

A.         Structure 

1.         The Department of Legal Services (DLS) and its staff are under the overall direction, supervision, and control of the director of the Department, who, in turn, is legal adviser to the Secretary General and answers to the chief of staff of the Secretary General, in accordance with the legal system of the Organization and with the provisions of this Executive Order.

B.         Functions

1.         In its area of competence, advises the General Assembly, the Permanent Council, the General Secretariat, and the other organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization on matters including the statutes and regulations that govern their operations and, in accordance with the priorities of the General Secretariat, the preparation of studies, reports, and other documents at the request of those bodies.

2.         Represents the Secretary General in dealings with the political bodies of the Organization, on missions, in international meetings, and in other events dealing with matters in its area of competence; prepares reports and performs other tasks as assigned by the Secretary General.

3.         In its area of competence, advises the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL), the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), the Human Development Fund Committee, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), and the OAS Administrative Tribunal. In accordance with the priorities of the General Secretariat, prepares studies, reports, and other documents upon request.

4.         Represents the Secretary General, the director general of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), and the Retirement and Pension Committee in the hearing of complaints against them lodged with the Administrative Tribunal of the Organization or other jurisdictional bodies.

5.         Prepares, reviews, and, if necessary, negotiates General Secretariat agreements with member states, permanent observers, and other entities on matters of cooperation and contributions.

6.         Prepares, reviews, and, if necessary, negotiates electoral agreements with member states on matters of privileges and immunities.

7.         Prepares, reviews, and advises on the negotiation of the contracts of the General Secretariat.

8.         Advises the Office of the Inspector General and other dependencies of the General Secretariat on the conduct of investigations and on the training of staff in investigatory techniques, and conducts investigations in coordination with the Office of the Inspector General.

9.         Advises the Joint Committee on Insurance Matters, the Advisory Committee on Selection and Promotion, the Ethics Committee, the Publications Board, the COVENT (sales committee), the Medical Benefits Trust Fund Committee, the Retirement and Pension Committee, and the Committee of the Leo S. Rowe Memorial Fund.

10.        Advises the Joint Disciplinary Committee and the General Secretariat on cases submitted to the Joint Advisory Committee on Reconsideration and the Committee on Reduction in Force and on other cases when the Secretary General so decides.

11.        When so requested, advises the Pan American Development Foundation, the Credit Union, and nongovernmental organizations.

12.        Prepares, revises, keeps, and compiles the regulatory instruments of the General Secretariat, including executive orders, directives, and administrative memorandums.

13.        Answers queries received from governments and public or private organizations and institutions on specific legal questions regarding the institutional administration of national legal systems.

14.        Makes recommendations on requests for use of copyrights that are the intellectual property of the Organization.

15.        Authorizes the publication of articles and studies by General Secretariat staff members, after consultation with the Chief of Staff of the Secretary General and in accordance with the Staff Rules.

16.        Coordinates, supervises, and promotes dealings on legal matters in its area of competence with the other dependencies of the General Secretariat, with organs, agencies, and entities of the OAS, and with other international organizations.

17.        Maintains cooperative relations and an exchange of information with the dependencies charged with providing legal services at the United Nations and other international organizations.

18.        In its area of competence, maintains a training program for law students and for attorneys from the member states in the form of law internships.

19.        Provides public notary services to the dependencies of the General Secretariat and member state delegations at headquarters. 

20.        Establishes a structure of posts that will ensure that the required outcomes are attained with the resources assigned. 

21.        Prepares the Regular Fund proposed program-budget for its area. 

22.        Directs, manages, and supervises the execution of the program-budget for its area, according to instructions from the chief of staff of the Secretary General, the pertinent resolutions of the General Assembly, the requirements established by donors of external funds, and the rules and regulations of the General Secretariat.