Core Health Data System - Glossary

A. Demographics
B. Socioeconomics
C. Mortality
D. Morbidity and Risk Factors
E. Resources, Services and Coverage

A. Demographics

A.1- Population

Definition: All the inhabitants of a country, territory, or geographic area, total or for a given sex and/or age group, at a specific point of time. In demographic terms it is the total number of inhabitants of a given sex and/or age group that actually live within the border limits of the country, territory, or geographic area at a specific point of time, usually mid-year. The mid-year population refers to the actual population at July 1st.
Technical Note: Population data from the United Nations correspond to mid-year estimated values, obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Thousands
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: less than 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-14 years, 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65 years and older

A.2- Proportion of urban population

Definition: The percentage of total population of a country, territory, or geographic area living in places defined as urban, at a specific point of time, usually mid-year. The term urban refers essentially to cities, towns, and other densely populated areas. The demarcation of urban areas is usually defined by countries as part of census procedures, and is usually based on the size of localities, and/or the classification of areas as administrative centers or in accordance to special criteria such as population density or type of economic activity of residents. There is no international agreed definition of urban areas, and national operational definitions may vary from country to country.
Technical Note: Urban population data represent from the United Nations correspond to mid-year estimated values, obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Urban

A.3- Proportion of population less than 15 years old

Definition: The percentage of total population of a country, territory, or geographic area, under 15 years of age, total or a given sex and at a specific point of time, usually mid-year.
Technical Note: Population data from the United Nations correspond to mid-year estimated values, obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Male, Female

A.4- Proportion of population 60 years and older

Definition: The percentage of total population of a country, territory, or geographic area, 60 years of age and over, total or for a given sex and at a specific point of time, usually mid-year.
Technical Note: Population data from the United Nations correspond to mid-year estimated values, obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Male, Female

A.5- Dependency ratio

Definition: The average number of economically dependent population per 100 economically productive population, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, at a specific point in time. In demographic terms, economically dependent population is defined as the sum of the population under 15 years of age plus the population 65 years of age and over, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, at a specific point in time, usually mid-year; economically productive population is defined as the population between 15 and 64 years of age, for the same country, territory, or geographic area, at the same specific point in time.
Technical Note: Population data from the United Nations correspond to mid-year estimated values, obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Ratio
Measure Units: Dependent population per 100 productive population

A.6- Annual population growth rate

Definition: The annual average rate of change of population size, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, during a specified period. It expresses the ratio between the annual increase in the population size and the total population for that year, usually multiplied by 100. The annual increase in the population size is defined as a sum of differences: the difference between births less deaths and the difference between immigrants less emigrants, in a given country, territory or geographic area at a given year.
Technical Note: Population growth rate is generally based on either an intercensal population growth rate calculated from two censuses, each adjusted for incompleteness, or from the components of population growth, adjusted for incompleteness when necessary, during a specific period, namely, numbers of births, deaths, immigrants, and emigrants. Population data from the United Nations correspond to mid-year estimated values, obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

A.7- Total fertility rate

Definition: The expected average number of children that would be born to a woman in her lifetime, if she were to pass through her childbearing years experiencing the age-specific fertility rates prevailing in a given year/period, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Total fertility rate is directly calculated as the sum of age-specific fertility rates (usually referring to women aged 15 to 49 years), or five times the sum if data are given in five-year age groups. An age- or age-group-specific fertility rate is calculated as the ratio of annual births to women at a given age or age-group to the population of women at the same age or age-group, in the same year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area. Population data from the United Nations correspond to mid-year estimated values, obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Index
Measure Units: Children per woman
Categories: Female

A.8- Annual birth average

Definition: Total number of live births expected in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: The annual births average corresponds to an estimated value, consistent with the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: 1,000 live births

A.9- Crude birth rate

Definition: The ratio between the number of live births in a population during a given year and the total mid-year population for the same year, usually multiplied by 1,000.
Technical Note: Population data from the United Nations correspond to mid-year estimated values, obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 1,000 population

A.10- Annual death average

Definition: Total number of deaths expected in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: The annual deaths average corresponds to an estimated value, consistent with the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Thousands

A.11- Crude death rate

Definition: The ratio between the number of deaths in a population during a given year and the total mid-year population for the same year, usually multiplied by 1,000.
Technical Note: Population data from the United Nations correspond to mid-year estimated values, obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 1,000 population

A.12- Life expectancy at birth

Definition: The average number of years that a newborn could expect to live, if he or she were to pass through life exposed to the sex- and age-specific death rates prevailing at the time of his or her birth, for a specific year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Life expectancy at birth is derived from life tables and is based on sex- and age-specific death rates. Life expectancy at birth values from the United Nations correspond to mid-year estimates, consistent with the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Index
Measure Units: Years
Categories: Male, Female

B. Socioeconomics

B.1- Calories availability

Definition: The average nutritional energy content of the total daily per capita food supply, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, over a specific period in time, usually a year.
Technical Note: Calorie availability is derived from food balance sheets standardized for a range of primary food commodities for human consumption, originated from supply/utilization national accounts and maintained by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.
Type: Index
Measure Units: Kcal/day per capita

B.2- Literacy rate

Definition: The proportion of the adult population aged 15 years and over which is literate, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population, total or for a given sex, in a given country, territory, or geographic area, at a specific point in time, usually mid-year. For statistical purposes, a person is literate who can with understanding both read and write a short simple statement on his/her everyday life.
Technical Note: Literacy rate definition complies with the revised recommendation concerning the International Standardization of Educational Statistics, adopted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Literacy rate data represent mid-year estimated values.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Male, Female

