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Kampot, Cambodia - Seagrass Habitat Demonstration Site
Written by Ouk Vibol   
Friday, 23 December 2005

UNEP/GEF South China Sea Project

Demonstration Site Manager
Mr. Ponna Khem
Fisheries Officer
Kampot Fisheries Office
Kampot Province, Cambodia
Tel: 855 12 666 406
Fax: 855 33 932 661
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Local Government Official
Mr. Chuong Siv Vuth
Deputy Governor
Street No. 3, Village 1 Usaphear (May)
Commune Kampong Kandal, District Kampong Bay,
Kampot Province, Cambodia
Tel: (855) 11 94 10 24
Fax: (855 33) 93 28 90; 93 22 56

Focal Point for the Seagrass Component
Mr. Ouk Vibol
Deputy Chief of Fishery Conservation
Department of Fisheries
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
186 Norodom Boulevard
PO Box 582, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (855 23) 216 244    
Mobile: (855) 12 836 376
Fax: (855 23) 221 485
E-mail:     This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Fisheries Threats Contact
Mr. Ing Try, Deputy Director Department of Fisheries
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
186 Norodom Blvd.
P.O. Box 582, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (855 23) 219256
Mobile: (855 11) 957 884
Fax: (855 23) 219256, 427048, 215470
E-mail:     This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Further Information on Seagrass in the South China Sea

Reports of the Meetings of the UNEP/GEF Regional Working Group on Seagrass

UNEP/GEF Review of Seagrass in the South China Sea

Seagrass Habitat Demonstration Site Information Resources 

Project Document for the Kampot Seagrass Demo Site

Site Name and Geographic Coordinates
Kampot Seagrass Demonstration Site
Latitude: 10°27 - 10°36 N
Longitude: 103°54 - 104°17 E

The primary purpose of this project is to conserve seagrass habitat and biodiversity through enhancement of more sustainable uses of the seagrass habitat, and reduction of the impacts of human activities, through the application of a new co-management strategy. The project focuses on the importance of ecologically sustainable use of the resources with strong involvement from local communities. The management strategy developed for this demonstration site can be used as a model and applied to other seagrass areas experiencing similar threats in Cambodia, and other countries bordering the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand.


Kampot Province contains one of the largest areas of seagrass in the South China Sea, which is rich in fisheries resources, and provides the habitat for endangered and critically endangered species. Many local people are dependent on the marine resources for nutritional requirements and income generation.

Current patterns of use are however not sustainable and given the potential for further economic development in the area, resulting from the government’s proposal to develop eco-tourism, there exists an urgent need to develop a co-management plan that encompasses the needs of the various stakeholders, whilst at the same time conserving the resources.

The Cambodian government is committed to taking an active role in educating communities on conservative issues, and working closely with them to conserve and sustainably use the seagrass habitats and resources of Kampot Province.

The proximity of this site to the border with Viet Nam provides an opportunity for joint management of these transboundary resources with Viet Nam and to facilitate the two governments working together to solve problems of natural resource management and use. Lessons learned from this joint management will be valuable for other trans-boundary and regional initiatives.

The overall goal of this project is to reduce the threats to seagrass habitats in Kampot Province by applying a co-management strategy and plan developed by the participating stakeholders to ensure more sustainable use of the marine resources.

The specific objectives are:

  • To develop and establish a coordinating mechanism among national and local government agencies, local communities, and between Cambodia and Viet Nam; in managing seagrass resources in the coastal waters of Kampot Province that will be maintained following completion of the project.
  • To develop and implement a long-term management plan including regulations for sustainable use of seagrass resources and adjacent ecosystems.
  • To enhance public awareness and to improve understanding among policy makers, managers and local communities of the ecological significance and economic value of seagrass habitats through increased survey and monitoring programmes of biological, and socio-economic data. These data will be analysed and used as basic inputs for planning and management purposes.
  • To investigate possible mechanisms for ensuring financial sustainability of management and improving the economic conditions of coastal communities.


  • Formally established co-management mechanism at the national level that is maintained beyond the project duration, functioning management plan that is supported and implemented by all involved stakeholders, and is based on sound data and information regarding the biological and socio-economic conditions of the area.
  • Improved status of seagrass habitats, through zoning types of use, and reduction or limitation of, the use of destructive types of fishing gear.
  • Improved financial sustainability of the management system through application of appropriate agreed use fees and enhanced income for subsistence fishers through identification and introduction of alternative livelihoods.
  • Joint management Mechanism involving Viet Nam and Cambodia
Last Updated ( Monday, 03 March 2008 )
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