Meeting on Capacity Building and Training for Effective Management of the
Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem Programme (BCLME)
15-16 March 2004
Safari Hotel
Windhoek, Namibia
20 May 2004
MONDAY, 15 MARCH 2004 |
08h30 - 08h35 |
Welcome and opening of meeting (Ms. Mary Tamba Baldeh, Deputy
Resident Representative, UNDP, Namibia) |
08h35 - 08h45 |
Introduction and background to meeting (M. O’Toole, CTA, BCLME
Programme) |
08h45 - 09h00 |
Summary of Scoping Report on “Training & Capacity Needs
Assessment for the BCLME” and recommendations (B. Clark, Anchor
Environmental Consultants) |
09h00 - 09h30 |
Perceived training and capacity building needs by Ministry of
Fisheries, IIM, IPA and Ministry of Urbanism & Environment in
Angola (V. de Barros Neto, IIM; A. Duarte, IPA; C. Santos, MUA) |
09h30 - 10h00 |
Perceived training and capacity building needs by fisheries and
environmental ministries in Namibia (M. Maurihungiere, MFMR; B. van
Zyl, NatMIRC; J. Iitenge, MWTC; S. Shikongo, MET; R. Roeis, MAWRD) |
10h00 - 10h30 |
Perceived training and capacity building needs by MCM in South
Africa (J. Augustyn, MCM; W. Sauer, Rhodes University) |
10h30 - 10h45 |
Tea/Coffee |
10h45 - 11h15 |
Overview of training and capacity building components of BCLME
project activities (L. Staegemann, H. Hamukuaya and M. de Lourdes
Sardinha, BCLME Activity Centres) |
11h15 - 11h45 |
Review of the BENEFIT Training Plan (N. Sweijd, BENEFIT) |
11h45 - 12h00 |
Training and capacity building for monitoring, control and
surveillance in BCLME region - anticipated needs (C. Alexanderson,
EU/MCS Programme) |
12h00 - 12h15 |
Addressing the capacity building needs of the BCLME (G.B.
Brundrit and F.A. Shillington, UCT; presented by V. Shannon) |
12h15 - 12h30 |
TRAIN-SEA-COAST Specialized courses for BCLME (K. Prochazka and
J. Collins, UWC) |
12h30 - 12h45 |
Reflections on how ICT can play a role in information sharing and
capacity building for effective management of the BCLME (F. Odendaal,
EcoAfrica) |
12h45 - 13h00 |
Training and capacity building needs for environmental impact
assessment of industrial developments in the BCLME (P. Tarr, SAIEA
Group) |
13h00 - 14h00 |
Lunch |
14h00 - 14h15 |
Planning of workshops: appointments of facilitators and
rapporteurs |
14h00 - 15h45 |
Mini-workshop on “Identification of key future training and
capacity building needs i.e., that are transboundary and can be
realistically addressed that are required to effectively manage the
BCLME as an integrated system on a sustainable basis” |
15h45 - 16h00 |
Tea/Coffee |
16h00 - 17h00 |
Mini-workshop on “Identify some modest new training and
capacity building action within key ministries where BCLME/BENEFIT
interventions would be beneficial and which can in the short term be
funded by these programmes” |
TUESDAY, 16 MARCH 2004 |
09h00 - 09h15 |
Brief overview of Day 1 and discussion of work plan for the day
(M. O’Toole and N. Sweijd) |
09h15 - 09h30 |
BCLME training and capacity building Advisory Group: Approval of
terms of reference and nomination of representatives (M. O’Toole) |
09h30 - 10h15 |
Discussion and agreement on modalities for administration and
management of training and capacity building initiatives (N. Sweijd
and M. O’Toole) |
10h15 - 10h30 |
Tea/Coffee |
10h30 - 12h30 |
Development of framework for “Strategic workshop on Training
Needs and Capacity Building for effective, integrated and
sustainable management of the BCLME” to be held in early 2005.
