Américas Magazine and the OAS
Américas is a bimonthly publication of the
Organization of American States issued in separate
English and Spanish editions. It seeks to advance
mutual understanding among the peoples of the
Western Hemisphere. It is a general interest
magazine focusing on OAS member nations. Américas
accepts contributions from freelance writers and
photographers from throughout the world.
Type of Feature Articles Desired
The articles in each issue cover a wide variety of
topics including culture, history, literature,
visual arts (pre-Columbian, colonial, modern),
performing arts, architecture, science, the
environment, politics and economics. Feature
articles should not report on events as news, but
rather focus on their broader implications. Highly
technical articles and articles of limited interest
are not used. Please study past issues of the
magazine for style and content.
Américas is especially interested in articles that
portray contemporary developments in the hemisphere.
OAS member countries include: Antigua and Barbuda,
Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil,
Canada, Chile, Colombia, Commonwealth of Dominica,
Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Costa Rica, Cuba
(Currently suspended), the Dominican Republic,
Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana,
Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panamá,
Paraguay, Peru, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia,
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad
and Tobago, the United States, Uruguay, and
Venezuela. U.S. topics should have some Latin
American or Caribbean tie-in.
Readers of Américas are of diverse cultural
backgrounds. Writers should keep in mind that what
is common knowledge in one country is not
necessarily so in others.
Submitting Manuscripts/Photographs
Query first with a 3 to 4 paragraph summary of your
proposed story.
Upon editors' favorable response, articles may be
submitted in English or Spanish. Américas provides
translations. Manuscripts must be unpublished and
should be approximately 2,000-2,500 words.
Electronic submissions should be in Microsoft Word
Quotations that have been translated must be
accompanied by the text in the original language,
and the source must be noted. Américas does not use
footnotes, so explanatory material should be
incorporated into the text. To facilitate
translation, Américas requests that authors provide
titles of published works in the original language
and of any published translations: names of places,
buildings, private and government organizations in
the original language; and Latin names of flora and
fauna, along with their local names.
All articles are received only on speculation, and
decisions on publication are made by the editors.
Américas accepts no responsibility for unsolicited
manuscripts or photographs. The editors reserve
the right to edit articles for style and length. If
an article is scheduled for publication and not
used, a kill fee of 10% of the agreed amount or a
minimum of $75 will be paid.
Once a manuscript is accepted, payment is made upon
publication. Américas is a nonprofit magazine
with no advertising; therefore, rates are
non-commercial. Checks are issued in U.S.
dollars for authors residing in or possessing bank
accounts in the United States, or in the national
currency of the OAS member country in which the
author lives.
Américas purchases one-time publishing rights only
from freelance writers and photographers. However,
Américas has existing agreements with several
companies to reproduce and sell articles on CD-ROM,
microfiche, and microfilm, as well as on-line
information services for educational purposes only.
The sale and distribution of the magazine in these
forms is treated like the sale of the corresponding
single printed issue of the magazine; there is no
additional compensation paid to writers for these
educational reproductions. Any writer unwilling to
make his/her material available through these
services can request its removal.
If available, 35mm color slides, 8 x 10 black and
white glossy prints, and large format transparencies
should accompany the text. Any electronic materials
must be in JPEG, TIFF or EPS format with 300 dpi
minimum. If graphics are not available, suggestions
for possible sources of photos or other
illustrations would be appreciated. Preference will
be given to manuscripts accompanied by excellent
illustrations. Payment for the use of graphic
materials is made separately from the article
payment and also upon publication. Photographs and
other illustrative material are returned after
Authors should provide brief biographical paragraph
to serve as the basis for an author’s note.
Manuscripts should be sent to:
Américas Magazine
Organization of American States
19th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20006-4499
E-mail address:
Feature Articles (2,000-2,500 words): $450
Department Articles (1,200-1,500 words): $250
Ojo Articles (500-800 words): $100
Pictures: $75 + 50 for each additional |