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In December 2000, Resolution 55/196 of the UN General Assembly proclaimed
the year 2003 as the International Year of the Freshwater (Wateryear2003).
The aim is to encourage governments, the United Nations system and all
other agents to take the opportunity to raise awareness about the importance
of sustainable freshwater use, management and protection. It is also a
call on governments, national and international organizations, non-governmental
organizations and the private sector to make voluntary contributions and
to lend other forms of support to WaterYear2003. The publication by the
United Nations system of the World Water Development Report will be a
major focus of the Year's activities and its first edition will be launched
at the Third Water Forum in Kyoto, Japan, in March 2003.
The Danube Basin will be presented as a model for international cooperation
regarding water management issues; special focus will be given to the
national and international efforts to successfully implement the EU Water
Framework Directive.
Fore more information, please visit: www.wateryear2003.org
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January 10, Brussels / Dablas Prioritisation Group Meeting, February
17, Brussels DABLAS Task Force
The DABLAS Task Force, established in 2001, assures the co-ordination
of water-related issues in the Danube and the Black Sea regions. The aim
of this initiative is to promote and facilitate the implementation of
investment projects that address nutrient reduction. As a product of the
work of the Task Force a prioritisation of possible projects is to be
expected in spring 2003. Below is a map currently being prepared by the
ICPDR. A detailed description of the outcomes of the project will be presented
in the next issue of Danube Watch.
http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/ enlarg/danubeblacksea_en.htm
River Basin Management Expert Group Meeting (January 30 - 31, Budapest)
EMIS Expert Group Meeting (February 10- 11, Brno)
River Basin Management GIS Meeting (February 27-28, Bratislava)
Drafting Group Meeting on Inventories (March 17-18, venue to be announced)
ECO Expert Group Meeting (March 20-21, Hungary, venue to be announced)
MLIM Expert Group Meeting (March 27-28, Vienna)
Workshop on Public Participation (April 1-2, Bratislava)
River Basin Management Expert Group Meeting (April 3-4, Bratislava)
APC Expert Group Meeting (April 7-8, Vienna)