2.2. Environmental Remediation of Decommissioned Military Bases on Franz Josef Land Demonstration Project
The Project Goals
The Project was implemented by the non-profit organization "Polar Research Foundation (NO "Polar Foundation”), which was in charge of the overall organization and coordination of the studies. The subcontractors included: the State Organization "State Oceanographic Institute (GU "GOIN”), Moscow; OOO I.K.M. Engineering, St. Petersburg; the North-West branch of "NPO Typhoon", St. Petersburg, the North Territorial Office for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Northern UGMS), Archangelsk The Project Duration The field works were carried out between 18 to 20 September 2007 during the run of the Michael Somov research and expedition vessel of the Northern UGMS bringing supplies to the polar stations and carrying out research under the 2007/2008 International Polar Year Program. Additional samples were taken in 2008 during the pre-project site investigations related to the development of the detailed project of the clean up of the Alexandra’s Land area. The Project was completed in October 2009. The Project Activities Under the Demonstration Project, the activities related to the collection and utilization of empty drums, drums with the residual fuel and lubricants, and to the cleanup of the ground from oil contamination by using degradation biological products were carried out within the abandoned Nagurskaya Military Base located on Alexandra’s Island.Three cleanup sites were selected for the Demonstration Project, but since it was not possible to work on Cleanup Site 1 (the fuel drums were on the books of the existing frontier station), the cleanup activities were only carried out on Cleanup Sites 2 and 3. Figure 2. Schematic Map of Geoenvironmental Sampling Points on Site 10 (Fuel and Lubricants Storage near Nagurskaya) on Alexandra Island (1:5000)Cleanup Sites 2 and 3 were located on Site 10. The work scope was as follows:
Following the selection of the test cleaning areas, work was carried out (i) to remove - from the cleanup areas - and test compact fuel and lubricants drums by using a 12 t specialized hydraulic press; (ii) to take control soil samples from the areas to be remediated with biological products; and (iii) to apply two different biological products (“Devoroil”, and “Petro-Treat”) together with the required biogenic substances. Some sections treated with the biological products were covered with specialized film to provide for better temperature regime for biological products. After the completion of the works, a few compacted and good fuel and lubricant drums were brought to Archangelsk on the Michael Somov Vessel and stored on the Roshydromet Northern Department depot. The good drums were then used to test drum compacting equipment. The compacted drums were transferred as scrap to the OOO Archangelsk Metal Group depot. The Project Outcomes The drum disposal activities brought about the following findings: Compacting most of the Archipelago drums needs powerful pressing or compacting equipment since the drum walls could be as thick as 2 mm. The best option is a press with a capacity of not less than 24 t. The cleansing of drums and treatment of recycle water should be carried out in premises with positive temperatures since drums have inside a mix of residual fuel and lubricants and frozen water. A more effective approach to cleansing the drums might be to burn out the residual fuel and lubricants by using specialized equipment that provides a sufficiently high temperature of combustion and low level of pollutants in the resulting emissions. This technique will require ongoing pollutant level monitoring of combustion gases.
The main findings of the soil bioremediation activities are as follows:
The 2007/2008 Demonstration Project, whose major goal was to investigate and cleanup the territory of the abandoned facility of the Ministry of Defense on Alexandra’s Island, generated a lot of unique information. It also tested elements of the technology that could be used in the planning and carrying out of further activities related to the cleanup of this and other similar facilities. The organizational, resource and technological provision of the forthcoming cleanup activities on the archipelago requires close cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Defense, Frontier Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Roshydromet, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, other agencies concerned, as well as tapping of the international experience and expertise to ensure the required technological level of activities related to the utilization of hazardous waste and remediation of polluted lands. Based on the completed activities and experience gained, guidelines were development for the remediation of contaminated areas of abandoned military facilities in the Russian Arctic. The guidelines are in line with the applicable regulatory and legal framework and take into account the current state of such facilities.