B.3- Gross primary enrollment ratio

Definition: Total number of pupils or of a given sex enrolled in primary education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population of the age group, which officially corresponds to primary schooling, at a specific period of time, usually a year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area. According to the 1997 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-97), adopted by UNESCO, primary education is defined as the level of education which the main function is to provide the basic elements of education at such establishments as elementary schools, and primary schools.
Technical Note: Gross enrollment ratios are based on the enrollment estimates made by UNESCO from national enrollment figures and population mid-year estimates from the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections. All ratios are expressed as percentages and may exceed 100 because of early entry, repetition, and, for countries with almost universal education at a given level, whenever the actual age distribution of pupils extends beyond the official school ages.
Type: Ratio
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Male, Female

B.4- Gross National Income (GNI), per capita, current US$ (Atlas Method)

Definition: The Gross National Income, GNI, formerly referred to as gross national product (GNP), measures the total domestic and foreign value added claimed by residents, at a given period in time, usually a year, expressed in current US dollars using the World Bank Atlas method. GNI comprises GDP plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from nonresident sources.
Technical Note: GNI figures are those estimated by the World Bank from the corresponding ones in the United Nations's Systems of National Accounts, expressed in domestic currency. The World Bank Atlas method of conversion is used to smooth fluctuations in prices and exchange rates in the cross-country comparision of national incomes. The conversion factor averages the exchange rate for a given year and the two preceding years, adjusted for the difference between the rate of inflation in the country and that in Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Euro Zone.
Type: Index
Measure Units: US Dollars per capita

B.5- Gross National Income (GNI), per capita, international $ (PPP-adjusted)

Definition: The Gross National Income, GNI, formerly referred to as gross national product (GNP) measures the total domestic and foreign value added claimed by residents at a given period in time, usually a year, expressed in international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. GNI comprises GDP plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from nonresident sources. GNI provides an aggregate measure of income. An international dollar is defined as the currency unit that has the same purchasing power over GNI as the US dollar in the United States.
Technical Note: GNI figures are those estimated by the World Bank from the corresponding ones in the United Nations's systems of National Accounts, expressed in domestic currency. Purchasing power parity conversion factors are estimated by the World Bank based on data collected by the International Comparison Programme (ICP), which is coordinated by the United Nations regional economic commissions and other international organizations. Per capita figures are based on the World Bank's population estimates and projections.
Type: Index
Measure Units: International dollars per capita

B.6- Gross Domestic Product (GDP), per capita, international $ (PPP-adjusted)

Definition: The average per capita market value of the sum of gross values added of all resident institutional units engaged in production, for a given national economy, at a given period in time, usually a year, expressed in international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. The gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any taxes and minus any subsidies that are not included in the valuation of output. GDP measures the total output of goods and services for final use ocurring within the domestic territory of a given country, regardless of the allocation to domestic and foreign claims; it provides an aggregate measure of production. The residency of an institutional unit is defined on the basis of economic interest in the territory for more than a year. An international dollar is defined as the currency unit that has the same purchasing power over GNP as the US dollar in the United States.
Technical Note: GDP figures are those estimated by the World Bank from the corresponding ones in the United Nations's Systems of National Accounts, expressed in domestic currency. GDP is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. Purchasing power parity conversion factors are estimated by the World Bank based on data collected by the International Comparison Programme (ICP), which is coordinated by the United Nations regional economic commissions and other international organizations. Per capita figures are based on the World Bank's population estimates and projections.
Type: Index
Measure Units: International dollars per capita

B.7- Annual GDP growth rate

Definition: The annual average rate of change of the gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices based on constant local currency, for a given national economy, during a specified period of time. It expresses the difference between GDP values from one period to the next as a proportion of the GDP from the earlier period, usually multiplied by 100.
Technical Note: GDP average annual growth rates are those estimated by the World Bank from the corresponding data in the United Nations's Systems of National Accounts expressed in 1995 US dollars constant prices, using the least-squares method. The least-squares growth rate is estimated by fitting a linear regression trend line to the logarithmic annual values of the variable in the relevant period. The calculated growth rate is an average rate that is representative of the available observations over the entire period. It does not necessarily match the actual growth rate between any two periods.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

B.8- Highest 20%/Lowest 20% income ratio

Definition: The quotient of the richest total income quintile divided by the poorest total income quintile in a given population, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, at a specific period in time, usually a year.
Technical Note: Data are estimates based the percentage share of income or consumption. For more information, please visit the World Development Indicators at
Type: Ratio
Measure Units: Ratio

B.9- Proportion of population below the international poverty line

Definition: The percentage of the population living below the international poverty line in a given country, territory, or geographic area, for a given sex and/or age group, at a specific period in time, usually a year. International poverty line is defined at less than US$1.08 a day at 1993 international prices, equivalent to US$1 in 1985 international prices, adjusted to local currency using purchasing power parities.
Technical Note: The international poverty line is prepared by the World Bank, based on its most recent consumption purchasing power parity (PPP) estimates in 1993 prices. Any revisions in the PPP of a country to incorporate better price indexes can produce dramatically different poverty lines in local currency. PPP exchange rates are designed for comparing aggregates from national accounts; thus, there is no certainty that an international poverty line measures the same degree of need or deprivation across countries.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

B.10- Proportion of population below the national poverty line

Definition: The percentage of the population living below the national poverty line in a given country, territory, or geographic area, at a specific period in time, usually a year. The operational definition for a national poverty line varies from country to country and represents the amount of income required by each household to meet the basic needs of all its members.
Technical Note: The poverty line is based on an estimate of the cost of a basic food basket that covers the nutritional needs of the population, taking into account its consumption habits, as well as the actual availability of food in the country and its relative prices. The value of this basket is combined with an estimate of the resources required by households to meet basic nondietary needs. Some countries also define a national extreme poverty line by taking into account the cost of the basic food basket only (i.e., excluding basic nondietary needs). National estimates are based on population-weighted subgroup data from household surveys.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