This should include scope, objectives, programme, participants,
facilitation, sponsorship, venue, time, costs, reporting,
partnerships and donor community. |
12h30 |
Close |
12h30 - 14h00 |
Lunch |

2.1 Introduction
Dr. O’Toole welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Ms. Mary
Tamba Baldeh, (Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP) who gave a welcome
speech and opened the meeting. Mr. Ashley Naidoo was introduced as the
General housekeeping announcements included the
introduction of PCU staff as workshop assistants, identified breakaway
rooms, conference materials and programme literature. An interpreter was
available for communication in Portuguese. Copies of all presentations
were given to the record keeper to be included in the final report.
Announcements included apologies from Ms N. Mbako,the
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and Ms A.
Nelumba, the Director General of the Angolan Ministry of Fisheries. Dr. O’Toole
apologised for the short notice with regard to holding this workshop and
pointed out a potential time management problem which may lead to
rescheduling of some presentations. It was noted that this meeting is
intended as a broad-based scoping exercise and not for developing
proposals or training plans for individual organisations. Participants
were asked to briefly introduce themselves prior to the start of the
2.2 Presentations & Discussion
Opening address by Tamba Mary Baldeh, Deputy Res. Rep. (UNDP)
Presentation #1: Introduction and background to meeting
(Dr. O’Toole, CTA, BCLME Programme) (Annex A)
Presentation #2: Summary of Scoping Report on “Training
& Capacity Needs Assessment for the BCLME” and recommendations (B.
Clark, Anchor Environmental Consultants) (Annex B)
Presentation #3: Perceived training and capacity
building needs by Ministry of Fisheries, IIM, IPA and Ministry of
Urbanism & Environment in Angola (V. de Barros Neto, IIM; A. Duarte,
IPA; C. Santos, MUA) (Annex C)
There are a number of training needs in Angola. BCLME
can help to address these by bringing in other donors to assist with
training needs, as well as the continued funding of BENEFIT,
especially with on-the-job training. BCLME should focus on
transboundary management and encourage other donors to address the
remaining needs.
Although the relationship between the Marine Research
Institute and the university is a close one now, more participation
and partnership in research projects is anticipated in the future as
this process unfolds.
Presentation #4: Perceived training and capacity building
needs by fisheries and environmental ministries in Namibia (M.
Maurihungiere, MFMR; B. van Zyl, NatMIRC; J. Iitenge, MWTC; S. Shikongo,
MET; R. Roeis, MAWRD) (Annex D)
Staff turnover isn’t just a Namibian problem; it is
probably relevant to all governments worldwide, especially when there
is high pressure on government to manage public services while
competing with the private sector. While it is impossible to prevent,
staff could be motivated to stay through training and a competitive
salary. Additionally the ministry should convince the public sector of
the importance of retaining these individuals in the government. There
is some improvement in staff levels due to the creation of management
Presentation #5: Perceived training and capacity building
needs by fisheries and environmental ministries in Namibia (G. Schneider,
MME) (Annex E)
Presentation #6: Perceived training and capacity building
needs by fisheries and environmental ministries in Namibia (M.
Maurihungiere, MFMR; B. van Zyl, NatMIRC; J. Iitenge, MWTC; S. Shikongo,
MET; R. Roeis, MAWRD) (Annex F)
Presentation #7: Perceived training and capacity building
needs by fisheries and environmental ministries in Namibia (M.
Maurihungiere, MFMR; B. van Zyl, NatMIRC; J. Iitenge, MWTC; S. Shikongo,
MET; R. Roeis, MAWRD) (Annex G)
Presentation #8: Perceived training and capacity building
needs by fisheries and environmental ministries in Namibia (M.
