South China Sea Online Public Awareness CentreThe UNEP/GEF South China Sea Project has developed a vast range of public awareness materials aimed at promoting the sustainable use of the coastal habitats and fisheries of the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand. This Online Public Awareness Centre has been developed to enable the sharing of these materials between coastal and marine scientists and managers in the countries bordering the South China Sea. The following is a selection of materials developed as part of the mangrove, coral reef, seagrass, wetlands, and fisheries components of the South China Sea Project. Please click on the links to view high quality versions of these materials. |
Fisheries Habitats in the Gulf of Thailand Building Community Awareness of the Critical Links between Fisheries and Marine Habitats in the Gulf of Thailand |
Coral Reefs and Seagrass in Vietnam Promoting the Sustainable Use of Coral Reefs and Seagrass at the Phu Quoc Island Habitat Demonstration Site in Vietnam |
Sustainable Use of the Gulf of Thailand Promoting the Sustainable Use of Coastal and Marine Resources of the Gulf of Thailand |
Sustainable Fisheries in Indonesia Promoting the Development of Sustainable Fisheries along Indonesia’s South China Sea Coast |
Coral Reefs in the Gulf of Thailand Building Community Awareness of the Need for Improved Management of Coral Reefs in the Gulf of Thailand |
Promoting Wise Use of Mangroves in China Raising Community Understanding of the Critical Importance of Mangroves and Wetlands Bordering the South China Sea |
Peam Krasop Mangrove and Wetland Habitat Demonstration Site Raising Community Awareness of the Activities of the Peam Krasop Mangrove and Wetland Habitat Demonstration in Cambodia |
Sustainable Fisheries in Vietnam Promoting the Sustainable Use of Fisheries and other Marine Resources along the South China Sea coast of Vietnam |
Indonesia’s South China Sea Coast Poster Depicting the Key Threats and Issues in the Management of Indonesia’s South China Sea Coast |
Seagrasses of Cambodia Raising Community Understanding of the Role of Seagrasses and the Need for the Effective Management in Cambodia |
Coral Reefs of Thailand’s Koh Chang Island Raising Community Awareness of Coral Diversity at Mu Koh Chang Island in Thailand |
Coral Reef Distribution in Cambodia Map of Coral Reef Distribution along Cambodia’s Gulf of Thailand coast |
Coral Reefs and Seagrass in Vietnam Promoting the Sustainable Use of Coral Reefs and Seagrass at the Phu Quoc Island Habitat Demonstration Site in Vietnam |
Seagrasses of the South China Sea Poster of Seagrasses in the South China Sea aimed at Raising Community Awareness of the Need for Improved Seagrass Management |
China’s South China Sea Coast Promoting the Improved Management of Coastal Habitats and Resources along China’s South China Sea Coast |
China's South China Sea Mangroves Promoting the Sustainable Use of China's Mangrove Ecosystems Bordering the South China Sea |
Map of the Phu Quoc Island Coral Reef and Seagrass Sites Map of the Coral Reef and Seagrass Sub-Sites of the Phu Quoc Island Habitat Demonstration Site in Vietnam | |