B.11- Unemployed proportion of the labor force

Definition: The number of members of the total population or of a given sex of the economically active population, who are unemployed but are available to work and seeking employment. This includes members who have lost their jobs and those who have voluntarily left work, at a specific point in time, expressed as a percentage of the economically active population in total or by sex. An economically active individual is considered employed if he or she falls into one of the following categories: has in-currency or in-kind paid employment, is self-employed, works in a family business, or is not working temporarily for a particular reason.
Technical Note: Unemployment rates represent mid-year estimated values, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates and definitions. The ILO definition of unemployment notwithstanding, reference periods, criteria for seeking work, and the treatment of people temporarily laid off and those seeking work for the first time vary across countries. Informal sector employment is difficult to quantify in the absence of regulation for registering and tracking informal activities.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Male, Female

B.12- Inflation: consumer prices index's annual growth rate

Definition: The annual average rate of change in the cost, to the average consumer, of acquiring a defined basket of goods and services that may be fixed or changed at specific intervals, for a given national economy, during a one year period.
Technical Note: Consumer price index is usually derived explicitly as the weighted arithmetic mean of the current prices of goods and services from the fixed basket, obtained through recurring price surveys, based on their fixed value-based weights for the base period (Laspeyres formula), which are also obtained from household expenditure surveys. Consumer price index growth rates are those estimated by the World Bank from the corresponding data in the United Nations\'s Systems of National Accounts using the least-squares method.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

C. Mortality

C.1- Infant mortality rate

Definition: The quotient between the number of deaths in children under 1 year of age in a given year and the number of live births in that year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, expressed per 1,000 live births, as reported from the national health authority. The reported neonatal mortality rate is defined as the quotient between the number of children born alive that died before the age of 28 days in a given year and the number of live births in that year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, expressed per 1,000 live births, as reported from the national health authority. The reported postneonatal mortality rate is defined as the quotient between the number of children that were alive after 27 days of age and died before the age of 1 year in a given year and the number of live births in that year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, expressed per 1,000 live births, as reported from the national health authority. The estimated infant mortality rate is the quotient between the number of deaths in children under 1 year of age in a given year and the number of live births in that year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, expressed per 1,000 live births, as estimated by the United Nations' Population Division.
Technical Note: In general terms, the infant mortality rate reported by the national health authority, including its neonatal and postneonatal components, is an averaged national estimate based on vital statistics registries and/or surveys. The methodology can vary from country to country and from period to period, and it is not primarily intended for international comparisons. From the 2003 update on, the reported rate is presented when the relative standard error is less than 23%. Otherwise, the number of deaths are shown (indicator C.2.0.1) as reported by the national health authority.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 1,000 live births
Categories: Reported, Estimated
Subcategories: neonatal (0 to 27 days), postneonatal (28 days to <1 year)

C.2- Number of infant deaths, reported

Definition: The number of deaths in children under 1 year of age in a given year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, expressed as number of deaths, as reported from the national health authority.
Technical Note: From the 2003 update on, the number of maternal and infant deaths are presented when the relative standard error is higher than 23%. Otherwise, the ratio/rate is shown. Relative standard error =100*SQRT ((1/D)+(1/B)); D=number of deaths, B=number of live births.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Deaths

C.4- Under-5 mortality, estimated

Definition: The quotient between the number of deaths in children under 5 year of age in a given year and the number of live births in that year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, expressed per 1,000 live births.
Technical Note: Data correspond to mid-year estimated values, obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 1,000 live births

C.5- Maternal mortality ratio, reported

Definition: The quotient between the number of maternal deaths in a given year and the number of live births in that same year, expressed by 100,000 live births, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, as reported from the national health authority. Maternal death is defined as the death of a woman while pregnant or within the 42 days after termination of that pregnancy, regardless of the length and site of the pregnancy, due to any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy itself or its care but not due to accidental or incidental causes.
Technical Note: In general terms, the maternal mortality ratio reported by the national health authority is an estimate based on vital statistics registries and/or surveys. The methodology can vary from country to country and from period to period, and it is not primarily intended for international comparisons. From the 2003 update on, the rate is presented when the relative standard error is less than 23%, otherwise the number of deaths are shown (Indicator C.39.2.0). Relative standard error =100*SQRT ((1/D)+(1/B)); D=number of deaths, B=number of live births.
Type: Ratio
Measure Units: Per 100,000 live births
Categories: Female

C.6- Number of registered deaths due to measles

Definition: The number of total registered deaths for which the underlying cause of death was measles (ICD-9 code 055; ICD-10 code B05) for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Deaths

C.7- Number of registered deaths due to neonatal tetanus

Definition: The number of deaths for which the underlying cause of death was neonatal tetanus (ICD-9 code 771.3; ICD-10 code A033) for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Deaths

C.10- Annual proportion of registered deaths under 5 years of age due to intestinal infectious diseases (ADD)

Definition: Proportion of deaths in children under 5 years of age for which the underlying cause of death was an intestinal infectious disease (ICD-9 codes 001-009; ICD-10 codes A00-A09) for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

C.11- Annual proportion of registered deaths under 5 years of age due to acute respiratory infections (ARI)

Definition: Proportion of deaths in children under 5 years of age for which the underlying cause of death was an acute respiratory infection (ICD-9 codes 460-466, 480-487; ICD-10 codes J00-J22) for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