Maurihungiere, MFMR; B. van Zyl, NatMIRC; J. Iitenge, MWTC; S. Shikongo,
MET; R. Roeis, MAWRD) (Annex H)
Presentation #9: Perceived training and capacity building
needs by MCM in South Africa (J. Augustyn, MCM; W. Sauer, Rhodes
University) (Annexes I and J)
The challenge is to educate managers to develop both
technical knowledge and political function (i.e., leadership, ability
to interact with government). Innovative ways to develop fisheries
managers are needed, since one can only teach management skills and
not the capacity to be a manager. Another problem is how leadership
becomes appointed from outside of the ministry, and appointed persons
may not have relevant backgrounds for the job. Another problem is that
bureaucracy grows along with management levels.
Institutional memory is important to transfer and
expand knowledge and experience. Staff should be rewarded
appropriately to avoid “brain drain”. There is a need for role
models for youth and/or new staff to emulate.
Presentation #10: Overview of training and capacity
building components of BCLME project activities (L. Staegemann, H.
Hamukuaya and M. de Lourdes Sardinha, BCLME Activity Centres) (Annexes
K, L and M)
How will BCLME ensure the transfer of knowledge,
since a significant amount of funds are committed to projects already
involving a capacity building component that will most likely be
contracted out? BCLME's contracts and Terms of Reference require
reporting on training activities and the use of contractors to fulfil
training needs; all but one contract utilises local (i.e., regional)
consultants. The BCLME’s programme review will compare planned vs.
actual training activities and evaluate for efficacy.
Presentation #11: Review of the BENEFIT Training Plan (N.
Sweijd, BENEFIT) (Annex N)
To give an idea of training that’s occurred, BENEFIT
has produced six MSc and two PhD graduates.
There is need for a Training Officer or administrative
position to oversee and coordinate training and interact with donors,
someone to drive the programme.
How would BCLME training programmes link with BENEFIT?
Parameters would need to be defined, since BENEFIT training has
focused on managing research, not other kinds of training i.e.
Presentation #12: Training and capacity building needs for
environmental impact assessment of industrial developments in the BCLME
(P. Tarr, SAIEA Group) (Annex O)
Who’s watching EIA’s to see the results and if the
recommendations are implemented afterwards? Developers themselves
should be more involved in monitoring EIA’s to check results and
that recommendations are implemented. Regarding external monitoring,
costs are the problem, not the expertise. One solution that would
build capacity would have developers put funds in a kitty for external
monitoring of their activities.
Presentation #13: Training and capacity building for
monitoring, control and surveillance in BCLME region - anticipated needs
(C. Alexanderson, EU/MCS Programme) (Annex P)
Presentation #14: Addressing the capacity building needs
of the BCLME (G.B. Brundrit and F.A. Shillington, UCT; presented by V.
Shannon) (Annex Q)
Presentation #15: TRAIN-SEA-COAST Specialized courses for
BCLME (K. Prochazka and J. Collins, UWC) (Annex R)
UNDP questioned the time frame of courses, i.e., from
time the course was approved to that of it being introduced; timely
feedback, and organisational staff turnover. Who is the target
audience for courses? For now by invitation only, aimed at people
already working in the field, not students. It is possible to transfer
courses from one country to another through collaboration with the
Course Development Unit in the country. It is up to the CDU in the
respective country to find funds or up to the participants.
Presentation #16: Reflections on how ICT can play a role
in information sharing and capacity building for effective management of
the BCLME (F. Odendaal, EcoAfrica) (Annex S)
It was decided that the mini-workshops would be moved
forward to Tuesday’s agenda as the entire first day was spent on
information-sharing presentations and discussion.
The meeting adjourned at 16h15.

3.1 Introduction
Dr. O’Toole welcomed everyone to the second day of the
workshop and reviewed the amended agenda as follows:
Today’s Programme:
8h30 - 11h00 Identify key future training & capacity
building (T&CB) needs
Coffee/tea break
11h00-? Identify some modest training and capacity
building projects for action
11h30-12h00 Discuss TOR’s for T&CB advisory group
12h00-12h30 Strategic planning of the T&CB workshop
12h30 Close
13h00 Lunch
The first task is to identify key future T&CB needs in the two
areas of management and marine science. Participants were asked to
assemble into four mixed groups that will collaborate for a maximum of one
hour on specific questions. Suggestions should be as specific as possible
and rapporteurs should write-up a summary which will be presented to the
plenary, allowing fifteen minutes per presentation.
