
ECRR: a pan-European network



The European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR) supports the development of river restoration as an integral part of sustainable water management throughout Europe, by connecting people and organisations working on river restoration. EU-Life has financially supported the establishment of ECRR between 1999-2002



Credit: B. Krobath
Most of Europe´s major rivers flow
through more than one country

Water systems are under increasing pressure due to the continuously growing demand for water for all purposes. In addition, climate change and an increased focus on biodiversity have enhanced the necessity for sustainable and integrated water management. These developments, combined with the establishment of Water Framework Directive (WFD), have given momentum to the European Centre for River Restoration and the role it aims to play. The need for exchanging information and learning from each other exists on a pan-European scale. The importance for Central and Eastern European countries is recognised because they have to implement the Water Framework Directive as part of the enlargement or approximation process. Most of Europe’s major rivers are transboundary. Therefore, successful river basin management requires a concerted effort and team work on the part of many countries.
At present, the network consist of about 350 members form nearly all European countries. The exchange of experience between practitioners takes place through newsletters, homepages and meetings (yearly study tour, conference with pan-European coverage every four years, participation in seminars). The 3rd International ECRR Conference on River Restoration is scheduled to be held in Zagreb, Croatia, on May 17-21, 2004. Participants will enjoy a high quality programme with a lively mixture of presentations, workshops and discussions in a hospitable atmosphere. Of course, an excursion will be part of the programme.
The ECRR facilitates and encourages the establishment of national networks (so-called national centres), which function as a focal point for individuals and organisations working on river restoration. The international ECRR and the national networks complement and support each other.


Author: Ute Menke
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