C.12- General estimated mortality rate, adjusted by age

Definition: The estimated total number of deaths in a population of a given sex, divided by the total number of that population after removing the effect of differences in the age distribution, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Adjusted mortality rates are obtained by direct standardization. That is, by applying the corresponding age-specific estimated mortality rates of a given sex for all causes of deaths to the World Standard Population. The age grouping and numbers used are: 2,400 under-1 year; 9,600 from 1 to 4 years; 19,000 from 5 to 14 years; 43,000 from 15 to 44 years; 19,000 from 45 to 64 years; and 7,000 older than 64 years. See Waterhouse J. et al (eds). Cancer incidence in Five Countries, Lyon, IARC, 1976. Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female

C.13- Estimated general mortality rate

Definition: The estimated total number of deaths in a population of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: less than 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-14 years, 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65 years and older

C.14- Estimated mortality rate from communicable diseases, adjusted by age

Definition: The estimated total number of deaths from communicable diseases in a population of a given sex divided by the corresponding total number of this population, after removing the effect of differences in the age distribution, epxressed per 100,000 population for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are: ICD-9 Chapter I (codes 001-139) or ICD-10 Chapter I (A00-B99), plus acute respiratory infections (ICD-9 codes 460-466, 480-487; ICD-10 codes J00-J22) and meningitis (CIE-9 codes 320-322; ICD-10 codes G00-G03).
Technical Note: Adjusted mortality rates are obtained by direct standardization. That is, by applying the corresponding age-specific estimated mortality rates of a given sex for all causes of deaths to the World Standard Population. The age grouping and numbers used are: 2,400 under-1 year; 9,600 from 1 to 4 years; 19,000 from 5 to 14 years; 43,000 from 15 to 44 years; 19,000 from 45 to 64 years; and 7,000 older than 64 years. See Waterhouse J. et al (eds). Cancer incidence in Five Countries, Lyon, IARC, 1976. Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female

C.15- Estimated mortality rate from communicable diseases

Definition: The estimated total number of deaths from communicable diseases in a population of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. The cause categories grouped under this heading are Chapter I, ICD9 (codes 001-139) and ICD10 Chapter I (A00-B99), plus acute respiratory infections (ICD9 codes 460-466, 480-487; ICD10 codes J00-J22) and meningitis (CIE9 codes 320-322; ICD10 codes G00-G03).
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: less than 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-14 years, 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65 years and older

C.16- Estimated mortality rate due to tuberculosis

Definition: The estimated number of deaths in total or by sex from tuberculosis, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100.000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area (ICD-9 codes 010-018; ICD-10 codes A15-A19).
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female

C.17- Number of registered deaths due to AIDS

Definition: The number of deaths in total or by sex for which the underlying cause of death was Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) (ICD-9 codes 279.5 or 279.6; 042-044; ICD-10 codes B20-B24) for a given year, in a given country, territory or geographic area.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Deaths
Categories: Male, Female

C.18- Estimated mortality rate from diseases of the circulatory system, age adjusted

Definition: The estimated total number of deaths from diseases of the circulatory system in the total population or by a given sex, divided by the corresponding total number of this population, after removing the effect of differences in the age distribution, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 Chapter VIII (codes 390-459) and ICD-10 Chapter IX (codes I00-I99).
Technical Note: Adjusted mortality rates are obtained by direct standardization. That is, by applying the corresponding age-specific estimated mortality rates of a given sex for all causes of deaths to the World Standard Population. The age grouping and numbers used are: 2,400 under-1 year; 9,600 from 1 to 4 years; 19,000 from 5 to 14 years; 43,000 from 15 to 44 years; 19,000 from 45 to 64 years; and 7,000 older than 64 years. See Waterhouse J. et al (eds). Cancer incidence in Five Countries, Lyon, IARC, 1976. Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female

C.19- Estimated mortality rate from diseases of the circulatory system

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from diseases of the circulatory system in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 Chapter VIII (codes 390-459) or ICD-10 Chapter IX (codes I00-I99).
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: less than 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-14 years, 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65 years and older

C.20- Estimated mortality rate from ischemic heart disease

Definition: The estimated total number of deaths from ischemic heart disease in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. The cause categories grouped under this heading are: ICD-9 codes 410-414 or ICD-10 codes I20-I25.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: 45-64 years, 65 years and older

C.21- Estimated mortality rate from cerebrovascular diseases

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from cerebrovascular diseases in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 codes 430-438 or ICD-10 codes I60-I69.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: 45-64 years, 65 years and older

C.22- Estimated mortality rate from neoplasms, adjusted by age

Definition: The estimated total number of deaths from neoplasms in the total population or of a given sex, divided by the total number of this population, after removing the effect of differences in the age distribution, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 Chapter II (codes 140-239) or ICD-10 Chapter II (codes C00-D48).
Technical Note: Adjusted mortality rates are obtained by direct standardization. That is, by applying the corresponding age-specific estimated mortality rates of a given sex for all causes of deaths to the World Standard Population. The age grouping and numbers used are: 2,400 under-1 year; 9,600 from 1 to 4 years; 19,000 from 5 to 14 years; 43,000 from 15 to 44 years; 19,000 from 45 to 64 years; and 7,000 older than 64 years. See Waterhouse J. et al (eds). Cancer incidence in Five Countries, Lyon, IARC, 1976. Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female

C.23- Estimated mortality rate from neoplasms, total

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from neoplasms in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 Chapter II (codes 140-239) or ICD-10 Chapter II (codes C00-D48).
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: less than 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-14 years, 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65 years and older