The three questions under consideration are:
1) What are the transboundary science/management training and capacity
building needs? Prioritise.
2) How can these needs be realistically addressed; (i.e.,
what actions are needed to attain capacity?)
3) How can capacity be retained, continued, maintained and
Breakout groups ran from 9h00-11h00 after which a report back session
was held in the plenary.
3.2 Presentations & Discussion
Presentation #1: Marine Science Group #1 (Annex T)
Presentation #2: Marine Science Group #3 (Annex U)
Add “Hypothesis creation” under regional technical
needs. Need to develop centres of excellence within institutions, building
partnerships around these (can be virtual centres as well). The idea
should focus on scientists joining programmes, not institutions. Another
issue is rather than retaining trained scientific skill in the region,
data and data products should be retained.
Presentation #3: Management Group #2 (Annex V)
Remember to include the maritime point of view and the
issue of safe shipping and maritime involvement in the BCLME area. Harbour
and port authorities should be involved in monitoring shipping and related
activities with regard to pollution as affects both resources and stocks.
Although the European Union is addressing this topic, it should maintain
priority in order to have effective management.
Add non-consumptive resource management (i.e., ecotourism,
etc) to the issue of marine pollution to be addressed or integrated with
coastal management.
Presentation #4: Management Group #4 (Annex W)
With regard to staff retention, it is difficult for
government salaries to be changed as they are pre-determined by the Office
of the Prime Minister. Since the ministries aren’t independent entities,
perhaps this is where the science community needs to “sell science” so
that governments and countries recognise its importance.
3.3 Training & Capacity Building Workshop and Advisory
Board Group TOR
I. Identify up to nine actions for BCLME/BENEFIT
May not be appropriate now
Urgent ones only (consultation: IIM, MFMR, MCM, Benefit)
Other actions to await outcome of strategic planning
workshop (to occur July 2004)
II. Strategic Planning Workshop
- Move forward six to nine months (July 2004)
Develop TOR for workshop (CTA-consultations)
Use strategic planning expert facilitator to
organize/facilitate workshop
Nominate Advisory group members
Small group 15-20 members
Venue: Johannesburg or Windhoek
Should incorporate BENEFIT strategic planning update
with this agenda also
Fund update of BENEFIT Training Plan - integrate two
in same workshop, BENEFIT as sub-section
Use key inputs from today’s workshop for the next
one in July-will be a consolidation of information and professional
output to use as a lever with donors to solicit more funds
Report from this workshop will be generated
electronically to all participants, to gather more inputs also
III. T&CB Advisory Group Draft TOR
Provide advice to the BCLME Activity Centres and PCU
on T&CB projects;
Assist with the development of T&CB projects;
Coordinate activities and provide support for
development of strategic planning/T&CB workshop;
Identify gaps in T&CB that need addressed and
prioritise them;
Work closely with experts, bodies and institutions
including relevant NGOs and stakeholders;
Monitor and evaluate T&CB programme and report
back on progress;
Coordinate administration and management of T&CB
projects with BENEFIT Training Plan;
Promote T&CB in BCLME region including on-the-job
training, distance learning and specialised courses, (e.g.,
Build in long-term sustainability.
Monitor and evaluate BCLME programme, not projects;
See long-term sustainability built into the TOR;
Will this be a BCLME T&CB programme in the future?
What is this effort leading towards in the future? Address these
questions at July’s planning workshop;
Do we nominate members as part of Advisory group
members will be nominated during the July workshop, in the interim two
to three people can be identified to help with planning;
Nominations should be up to three members per country
to include people from other sectors; (Include representation from
those organisations to be trained in the planning phase). Ensure
tertiary institutions are informed as to what expectations are.
