Batu Ampar, Indonesia - Mangrove Habitat Demonstration Site |
Written by Chris Paterson
Friday, 23 December 2005 |
BATU AMPAR, INDONESIA - MANGROVE DEMONSTRATION SITE UNEP/GEF South China Sea Project | Demonstration Site Manager Mr. Ahmad Faisal Siregar Demonstration Site Manager Kompleks IPB 2, Jl. Merkurious Blok C No. 4 Sindangbarang, Bogor, Propines Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Tel: (62 251) 621672 Mobile: (62) 08128151790 Fax: (62 251) 621672 E-mail:
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Local Government Officials Drs. L.H. Kadir Vice-Governor of West Kalimantan Province Jalan Ahmad Yani, Pontianak West Kalimantan Province Indonesia Tel:(62 0561) 732245 Ir. Tri Budiarto Jl. Ahmad Yani, Komp. Kantor Gubernur West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
Tel: (62 0561) 730658 Fax: (62 0561) 764 616 E-mail:
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Focal Point for the Mangrove Component Mr. Nyoto Santoso Lembaga Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Mangrove Indonesia (Indonesian Institute of Mangrove Research & Development) Multi Piranti Graha It 3 JL. Radin Inten II No. 2 Jakarta 13440, Indonesia
Tel: (62 251) 621 672 Mobile: (62) 081 111 0764 Fax: (62 251) 621 672 E-mail:
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PCU Contact Dr. John C. Pernetta Project Director UNEP/GEF Project Coordinating Unit United Nations Building 2nd Floor, Block B Rajdamnern Avenue Bangkok, 10200, Thailand Tel: (662) 288 1670 Fax: (662) 288 1094 E-mail:
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Further Information on Mangroves in the South China Sea
Reports of the Meetings of the UNEP/GEF Regional Working Group on Mangroves
UNEP/GEF Review of Mangroves in the South China Sea
Mangrove Habitat Demonstration Site Information Resources
| Project Document for the Batu Ampar Mangrove Demo Site | Site Name and Geographic Coordinates Name: Batu Ampar Mangrove Demonstration Site Latitude: 0.84–0.87 SL Longitude: 109.65 –109.68 EL The long-term goals of the Batu Ampar demonstration site are to sustain the functions and benefits of the mangrove ecosystem as the life support system for the local community and to sustain the globally and regionally significant biodiversity of the area. Over the next three years, the project aims to establish a participatory management system involving all stakeholders in agreed actions to reduce the rate of mangrove degradation and improve the benefits to the local community derived from the mangrove ecosystem. Rationale The mangrove area of Batu Ampar in Pontianak Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia is a regionally important mangrove area bordering the South China Sea Project. The total area of mangrove in this province exceeds 150,000 hectares, of which some 65 thousand hectares represented the demonstration site within the Batu Ampar district. The growth of the coastal population in the area has resulted in an increase in stress on the mangrove habitat and this demonstration project is timely in providing an opportunity to develop more sustainable ways of utilising the mangrove resources for the benefit of the local people. An important feature of the South China Sea Project is the exchange and sharing of experiences between the various demonstration sites and the importance given to sustainable use of mangrove resources for the benefit of all stakeholders, rather than simply environmental protection. In this connection the planned activities at the Batu Ampar Demonstration Site include the development of alternative livelihoods for local people and the development of sources of revenue to ensure longer-term sustainable management of the mangrove ecosystem. Objectives The objectives of the Batu Ampar Mangrove Demonstration Site are to: - Establish an institutional framework for sustainable mangrove management in Batu Ampar
- Develop a database of baseline environmental and socio-economic information and a decision support system
- Develop a business plan in support of the implementation of the overall management plan
- Implement a programme for training, education and public awareness to improve the understanding of local communities, regarding the status, functions, benefits and sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems, and to
- Facilitate the development and approval of local regulations regarding mangrove management.
Mangroves at the Batu Ampar Mangrove Habitat Demonstration Site |
Last Updated ( Monday, 18 December 2006 )