C.24- Estimated mortality rate from malignant neoplasms, adjusted by age

Definition: The estimated total number of deaths from malignant neoplasms in the total population or of a given sex, divided by the total number of this population, after removing the effect of differences in the age distribution, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 codes 140-208 or ICD-10 codes C00-C97.
Technical Note: Adjusted mortality rates are obtained by direct standardization. That is, by applying the corresponding age-specific estimated mortality rates of a given sex for all causes of deaths to the World Standard Population. The age grouping and numbers used are: 2,400 under-1 year; 9,600 from 1 to 4 years; 19,000 from 5 to 14 years; 43,000 from 15 to 44 years; 19,000 from 45 to 64 years; and 7,000 older than 64 years. See Waterhouse J. et al (eds). Cancer incidence in Five Countries, Lyon, IARC, 1976. Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female

C.25- Estimated mortality rate from malignant neoplasms

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from malignant neoplasms in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 codes 140-208 or ICD-10 codes C00-C97.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: less than 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-14 years, 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65 years and older

C.26- Estimated Mortality rate from malignant neoplasms of the lung, trachea and bronchi

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from malignant neoplasms of the lung, trachea, and bronchus in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under the ICD-9 code 162 or ICD-10 codes C33-C34.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: 45-64 years, 65 years and older

C.27- Estimated mortality rate from malignant neoplasms of the uterus, female

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from malignant neoplasms of the uterus in a female population of a given age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 codes 179-180, 182, or ICD-10 codes C53-C55.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Female
Subcategories: 45-64 years, 65 years and older, 35-44 years

C.28- Estimated mortality rate from malignant neoplasms of the breast, female

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from malignant neoplasms of the female breast in a female population of a given age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under the ICD-9 code 174 or the ICD-10 code C50.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Female
Subcategories: 45-64 years, 65 years and older, 35-44 years

C.29- Estimated mortality rate from malignant neoplasms of the digestive organs and peritoneum

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from malignant neoplasms of the digestive organs and peritoneum in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 codes 150-159 or ICD-10 codes C15-C26.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: 45-64 years, 65 years and older

C.30- Estimated mortality rate from external causes, adjusted by age

Definition: The estimated total number of deaths from external causes in the total population or of a given sex, divided by the total number of this population, after removing the effect of differences in the age distribution, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under the ICD-9 supplementary classification of external causes of injuries and poisonings (codes E800-E999) or ICD-10 Chapter XX (codes V01-Y89).
Technical Note: Adjusted mortality rates are obtained by direct standardization. That is, by applying the corresponding age-specific estimated mortality rates of a given sex for all causes of deaths to the World Standard Population. The age grouping and numbers used are: 2,400 under-1 year; 9,600 from 1 to 4 years; 19,000 from 5 to 14 years; 43,000 from 15 to 44 years; 19,000 from 45 to 64 years; and 7,000 older than 64 years. See Waterhouse J. et al (eds). Cancer incidence in Five Countries, Lyon, IARC, 1976. Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female

C.31- Estimated mortality rate from external causes

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from external causes in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under the ICD-9 supplementary classification of external causes of injuries and poisonings (codes E800-E999) or ICD-10 Chapter XX (codes V01-Y89).
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: less than 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-14 years, 15-44 years, 45-64 years, 65 years and older

C.32- Estimated mortality rate from accidents, excluding transport accidents

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from accidents, excluding transport accidents, in the total population of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 codes E850-E949 or to ICD-10 codes W00-X59.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: less than 15 years, 15 years and older

C.33- Estimated mortality rate from transport accidents

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from transport accidents, in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 codes E800-E848 or to ICD-10 codes V01-V99.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: less than 15 years, 15 years and older

C.34- Estimated mortality rate from suicide and purposely self-inflicted injuries

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from suicide and purposely self-inflicted injuries, in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 codes E950-E959 or to ICD-10 codes X60-X84.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female

C.35- Estimated mortality rate from homicide

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from homicide and injury purposely inflicted, and injury due to legal intervention or war operations, in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 codes E960-E969, or to ICD-10 codes X85-Y09, Y87.1.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female

C.36- Estimated mortality rate from cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases, in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under the ICD-9 code 571 or to ICD-10 codes K70, K73-K74, K76.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Female
Subcategories: 45-64 years, 65 years and older, 35-44 years

C.37- Estimated mortality rate from diabetes mellitus

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from diabetes mellitus, in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under the ICD-9 code 250 or to ICD-10 codes E10-E14.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: 45-64 years, 65 years and older

C.38- Mortality rate from land transport accidents, estimated

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from land transport accidents, in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those ICD-10 codes V01-V89.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: less than 15 years, 15 years and older

C.39- Number of maternal deaths, reported

Definition: The number of maternal deaths in a given year and the number of live births in that same year for a given country, territory, or geographic area, as reported from the national health authority. Maternal death is defined as the death of a woman while pregnant or within the 42 days after termination of that pregnancy, regardless of the length and site of the pregnancy, due to any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy itself or its care, but not due to accidental or incidental causes.
Technical Note: From the 2003 update on, the number of maternal and infant deaths are presented when the relative standard error is higher than 23%. Otherwise, the ratio/rate is shown. Relative standard error =100*SQRT ((1/D)+(1/B)); D=number of deaths, B=number of live births.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Deaths
Categories: Female

C.40- Annual number of registered deaths under-5 due to diphteria

Definition: The number of deaths in children under 5 years of age from diphtheria (ICD-9 code 032 ; ICD-10 code A36) as the underlying cause of death, as registered in their death certificates, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Deaths

C.41- Annual number of registered deaths under-5 due to pertussis

Definition: The number of deaths in children under 5 years of age from whooping cough (ICD-9 code 033; ICD-10 code A37) as the underlying cause of death, as registered in their death certificates, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Deaths

C.42- Annual number of registered deaths under-5 due to tetanus

Definition: The number of deaths in children under 5 years of age from tetanus (ICD-9 code 037; ICD-10 code A35) as the underlying cause of death, as registered in their death certificates, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Deaths