3.4 Closing
Dr. O’Toole thanked all participants, Rapporteurs, and
the PCU staff for organising the workshop. It was a good networking and
information-sharing experience.
The workshop report will be available to all participants
in two to three weeks’ time.
The meeting closed at 12h30.

Annex A - Presentation #1: Introduction
and background to meeting (Dr. O’Toole, CTA, BCLME Programme) - Hard copy only
Annex B
(MS PowerPoint - 1.93MB) - Presentation #2: Summary of
Scoping Report on “Training & Capacity Needs Assessment for the
BCLME” and recommendations (B. Clark, Anchor Environmental Consultants)
Annex C
(MS PowerPoint - 75KB) - Presentation #3: Perceived training
and capacity building needs by Ministry of Fisheries, IIM, IPA and
Ministry of Urbanism & Environment in Angola (V. de Barros Neto,
IIM; A. Duarte, IPA; C. Santos, MUA)
Annex D
(MS PowerPoint - 16.5KB) - Presentation #4: Perceived training
and capacity building needs by fisheries and environmental
ministries in Namibia (M. Maurihungiere, MFMR; B. van Zyl, NatMIRC;
J. Intenge, MWTC; S. Shikongo, MET; R. Roeis, MAWRD)
Annex E - Presentation #5: Perceived training
and capacity building needs by fisheries and environmental
ministries in Namibia (G. Schneider, MME) - Hard copy only
Annex F
(MS Word doc - 29KB) - Presentation #6: Perceived training
and capacity building needs by fisheries and environmental
ministries in Namibia (M. Maurihungiere, MFMR; B. van Zyl, NatMIRC;
J. Iitenge, MWTC; S. Shikongo, MET; R. Roeis, MAWRD)
Annex G
(MS PowerPoint - 4.94MB) - Presentation #7: Perceived training
and capacity building needs by fisheries and environmental
ministries in Namibia (M. Maurihungiere, MFMR; B. van Zyl, NatMIRC;
J. Iitenge, MWTC; S. Shikongo, MET; R. Roeis, MAWRD)
Annex H - Presentation #8: Perceived training
and capacity building needs by fisheries and environmental
ministries in Namibia (M. Maurihungiere, MFMR; B. van Zyl, NatMIRC;
J. Iitenge, MWTC; S. Shikongo, MET; R. Roeis, MAWRD) - Hard copy
Annex I
(MS PowerPoint - 6.43MB) - Presentation #9: Perceived training
and capacity building needs by MCM in South Africa (J. Augustyn, MCM;
W. Sauer, Rhodes University)
Annex J
(MS PowerPoint - 757KB) - Presentation #9: Perceived training
and capacity building needs by MCM in South Africa (J. Augustyn, MCM;
W. Sauer, Rhodes University)
Annex K - Presentation #10: Overview of
training and capacity building components of BCLME project
activities (L. Staegemann, H. Hamukuaya and M. de Lourdes Sardinha,
BCLME Activity Centres) - Hard copy only
Annex L
(MS Word doc - 119KB) - Presentation #11: Overview of
training and capacity building components of BCLME project
activities (L. Staegemann, H. Hamukuaya and M. de Lourdes Sardinha,
BCLME Activity Centres)
Annex M
(MS PowerPoint - 49.5KB)- Presentation #12: Overview of
training and capacity building components of BCLME project
activities (L. Staegemann, H. Hamukuaya and M. de Lourdes Sardinha,
BCLME Activity Centres)
Annex N
(MS PowerPoint - 226KB) - Presentation #13: Review of
the BENEFIT Training Plan (N. Sweijd, BENEFIT)
Annex O
(MS PowerPoint - 4.16MB) - Presentation #14: Training and
capacity building needs for environmental impact assessment of
industrial developments in the BCLME (P. Tarr, SAIEA Group)
Annex P (MS
PowerPoint - 130KB) - Presentation #15: Training and
capacity building for monitoring, control and surveillance in BCLME
region - anticipated needs (C. Alexanderson, EU/MCS Programme)
Annex Q (MS
PowerPoint - 78KB) - Presentation #16: Addressing
the capacity building needs of the BCLME (G.B. Brundrit and F.A.
