Site Name and Geographic Coordinates Name: East Bintan Seagrass Demonstration Site The East Bintan Project Proposal is nearing completion. Please visit again soon for a complete overview of activities at the East Bintan Seagrass Habitat Demonstration Site. In the meanwhile, please do not hesitated to contact the following demonstration site contacts in Indonesia for further information. Demonstration Site Manager Mr. Supriyono, Head Infrastructure and Natural Resources Division Regional Development Planning Agency of Bintan Bappeda Kabupaten Bintan Jl. Ahmad Yari km 5, Tanjungpinang, Indonesia Mobile: (62) 812 7741693 Tel: (62 771) 29647 (updated 31 may 2006) Fax: (62 771) 29646 (updated 31 May 2006) E-mail:
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Local Government Official Mr. Mastur Taher, Vice-Mayor Bintan District Gedung Mulang Linggi Jl. Mess Alumina, Kijang - Bintan Indonesia Tel: (62 771) 29647 Fax: (62 771) 29646 Mobile: (62) 811694222 Focal Point for the Seagrass Component in Indonesia Mr. Tri Edi Kuriandewa Puslit OSEANOGRAFI, LIPI Pasir Patih 1 Ancol Timur Jakarta, Indonesia Tel: (62 21) 64713 850 Mobile: (62) 8888125927 Home: (62 251) 378 817 Fax: (62 21) 6471 1948 E-mail:
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