C.43- Mortality rate from motor vehicle traffic accidents, estimated

Definition: The estimated total number deaths from motor vehicle traffic accidents, in the total population or of a given sex and/or age, divided by the total number of this population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Underlying causes of death grouped under this heading are those under ICD-9 codes E810-E819 or ICD-10 codes V02-V04(.1-.9), V09.2,V09.3,V12-V14(.3-.6), V19(.4-.6),V20-V28(.3-.9), V29-V78(.4-.9),V80(.3-.5), V81.1,V82.1,V83-V86(.0-.3), V87(.0-.8),V89.2,V89.9.
Technical Note: Estimated mortality rates are obtained from the corresponding registered mortality after correcting for mortality under registration and re-distribution of causes assigned to the category SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS (ICD-9: 780-799, ICD-10: R00-R99). Details of this methodology are presented in Health Statistics from the Americas, 2006 edition, PAHO, at: Annual estimates are obtained by linear interpolation of the corresponding quinquennial estimates.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female
Subcategories: less than 15 years, 15 years and older

D. Morbidity and Risk Factors

D.1- Low birthweight proportion

Definition: The number of newborn children weighing less than 2,500 grams, as weighted at the time of birth or within the first hours of life, before significant postnatal weight loss has ocurred, expressed per 100 live births, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by national health systems.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

D.2- Prevalence of moderate and severe nutritional deficiency in children less than 5 years

Definition: The number of prevalent cases of moderate and severe nutritional deficiency in children under 5 year of age detected in a given year, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding mid-year population, for a given country, territory, or geographic area. Under-5 moderate and severe nutritional deficiency is defined as any weight-for-age (W/A) ratio less than minus two standard deviations (-2SD) from the reference median.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by national health systems.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

D.3- Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding through 120 days of age

Definition: The number of children who, from birth until the end of the forth month of life, are fed exclusively breast milk, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding mid-year population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by national health systems.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

D.4- DMFT index at age 12

Definition: The mean number of permanent teeth decayed, filled and missing (DMFT) in children at age 12, in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by national health systems.
Type: Index
Measure Units: Teeth

D.5- Number of confirmed cases of poliomyelitis

Definition: The number of cases from poliomyelitis due to wild poliovirus confirmed by laboratory in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Cases

D.6- Number of confirmed cases of measles

Definition: The number of cases from measles confirmed by laboratory, in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Cases

D.7- Number of registered cases of diphtheria in children under age 5

Definition: The number of cases registered from diphtheria in children less than 5 years old in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Cases

D.8- Number of registered cases of pertussis in children under age 5

Definition: The number of incident cases registered from whooping cough in children less than 5 years old in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Cases

D.9- Number of registered cases of tetanus neonatorum

Definition: The number of cases registered from neonatal tetanus in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Cases

D.11- Number of registered cases of cholera

Definition: The number of cases registered from cholera in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Cases

D.12- Number of registered cases of human rabies

Definition: The number of cases registered from human rabies in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Cases

D.13- Number of registered cases of yellow fever

Definition: The number of cases registered from yellow fever in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control. Endemic countries are: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru and Venezuela.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Cases

D.14- Number of registered cases of plague

Definition: The number of cases registered from plague in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control. Endemic countries are: Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, the United States of America and Peru.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Cases

D.15- Number of registered cases of dengue

Definition: The number of cases registered from dengue in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Cases

D.16- Number of registered cases of malaria

Definition: The number of cases registered from malaria in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control. Malaria endemic countries are: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Cases

D.17- Annual parasite index

Definition: The number of confirmed new cases from malaria registered in a specific year, expressed per 1,000 individuals under surveillance, for a given country, territory, or geographic area. Annual parasite index (API) refers to high and moderate malaria transmission risk areas.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control. Malaria endemic countries are: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.
Type: Index
Measure Units: Per 1,000 population under surveillance

D.18- Tuberculosis incidence

Definition: The number of new cases registered from tuberculosis in a specific year, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the National Tuberculosis Control Programs (NPT).
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population

D.19- Incidence of bacilloscopically positive (BK+) tuberculosis

Definition: The number of new cases of bacilloscopically confirmed tuberculosis, in a specific year, expressed per 100.000 population, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the National Tuberculosis Control Programs (NPT).
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population

D.21- AIDS incidence

Definition: The number of new cases registered from Adquired Immunodeficiency Síndrome (AIDS) for a given sex, in a specific year, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female

D.22- Leprosy prevalence

Definition: The number of existing cases (new and old) from leprosy at the end of a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Cases

D.23- Estimated incidence of malignant neoplasms of the lung, adjusted

Definition: The ratio of the number of new cases from malignant neoplasms of the lung (ICD-9 code 162; ICD-10 codes C33-C34; both including trachea and bronchus) estimated in a specific year among the population of a given sex, to the number of residents in that population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are derived from GLOBOCAN 2002: Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence Worldwide. Age-ajusted rates use the World Standard Population. For more information on statistics from Globocan, please go to
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female

D.24- Estimated incidence of malignant neoplasms of the stomach, adjusted

Definition: The ratio of the number of new cases from malignant neoplasms of the stomach (ICD-9 code 151; ICD-10 code C16) estimated in a specific year among a population of a given sex, to the number of residents in that population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are derived from GLOBOCAN 2002: Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence Worldwide. Age-ajusted rates use the World Standard Population. For more information on statistics from Globocan, please go to
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Male, Female