Shillington, UCT; presented by V. Shannon)
Annex R (MS
PowerPoint - 827KB) - Presentation #17:
TRAIN-SEA-COAST Specialized courses for BCLME (K. Prochazka and J.
Collins, UWC)
Annex S (MS
PowerPoint - 4.04MB) - Presentation #18: Reflections
on how ICT can play a role in information sharing and capacity
building for effective management of the BCLME (F. Odendaal,
Annex T
(MS Word doc - 21.5KB) - Presentation #19: Marine
Science Group #1
Annex U (MS
PowerPoint - 39.5KB) - Presentation #20: Marine
Science Group #3
Annex V (MS
Word doc - 53.5KB)- Presentation #21: Management
Group #2
Annex W (MS
PowerPoint - 44.5KB) - Presentation
#22 Management Group #4

Dr. Michael O’Toole
Chief Technical Advisor
BCLME, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: 061-246948
Fax: 061-246803
Email: |
Ashley Naidoo
Deputy Director (Research Admin)
MCM, DEAT, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-4023144
Fax: 27-21-4217406
Email: |
Tamba Baldeh
Deputy Resident Representative
UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: 061-2046217
Fax: 061-2046203
Email: |
Martha Mwandingi
Head - Environment Unit
UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: 061-2046231
Fax: 061-2046203
Email: |
Linda Van Herck
Programme Officer - Environment Unit
UNDP, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: 061-2046228
Fax: 061-2046203
Email: |
Hilaria Shivolo
Chief Training Officer
Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources
Tel: 061-2053092
Fax: 061-246009
Email: |
Lesley Staegemann
Director (EVAC, BCLME)
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-4023418
Fax: 27-21-4217406
Email: |
Maria de Lourdes Sardinha
Director (BEHP, BCLME)
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244-2-309330
Fax: 244-2-309330
Email: |
Hashali Hamukuaya
Director (LMR, BCLME)
Swakopmund, Namibia
Tel: 064-4101106
Fax: 064-4101188
Email: |
Steven Ambabi
Deputy Director
Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources
Tel: 064-2016111
Fax: 064-2016219
Email: |
Jacob N. Orange
Consultant - Karas Regional Council
Keetmanshoop, Namibia
Tel: 063-224922/0811245404
Fax: 063-224922
Emial: |
Francois Odendaal
Director - Eco-Africa
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-4483778
Fax: 27-21-4472614
Email: |
Lizette Voges
Coastal and Biodiversity Coordinator
National Biodiversity Programme
Swakopmund, Namibia
Tel: 064-4101157
Fax: 064-404385
Email: |
Theo Nghitila
Deputy Director
Directorate of Environmental Affairs
Ministry of Environment & Tourism
Tel: 061-249015
Fax: 061-240339
Email: |
Pierre Malan
Enviro-Fish Africa
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-7906160
Fax: 27-21-7906160
Email: |
Roland Roeis
Control Technician
Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Rural
Development (DWA), Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: 061-2087167
Fax: 061-2087149
Email: |
Kim Prochazka
International Ocean Institute SA
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-9593088
Fax: 27-21-9591213
Email: |
Jocelyn Collins
Deputy Director
International Ocean Institute SA
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-9592566
Fax: 27-21-9591213
Email: |
Neville Sweijd
Chief Executive Officer
Swakopmund, Namibia
Tel: 064-4101162
Fax: 064-405913
Email: |
Graca De Almeida
Chief Scientist
NatMirc, MFMR
Swakopmund, Namibia
Tel: 064-4101159
Fax: 064-404385
Email: |
Hilda Khoeses
Deputy Director
Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources
Tel: 061-2053057
Fax: 061-246009
Email: |
Vere Shannon
Consultant - Oceanography
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-6503282
Fax: 27-21-6503979
Email: |
Warrick Sauer
Senior Lecturer - Rhodes University
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-46-6038415
Fax: 27-46-6224827
Email: |
Nkosi Luyeye
