging Issues
Reviewing the accomplishments of the Programme after the first phase
of implementation and conducting an assessment of emerging trends, has
resulted in the identification of a series of challenges. Many of these
issues have emerged as the result of the economic restructuring process
within the region and the significant changes this has caused in both traditional
market economies and the countries in transition. Some of these issues
need to be addressed under the work programme of HELCOM PITF while others
should be addressed by other organisations with assistance from HELCOM.
Support for Small and Medium Municipalities and Enterprises
Programme implementation has identified the need to support measures
for environmental management investments in small and medium municipalities
and enterprises because of the cumulative impact they could have on pollution
of the Baltic Sea. The importance of municipal contributions was recognised
as a concern at the Visby Summit and the PITF was requested to address
this matter in the context of the JCP. During the updating and strengthening
process, the PITF also identified the role of industrial contributions.
For projects in medium-size and small municipalities, no universal model
for financing can be applied; each country must take into account local
needs. Approaches used to date combine criteria for participating public
and private organisations with a source of finance which may include access
to technical assistance. Investment activities may be supported by special
small scale lending programs and credit lines combining loans, grants and
domestic resources. Integration of grant financing into credit lines can
be done either on a case by case basis or by setting up a separate grant
fund with its own administration. Significant grant support will also be
required for institutional strengthening of local utilities and environmental
authorities, in conjunction with investment activities.
Increased Regional Oil Transport
Although significant oil pollution originates from land-based sources,
recent changes in sources of oil and other petroleum products for many
countries in the region has resulted in much greater transport of these
materials by sea. This has increased the risk of accidents in loading and
transport, in contrast to the limited risks previously associated with
use of major pipelines from the former Soviet Union. It is anticipated
that greater handling and transport of oil will increase pollution risks
not only at sea but also in coastal areas, harbours and railways. The increased
marine transport of oil also requires establishment and/or strengthening
of emergency management plans and adequate port reception facilities. In
addition, offshore oil and gas exploration and development in the region
present new management challenges. HELCOM has recently coordinated preparation
of special studies, "The Inventory of the Transportation Patterns and Risk
Estimation of Oils Carried in the Baltic Sea Area" and "Risk Estimation
Related to Oil Terminals and Offshore Installations." These complementary
studies provide a picture of transportation patterns, quantities of oil
and oil products, estimation of the accident risks during transportation,
and oil handling at the harbours and terminals in the Baltic Sea area.
An analysis of the contributions and risks from land-based sources has
also been prepared. In addition, recommendations have been prepared regarding
restriction of discharges, increased safety at sea and development of oil
spill combating capacity and cooperation agreements between Contracting
Parties. The combined activities of HELCOM and Baltic 21, provisions of
the Copenhagen and Bonn Agreements, programs of the International Maritime
Organisation (IMO), as well as establishment of a precautionary reporting
system for hazardous cargoes in the Baltic Sea region, provide an important
basis for actions in this area. Given the complexity of recent changes
in the transport of oil and potential issues related to offshore production,
HELCOM, working through its Committees and the PITF, should provide recommendations
on potential actions to be taken by the wide range of parties concerned
with the various aspects of this emerging issue.
Management of Transboundary Waters
While substantial progress has been made in addressing environmental
management of transboundary coastal lagoons and wetland systems, significant
challenges remain in management of transboundary waters in the eastern
portion of the region. In the second phase of the Programme, the successful
experience of Finland and Russia in the management of transboundary rivers
and lakes, and the work of the Czech Republic, European Union, Germany
and Poland in development of the Interim International Commission for Protection
of the Oder/Odra River Against Pollution, should be used to develop similar
organisations for the numerous transboundary water courses and lakes in
this portion of the region. Major areas involve the transboundary waters
shared by Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation
and Ukraine, which are particularly important because they drain large
areas with diverse land uses; include major interior and coastal wetlands;
contribute to the pollution of the Baltic Sea; and provide important sources
of municipal drinking water. Such actions will support both the JCP and
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe "Convention on the Protection
and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes." Activities
in this area are currently planned to be undertaken cooperatively by a
number of countries with support from EU (Phare), Sweden and the World
Green Spots
The JCP updating and strengthening process has identified the desirability
of protecting specific areas of environmental importance under a new management
programme concept which involves the designation of "green spots." This
initiative would create an interlinked network of protected areas throughout
the Baltic Sea region. A green spot can be generally defined as a site
or area possessing important natural values, such as species habitat and/or
pollution filtering properties, which requires special restoration, management
and/or protection considerations. This initiative would establish procedures
for inclusion and deletion of designated green spots and for development
and implementation of management plans. Green spot candidates should include
interior lake and wetland systems that are hydrologically linked to coastal
ecosystems and significantly reduce the flow of nutrients and heavy metals
into the rivers that empty into the Baltic Sea. The green spot concept
should be developed in harmony with existing national and international
nature protection efforts, including the activities of the Working Group
on Coastal Lagoons and Wetlands and the Working Group EC Nature of the
HELCOM Environment Committee. Implementation of this initiative would require
use of domestic funds, grants, allocation of selected land and water areas
for conservation purposes and contributions from beneficiaries.