D.25- Estimated incidence of malignant neoplasms of the female breast, adjusted

Definition: The ratio of the number of new cases from malignant neoplasms of the female breast (ICD-9 code 174; ICD-10 code C50) estimated in a specific year among the female population, to the number of residents in that population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are derived from GLOBOCAN 2002: Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence Worldwide. Age-ajusted rates use the World Standard Population. For more information on statistics from Globocan, please go to
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Female

D.26- Estimated incidence of malignant neoplasms of the cervix uteri, ajusted

Definition: The ratio of the number of new cases from malignant neoplasms of the cervix uteri (ICD-9 code 179; ICD-10 code C53) estimated in a specific year among the female population, to the number of residents in that population, expressed per 100,000 population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are derived from GLOBOCAN 2002: Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence Worldwide. Age-ajusted rates use the World Standard Population. For more information on statistics from Globocan, please go to
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 100,000 population
Categories: Female

D.29- Prevalence of overweight among adult population

Definition: The number of overweight adults, registered at a specific point in time, among the adult population 20 to 74 years of age, total or of a given sex, expressed as a percentage of that population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Body Mass Index (BMI) is an anthropometric measure defined as the ratio between the weight measured in kilograms, and the square of the height measured in meters. Overweight is defined as a BMI equal to or greater than 25 Kg/m2.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs. Information is obtained from national or subnational surveys and the age-range may vary.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Male, Female

D.30- Prevalence of tobacco consumption among adolescents

Definition: The number of students between 13 and 15 years of age that consumed any quantity of a tobacco product during the past 30 days of the survey, expressed as a percentage of that population, at a specific point in time, total or for a given sex, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by PAHO'sTechnical Unit on Risk Assessment and Management. Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) by PAHO/WHO/Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States of America (CDC). For more information, please visit:
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Male, Female

D.31- Population at malaria risk

Definition: The proportion of the population residing in areas of moderate and high transmission of malaria, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Areas of moderate and high transmission are those in which the Annual Parasite Index (API) (=number of confirmed malaria cases/1,000 pop) is between 1-10/1,000 and over 10 per thousand respectively. Areas of low transmission are those with an API below 1 per 1,000 population.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control. Malaria endemic countries are: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

D.32- Ratio of male to female AIDS cases

Definition: The quotient between the number of new cases registered from Adquired Immunodeficiency Síndrome (AIDS) of male to female cases, in a specific year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national systems for disease surveillance and control.
Type: Ratio
Measure Units: Ratio

E. Resources, Services and Coverage

E.1- Proportion of population with sustainable access to an improved water source

Definition: Population with improved drinking water sources, in a given year, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population of that year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Access to safe drinking water sources is defined by the availability of at least 20 litres of water per person per day from a source within 1 kilometer of walking distance. Improved drinking water sources are: household connection, public standpipe, borehole, protected dug well, protected spring, rainwater collection. Unimproved drinking water sources are: unprotected well, unprotected spring, rivers or ponds, vendor-provided water, bottled water, tanker truck water. Bottled water is not considered improved due to limitations in the potential quantity, not quality, of the water. Urban and rural area according to countries’ own working definition.
Technical Note: Data are derived from the JOINT MONITORING PROGRAMME for WATER SUPPLY and SANITATION (JMP) of OMS/UNICEF. For more information on JMP, please go to
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Urban, Rural, Urban with household connection, Rural with household connection

E.2- Proportion of population with access to improved sanitation

Definition: Population with access to improved sanitation in a given year, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population of that year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Excreta disposal systems are considered adequate if they are private and if they separate human excreta from human contact. Improved sanitation facilities are: connection to a public sewer, connection to a septic system, pour-flush latrine, simple pit latrine, ventilated improved pit latrine. Unimproved sanitation facilities are: public or shared latrine, open pit latrine, bucket latrine. Urban and rural area according to countries’ own working definition.
Technical Note: Data are derived from the JOINT MONITORING PROGRAMME for WATER SUPPLY and SANITATION (JMP) of OMS/UNICEF. For more information on JMP, please go to
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Urban, Rural, Urban with household connection, Rural with household connection

E.6- Proportion of under-1 population immunized against poliomyelitis

Definition: The number of children who, on completing their first year of life, have received three doses of live oral poliomyelitis vaccine (OPV), expressed as a percentage of the corresponding mid-year population, for a specific year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Coverage of 100% are reported as 99%. Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by national systems for disease prevention and control.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

E.7- Proportion of population of 1 year of age immunized against measles

Definition: The number of children of 1 year of age who have received one dose of vaccine against measles (in general in combination with rubella and mumps – MMR), expressed as a percentage of corresponding mid-year population, for a specific year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Coverage of 100% are reported as 99%. Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by national systems for disease prevention and control.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

E.8- Proportion of under-1 population immunized against diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus

Definition: The number of children who, on completing their first year of life, have received three doses of DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) toxoid, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding mid-year population, for a specific year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Coverage of 100% are reported as 99%. Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by national systems for disease prevention and control.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

E.9- Proportion of under-1 population immunized against tuberculosis

Definition: The number of children under 1 year of age who have received one dose of vaccine against tuberculosis BCG (bacille Calmette-Guerin), expressed as a percentage of the corresponding mid-year population, for a specific year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Coverage of 100% are reported as 99%. Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by national systems for disease prevention and control.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

E.10- Prevalence of use of contraceptive methods in women

Definition: The number women aged 15 to 49 years who use any type of contraceptive method, at a specific point in time, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding mid-year population, for a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Contraceptive methods include female and male sterilization, injectable and oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, diaphragms, spermicides, condoms, rhythm method and withdrawal.
Technical Note: Data are provided by PAHO/WHO country offices and technical regional programs.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Female

