8th Meeting of the RWG-Wetlands |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Wednesday, 23 May 2007 |
Finalisation of Wetland Component Inputs to the Regional Strategic Action Programme for the South China SeaThe 8th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Wetlands was convened in Shantou, China from 8th-11th May  2007. Important items considered by the group include: the status of finalisation, adoption, and implementation of the National Actions Plans; the South China Sea Project Regional Training Course on Wetlands; consideration of the regional economic values and total economic values for wetlands; and wetland component inputs to the revised regional Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea. Participants visited the Shantou Wetland Demonstration Site on the final day of the meeting. Please visit the South China Sea Project's Multi-Media Library to view recent videos from the Shantou wetland site. Click here to access the report of the meeting.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 04 July 2007 )