Old Industrial Sites and Former Military Facilities
Political and economic changes in the countries in transition have
resulted in abandonment of a large number of industrial sites and military
facilities. Many have complex environmental management problems that are
not well documented and frequently are beyond the ability of national and
local authorities to address. In some locations, these sites may present
local environmental threats to water courses, coastal areas and/or the
marine environment. Such areas should be given consideration for potential
inclusion in the JCP as targets for remedial action if they are considered
to present a significant threat to the Baltic Sea. The status of major
abandoned sites should be reviewed by the cooperating countries and, if
appropriate, selected sites should be considered for inclusion on the list
of "hot spots." A site evaluation would be required at most locations prior
to their placement on the "hot spot" list. This would include study elements
to identify key sites, assessment of the significance of their impact and
risk to the Baltic Sea environment, estimated costs for remediation and
review of potential sources for funding proposed actions. In the case of
former military facilities, HELCOM and PITF representatives should meet
with the Committee on Challenges of Modern Society (NATO-CCMS) to review
the findings and recommendations of the site investigations, risk assessments
and proposed mitigation plans developed under this process, and to determine
if any of the sites present significant risks to the ecology of the Baltic
Sea. If JCP related actions are identified as a result of this process,
it will be necessary for PITF to develop a working relationship with the
responsible authorities to identify measures to cooperatively address these
Sustained Political Commitment and Broad Based Public Support
The success achieved to date in implementation of the JCP is directly
related to the sustained political commitment and broad based public support
that the Programme has received. It is critical that this support extend
over the next phase of Programme implementation if progress is to continue.
Maintenance of support requires effective dissemination of accurate information
about the objectives, achievements and challenges of the Programme, presented
in a manner easily understood and used by decision makers and the public.
This broad support has been critical for the mobilisation of domestic,
grant and loan resources for the Programme. It has also been essential
for obtaining commitments from elected municipal governments to authorise
significant adjustments in tariffs for water and wastewater services required
to make investments in this area financially viable.
Importance of Partnerships
The significant success achieved in implementation of the JCP can be
attributed to the exceptionally effective development of a strong series
of partnerships between HELCOM, the European Union, regional organisations,
cooperating countries, local governments, international financial institutions,
bilateral donor organisations, academic and applied research institutions,
nongovernmental organisations, private sector interests, and a large number
of individual citizens. The role played by these partnerships has been
critical, providing the basis for sustained political interest and strong
public support, and greatly facilitating major resource mobilisation efforts.
This framework of partnerships has been important in the development of
strategies, identification of priorities, development of practical actions
and implementation of a range of activities. The types of partnerships
have been diverse, including formal and informal relationships between
IFIs, cities, and nongovernmental organisations. The Baltic Sea region
provides an outstanding example where partnerships, including joint implementation,
twinning arrangements and nongovernmental organisation cooperative activities,
may find their expression in many forms at various levels.
Beyond the JCP Updating Process
Coordination with the Baltic 21 Process
The updating of the JCP and development of the Baltic 21 initiative
are being conducted concurrently and in a coordinated manner. Formal and
informal consultations are being held between members of the HELCOM PITF
and parties responsible for coordinating the Baltic 21 process. It is important
that these activities be viewed as fully complementary and that the evaluation
by Baltic 21 of various sectors support the ongoing work of HELCOM. Ideally,
these programmes could be effectively coordinated and provide two powerful
mechanisms to promote regional environmental management, taking into account
the complementary objectives of HELCOM and Baltic 21.
A Model Programme
The Programme which has been developed and implemented in the Baltic
Sea region has provided a significant model for use in other regions within
Europe and beyond. The important "lessons learned" associated with the
effective transition from "planning" to "implementation" of the Programme
are of very broad interest to those involved in the planning and implementation
of large-scale environmental programmes. Experience gained from individual
projects and activities is also of significance and can be of use in other
programmes. Measures should be taken to establish expanded cooperation
between HELCOM and the ongoing regional environmental programmes in Europe,
including those for the Black Sea, Danube River Basin, and the Mediterranean
Sea. This process would provide an opportunity for the participants to
share their diverse experience in undertaking these important programmes.
Future Actions
It should be anticipated that in the future the JCP will require modifications
and adjustments to meet additional changes which may occur in this dynamic
region. The PITF is mandated to routinely undertake evaluations to assess
emerging trends and new challenges in the region, and in consultation with
HELCOM, should prepare recommendations for adjustments in the Programme
to address these developments. It should also be anticipated that the structure
of the PITF may require selected modifications in order to enable it to
better undertake the demands of these tasks.
February 1998
Box 1
HELCOM - Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme Update Partners in the JCP Process: Participants in the Programme Implementation Task Force |
Contracting Parties and Cooperating Governments* | Other Parties |
Czech Republic Denmark Estonia European Union Finland Germany Latvia Lithuania Poland Norway Slovakia Sweden Russian Federation Ukraine |
Regional Intergovernmental Organisations:
à European Investment Bank (EIB) à Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) à Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) à World Bank Group
à Conference of Rectors of European Universities (CRE) à European Union for Coastal Conservation (EUCC) à International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) à International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) à International Network for Environment Management (INEM) à Union of Baltic Cities (UBC) à World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) |