E.11- Specific fertility rate in women 15-19 years of age

Definition: Ratio between the number of live births born to mothers 15 to 19 years of age during a given year and the mid-year female population 15 to 19 years of age, for a given country, territory, or geographic area, during a specified period, usually multiplied by 1,000.
Technical Note: Total fertility rate is directly calculated as the sum of age-specific fertility rates (usually referring to women aged 15 to 49 years), or five times the sum if data are given in five-year age groups. An age- or age-group-specific fertility rate is calculated as the ratio of annual births to women at a given age or age-group to the population of women at the same age or age-group, in the same year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area. Population data from the United Nations correspond to mid-year estimated values, obtained by linear interpolation from the corresponding United Nations fertility medium-variant quinquennial population projections.
Type: Rate
Measure Units: Per 1,000 population
Categories: Female

E.12- Proportion of pregnant women attended by trained personnel during pregnancy

Definition: The number of pregnant women who have received at least one health care visit during pregnancy provided by a trained health worker, expressed as a percentage of the live birth population, at a given year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area. Health care visit during pregnancy is defined as those health care services for the control and monitoring of the pregnancy and ambulatory care for associated morbidity; it does not include neither direct vaccination activities nor the health care services rendered immediately prior to delivery. Trained staff includes medical obstetricians, physicians with training in delivery care, university midwives and nurses with training in delivery care and graduated midwives; it does not include traditional midwives trained or not.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national health authority.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Female
Subcategories: from the first trimester of pregnancy

E.13- Proportion of deliveries attended by trained personnel

Definition: The number of deliveries assisted by trained personnel in a specific year, regardless of their site of ocurrence, expressed as a percentage of the total number of births in that same year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area. Trained staff includes medical obstetricians, physicians with training in delivery care, university midwives and nurses with training in delivery care and graduated midwives; it does not include traditional midwives trained or not.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national health authority.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Female

E.15- Physicians ratio

Definition: The number of physicians available per every 10,000 inhabitants in a population, at a given year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national health authority.
Type: Ratio
Measure Units: Per 10,000 people

E.16- Professional nurses ratio

Definition: The number of certified nurses available per every 10,000 inhabitants in a population, at a given year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area. Certified nurses not includes auxiliary and unlicensed personnel.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national health authority.
Type: Ratio
Measure Units: Per 10,000 people

E.17- Dentists ratio

Definition: The number of dentists available per every 10,000 inhabitants in a population, at a given year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national health authority.
Type: Ratio
Measure Units: Per 10,000 people

E.21- Number of outpatient care facilities

Definition: The number of outpatient health care facilities, affiliated to all health institutions, in operation during a given year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area. Outpatient health care is defined as any professional encounter or contact, as an act of health service, between a non-hospitalized individual and a health worker responsible for the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, or referral of that person in that encounter. Outpatient health care facility is defined as any type of physical area primarily designated to deliver outpatient health care services. Institutional affiliation includes any outpatient health care facility managed by the Ministry of Health or by a governmental equivalent, by Social Security systems, including those for the Army and Police Forces, and by private, for-profit or non-profit, voluntary-driven or not, organizations.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national health authority.
Type: Absolute Magnitude
Measure Units: Facilities
Categories: Ministry of Health, Social Security, Private Sector

E.22- Hospital beds ratio

Definition: The number of hospital beds available per every 1,000 inhabitants in a population, at a given year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national health authority.
Type: Ratio
Measure Units: Per 1,000 population

E.23- Outpatient health care visits ratio

Definition: The number of outpatient health care visits per every 1,000 inhabitants in a population, at a given year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national health authority.
Type: Ratio
Measure Units: Per 1,000 population

E.24- Hospital discharges ratio

Definition: The number of hospital discharges per every 1,000 inhabitants in a population, at a given year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area. It represents an estimate of the degree of utilization of in-patient health care services. Hospital discharge is defined as the formal release of a hospitalized individual due to conclusion of the hospitalization stay, either by death, return home, or transfer to another institution. A hospital is defined as any medical facility with an organized medical and professional staff and beds available for continuous hospitalization of patients formally admitted to it for medical observation, care, diagnosis, or surgical and non-surgical treatment.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs based on information reported by the national health authority.
Type: Ratio
Measure Units: Per 1,000 population

E.26- Annual national health expenditure as a proportion of the GDP

Definition: Estimates of public expenditure corresponds to expenditures of the institutions of General Government in the function of Health (Division 07) of the international classification of Government Expenditures by functions or purposes of the Systems of National Accounts of United Nations (SCN 1993); derived from the Government Financial Statistical Yearbook 2002 (GSF 2002) from the International Monetary Fund or country\'s health account studies. Estimates of private expenditure in health corresponds to the expenditures by the Household Sector in the funcion of Health or Health or Health Personal Care of the international classification of Individual Consumption by Purposes of the SCN 1993; derived from data from the Consumer Price Index, household surveys, and/or national studies on health accounts.
Technical Note: Data are provided by WHO/PAHO country offices and technical regional programs. For details on the metodology go to
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent
Categories: Public, Private

E.31- Underregistered deaths

Definition: The difference between the number of estimated deaths, according to the corresponding period life tables, and the number of currently registered deaths, expressed as a percentage of the total estimated deaths at a given year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

E.33- Proportion of certified deaths due to ill-defined and unknown conditions

Definition: The number of death certificates issued in a given year for which the underlying cause of death was symptoms, signs, and ill-defined and unknown conditions (ICD-9 codes 780-799; ICD-10 codes R00-R99), expressed as a percentage of the total registered deaths due to natural causes at the same year, in a given country, territory, or geographic area.
Type: Proportion
Measure Units: Percent

Suggested citation: Pan American Health Organization, Health Analysis and Statistics Unit (HA). Regional Core Health Data Initiative; Indicators Glossary. Washington DC, 2007.