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Approximate net sea ice exchange (see legend for key to arrow sizes), extent of shorefast ice and winter sea ice, and coastal polynyas and main polynya concentrations

Approximate net sea ice exchange (see legend for key to arrow sizes), extent of shorefast ice and winter sea ice, and coastal polynyas and main polynya concentrations
Approximate net sea ice exchange (see legend for key to arrow sizes), extent of shorefast ice and winter sea ice, and coastal polynyas and main polynya concentrations

An example of a positive feedback loop Warming leads to a decrease in sea ice cover which in turn leads to a decrease in albedo over the ocean, the result of which is further warming and further decreases in the sea ice cover

An example of a positive feedback loop Warming leads to a decrease in sea ice cover which in turn leads to a decrease in albedo over the ocean, the result of which is further warming and further [..]
An example of a positive feedback loop Warming leads to a decrease in sea ice cover which in turn leads to a decrease in albedo over the ocean, the result of which is further warming and further decreases in the sea ice cover

Schematic representation of shelf processes involving transport of contaminants and sea ice

Schematic representation of shelf processes involving transport of contaminants and sea ice
Schematic representation of shelf processes involving transport of contaminants and sea ice

Average annual maximum and minimum sea ice extent The numbered lines show the expected time in years for the ice at that location to exit the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait, based on drifting buoy data during 1979-1990

Average annual maximum and minimum sea ice extent The numbered lines show the expected time in years for the ice at that location to exit the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait, based on drifting [..]
Average annual maximum and minimum sea ice extent The numbered lines show the expected time in years for the ice at that location to exit the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait, based on drifting buoy data during 1979-1990

Recent observations of summer sea-ice extent

Recent observations of summer sea-ice extent
Recent observations of summer sea-ice extent

Main sources of icebergs and common iceberg drift trajectories The main ice circulation pattern follows the Transpolar Drift in the eastern Arctic and the Beaufort Gyre in the western Arctic (white arrows)

Main sources of icebergs and common iceberg drift trajectories The main ice circulation pattern follows the Transpolar Drift in the eastern Arctic and the Beaufort Gyre in the western Arctic (white [..]
Main sources of icebergs and common iceberg drift trajectories The main ice circulation pattern follows the Transpolar Drift in the eastern Arctic and the Beaufort Gyre in the western Arctic (white arrows)

The hydrologic balance in the Arctic is highly dynamic on the seasonal time scale with large and rapid ice melts in the spring On land, this ice and snow melting results in large rapid floods and surges in rivers

The hydrologic balance in the Arctic is highly dynamic on the seasonal time scale with large and rapid ice melts in the spring On land, this ice and snow melting results in large rapid floods and [..]
The hydrologic balance in the Arctic is highly dynamic on the seasonal time scale with large and rapid ice melts in the spring On land, this ice and snow melting results in large rapid floods and surges in rivers

Lower tropospheric temperatures since 1979, from satellite monitoring High variability is characteristic of the Arctic region due to its isolation from the moderating influences of warm, lower latitude, ocean currents

Lower tropospheric temperatures since 1979, from satellite monitoring High variability is characteristic of the Arctic region due to its isolation from the moderating influences of warm, lower [..]
Lower tropospheric temperatures since 1979, from satellite monitoring High variability is characteristic of the Arctic region due to its isolation from the moderating influences of warm, lower latitude, ocean currents

Lower stratospheric temperature record since 1979

Lower stratospheric temperature record since 1979
Lower stratospheric temperature record since 1979

Lower stratospheric (ca 120-40 hPa) Arctic temperature trends (°C per decade, January 1979 to February 1996), as monitored by MSUs on polar orbiting satellites

Lower stratospheric (ca 120-40 hPa) Arctic temperature trends (°C per decade, January 1979 to February 1996), as monitored by MSUs on polar orbiting satellites
Lower stratospheric (ca 120-40 hPa) Arctic temperature trends (°C per decade, January 1979 to February 1996), as monitored by MSUs on polar orbiting satellites

Lower tropospheric Arctic temperature trends (°C per decade, January 1979 to February 1996), as monitored by MSUs on polar orbiting satellites

Lower tropospheric Arctic temperature trends (°C per decade, January 1979 to February 1996), as monitored by MSUs on polar orbiting satellites
Lower tropospheric Arctic temperature trends (°C per decade, January 1979 to February 1996), as monitored by MSUs on polar orbiting satellites

Sequence of oil-ice interaction including drops under the ice, new ice growth below the oil, oil appearing on the surface in the spring, wind herding of oil on melt pools, and the appearance of emulsified oil on top of the ice

Sequence of oil-ice interaction including drops under the ice, new ice growth below the oil, oil appearing on the surface in the spring, wind herding of oil on melt pools, and the appearance of [..]
Sequence of oil-ice interaction including drops under the ice, new ice growth below the oil, oil appearing on the surface in the spring, wind herding of oil on melt pools, and the appearance of emulsified oil on top of the ice

Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery

Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery
Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery

Above: contours of the asymptotic probability of ice formed in the hatched region moving into different parts of the Arctic Basin Below: contours of the asymptotic probability of ice moving from different areas into the hatched region and melting

Above: contours of the asymptotic probability of ice formed in the hatched region moving into different parts of the Arctic Basin Below: contours of the asymptotic probability of ice moving from [..]
Above: contours of the asymptotic probability of ice formed in the hatched region moving into different parts of the Arctic Basin Below: contours of the asymptotic probability of ice moving from different areas into the hatched region and melting

A schematic diagram showing the inflow from the Mackenzie River trapped in the nearshore zone beneath the landfast ice Beyond the stamukhi zone, intermittent opening and refreezing in the flaw lead produces brine which encourages mixing and convection

A schematic diagram showing the inflow from the Mackenzie River trapped in the nearshore zone beneath the landfast ice Beyond the stamukhi zone, intermittent opening and refreezing in the flaw lead [..]
A schematic diagram showing the inflow from the Mackenzie River trapped in the nearshore zone beneath the landfast ice Beyond the stamukhi zone, intermittent opening and refreezing in the flaw lead produces brine which encourages mixing and convection
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