BCLME Country Coordinator - IIM
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244-2-309077
Fax: 244-2-309731
Email: |
Carlos Santos
National Director
Ministry of Environment & Urbanism
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244-92319466 (mobile)
Fax: 244-2-310560
Email: |
Domingas Paim
Coordinator of Salt Iodization
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244-2-309077
Fax: 244-2-309731
Email: |
Filomena Vas Velho
Coordinator of Pelagic Programme
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244-2-309077
Fax: 244-2-309731
Email: |
Victoria de Barros Neto
Director-General - IIM
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244-2-309077
Fax: 244-309731
Email: |
Augusta Martins
Chief of Biology Department
Augustino Neto University
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244-2-372275
Fax: 244-2-336168
Email: |
Adriana Pais Costa
Chief of Department
Ministry of Fisheries (CEFOPESCAS)
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244-92502161 (mobile)
Fax: 244-2-371252
Email: - |
Manuel Xavier Junior
Chief of Department
Ministry of Petroleum
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244-92401469 (mobile)
Fax: 244-2-394779
Email: |
Januario Marques A. Antonio
(no title provided)
Ministry of Fisheries (CEFOPESCAS)
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244-92603150
Fax: 244-2-511137
Email: |
Gabi Schneider
Geological Survey
Ministry of Mines & Energy
Tel: 061-2848242
Fax: 061-249144
Email: |
Lufwankenda Eduardo
Pedagogic Advisor
Ministry of Fisheries (CEFOPESCAS)
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244-92575514
Fax: -
Email: - |
Jennifer Lisotto
Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: 061-812841595
Fax: -
Email: |
Agostinho Duarte
Deputy Director
Ministry of Fisheries (IPA)
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244-2-392218/092318032
Fax: 244-2-392218
Email: |
Johan Augustyn
Director - Research & Development
Marine & Coastal Management
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-4023102
Fax: 27-21-4256977
Email: |
Sem Shikongo
Acting Deputy Director
Ministry of Environment & Tourism-DEA
Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: 061-249015
Fax: 061-240339
Email: |
Johan Malan
National Project Coordinator
Ministry of Environment & Tourism-DEA
Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: 061-249015
Fax: 240339
Email: |
Conrad Sparks
Senior Lecturer
Cape Technikon
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-4603766
Fax: 27-21-4603193
Email: |
Theresa Akkers
Assistant Director - Oceanographic
Marine & Coastal Management
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-4023150
Fax: 27-21-4217406
Email: |
Rob Cooper
Control & Oceanographic Technician
Marine & Coastal Management
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-4023165
Fax: 27-21-4217406
Rob Tarr
Deputy Director
Marine & Coastal Management
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-4023130
Fax: 27-21-4217406
Barry Clark
Anchor Environmental Consultants
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: 27-21-6853400
Fax: 27-21-6853400
Email: |
Ben van Zyl
Deputy Director
NatMirc, MFMR
Swakopmund, Namibia
Tel: 064-4101000
Fax: 064-404385
Email: |
Chris Bartholomae
Chief Scientist - Environment
NatMirc, MFMR
Swakopmund, Namibia
Tel: 064-4101111
Fax: 064-404385
Email: |
Titus Iilende
Chief Scientist - Mersal
NatMirc, MFMR
Swakopmund, Namibia
Tel: 064-4101000
Fax: 064-404385
Email: |
Catherine Kuske
Administrative Officer
Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: 061-246948
Fax: 061-246803
Email: |
Japhet Iitenge
Deputy Director - Oil Pollution
Ministry of Works, Transport & Comm.
Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: 061-2088111
Fax: 061-240024
Email: |

See list of Annexes
